How weapons should have been done

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rukh.9287


A-net did something pretty good with weapons in how each weapon has its own unique set of abilities, but I think a few other things things, they didn’t really utilize that to the full potential they could have. Here is what they should have done.

They should have made each weapon have a set of attacks that was the same no matter what class was using it. Now hold up, I know what you’re thinking so let me head you off. You’re thinking “Thats a terrible idea! Way to kill class uniqueness!” And I agree that right off, if that was the only thing they did, it would in deed do that, but hear me out.

First of all, classes have two things that make them unique. One is simply the items they can use. You’ll never see a thief with a two-handed sword. That already makes them somewhat unique. Two handed swords will always be sweeping attacks, one handed swords will always be quick strikes. Daggers will always be agile attacks, etc.

Second is the skill slots. If you’re making unique things for each class, that’s what these slots are for. You can add more things in here that are conditional per weapon too since weapons themselves do the same. Make abilities here that you’ll be using as much as your weapon abilities. You can add things like cloak and dagger as a skill slot skill. So in the end, you still have a ton of variation on skills per class.

Ok, so what is the benefit of this?

Uniqueness in weapons. Imagine if a sword had the same skills no matter the class as long as they could use it. What could they do with this? Well a big thing is magic weapons could actually have magic abilities. For instance, if you find a magic flaming sword deep in some dungeon, it could have a unique ability where instead of slot 3 being the standard sword ability, it is changed to a fire slash ability.

Suddenly weapons aren’t just a stat stick. it’s not just valuable because it has stats+1, it is actually unique and different than other weapons. This would be a huge opportunity for developers to get creative too, because no longer is a sword a sword a sword necessarily. A rapier might have a slot or two switched from a longsword. Instead of the third ability being, for instance flurry, now it could be parry. If instead you’re using a cutlass, it might be wild swing. And then the other two abilities are the same sword abilities.

Furthermore you can add weapons that push the boundaries of strict weapon types. You might find a pike that has the axe slot one and two but a spear slot for 3 for instance, or a flail that has hammer slots but also slots that do other things.

If they had done weapons this way, it would be almost endless the variety of weapons they could add to the game, and easily too! Whips, spears, nunchuks, ninja-to, throwing stars, you name it.

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeSako.6082


They can still make weapons with special abilities on them, without changing the current system.
What stops them from making a sword, in the current weapon system, where for example the number three skill for a warrior has a flaming swipe instead of the current cut legs skill? What they have to do though is to make 8 different new number 3 skills for that sword, one for each class..

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


I agree with MeSako. They can make Rukh’s suggested changes without taking away from class diversity.

They could add elemental weapons that have different skills from the regular version. I expect them to add different weapon types (and thus different weapon skills) as time goes on (and expansions are released). So that a Fiery Dragon Sword and an Icy Dragon Sword would have different skills from a regular sword. I like this idea.

I’d really like to see Scythes and Spears (on land) again. Hopefully we won’t have to wait two years for the Elonian expansion to give us those.

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rukh.9287


I was going to address that actually but I forgot. They COULD but it would be harder to balance when you have to take a different ability off each class to give it.

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeSako.6082


And then again.. why replace skills?
Why not simply do this, as exampled above; the Fiery Dragon Sword, all it’s attacks are the same as the ordinary sword, but all attacks now also causes burn. and the Icy Dragon Sword causes freeze or chill..

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


Keep in mind that Fiery Dragon Swords are available free at the GW2 EotN for those that have unlocked them. That transmute changes the skin and description. Those items are supposed to be cosmetic only, but this would change that.

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


I am fully against this. The current system is wonderful, as it means every single class and every single weapon set has a different outcome and that creates a massive amount of uniqueness. As long as you like the general premise of some race, you will find some weapon that you like.

And besides, they can and probably will add new weapons with new skill sets in the future.

And as was pointed out, there’s nothing preventing them from putting in weapons of the old types, e.g. greatsword, that have additional effects such as turning the F1 skill into a character-centric burning aoe. Or something.

Heck, just take a look at Sigils. Those are already adding unique stuff to your attacks. Same principle?