I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

I know, this is standard for a mmorpg. You have free look and when you hold Mouse 2 (or whatever button you fancy) you can turn your character.

Please make a toggle in game options where you can reverse this; so if you want to free look, you have to hold Mouse 2.

Not a complaint, merely a suggestion. Keep up the good work!

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I notice while kiting in a circle and using your mouse to guide your camera that you autotarget mobs if your camera happens to pass over them. So kiting 2 or 3 mobs can turn into a group of mobs if you use your mouse to guide you. Because everytime you go to turn and follow the circle you start hurling ranged attacks and whatever else is in the area.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

I think you can adjust that in options.. There are quite a bit of targeting options. I myself have it set up like you described, can be trouble sometimes when you invite a high level creature in to your fight but makes switching to another target more easy. Although still not perfect.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

OP I know your pain (literally, as my wrist hurt after a long session of GW2). Until ANet gives us an option to set up a control system worty of this action MMO (like gamepad support or at least the ability to toggle mouseturn), you can use Autohotkey. I’m using a script that makes my mouse middle button act as a right button toggle. Tried to put the toggle on the right mouse button directly, but that broke the context menus.

One – Piken Square

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: dogwhisper.6045


i would enjoy a gamepad support, altho it may not have as many functions as it will on keyboard and mouse, but the feeling of fluid movement on an xbox 360 gamepad is most enjoyable

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leofric Eriksson.8741

Leofric Eriksson.8741

Agreeing with the OP, a mouse look UNTILL you hold the right mouse button would be cool, also, having a crosshair in the centre of the screen when in this mode and having mouse cursor always reverting to the centre when we pop back into cursor mode would be useful.

“No plan survives contact with the enemy” – Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crake.1532


Fully agree with Leofric (and OP)!

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

Agreeing with the OP, a mouse look UNTILL you hold the right mouse button would be cool, also, having a crosshair in the centre of the screen when in this mode and having mouse cursor always reverting to the centre when we pop back into cursor mode would be useful.

You know, a cross hair would be cool to have. I use manual targeting (or whatever the game calls it) so I can hit things while looking at them, even ranged. Needless to say, aiming like this is not perfect.

I thought this game HAD controller support, would make a lot of sense, since it plays (especially with manual aim) like an 3th person action game, Devil may cry style.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Yeah. I could use that.

Also, disable activation by right click, as I keep clicking things and it gets rather annoying.

No exceptions!

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vim.7318


lol my #2 mouse button just died and am stuck using my wireless mouse, which isn’t ideal for gaming.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yagu.7134


I completely support this idea. They could also make it that normally cursor wil not be visible and you turn with mouse and when you click once cursor shows again. Click again and it dissapears. Because holding to move cursor poses same problems as holding it to move around.