I dislike skill queuing

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Purie.9046


There’s alot I like about the patch and thanks also for custom arenas and nice title. I don’t agree with some changes but there has to be reasons to them right?

But… IF you implement something like skill queing there should be option to enable/disable. Can you please please remove it like you removed spectating because this is making the game unplayable due to random evades/skills.

Example. I get stunned. I spam evade to negate follow-up damage when I get out of stun. Something random happens and I don’t need to evade but evade was qued up already so the evade happens anyway. Same happens with skills and its freaking annoying on some classes.

Some people may like skill queing but there HAS TO BE AN OPTION FOR IT!!! (ENABLE/DISABLE).

Chieftain Ninjas – Purie – EU

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: reedju.5786


I have yet to get in game, but especially for PvP something like this needs to be toggle. I very much dislike skill Qing and have no desire to use it at this point in the game.

Black Avarice

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miaz.8521


/agree it’s annoying for who like to spam the keyboard like a boss.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Now now, my dear. You’re being overly dramatic.

The game was destroyed a while ago.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: rveeeeee.3798


qVery true, spamming is pretty much mandatory in PVP so the toggle is definitely needed.

Uber Noob of GW2, for now…

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jasher.6580


A toggle is needed, like yesterday. This will singlehandedly break PvP for me.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


i left the game for a few weeks, just watched sotg and read patch notes so was planning on getting back into it, but if this is true i’ll wait for next month!

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: reedju.5786


In game and I haven’t noticed any combat issues due to this.

Black Avarice

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: CutePicsHunter.7430



HoT is just a cash grab.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vuh.1328


skill queue is cancer

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Wtf….I knew something was off today when I was playing, but wasn’t sure what it was…Now i know why..

Why is this not able to be disabled?

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Geikamir.6329


Thieves have had to deal with skill queue-ing since launch.

Toons: Foreseer, Geikamir, Rapscallion, Specimen, Scythian, Zeau, Ärtifact, and Replica.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lopez.7369


I honestly don’t know why evade would have a queue to begin with. Skill queueing is fine, but the whole point of evade is to be reactionary.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Purie.9046


I honestly don’t know why evade would have a queue to begin with. Skill queueing is fine, but the whole point of evade is to be reactionary.

so are multiple skills and if the timing is off in fast paced PvP action you’re gonna pay for it.

Chieftain Ninjas – Purie – EU

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MaXi.3642


that new skill queue in SPvP is terrible o.O

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: garethh.3518


Neverwinter took like a few of GW2’s ideas (dodge rolling/downed state).
Which is kind of comical, because they actually did them extremely well and have a much more well made game 3 days into its open beta…

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kerishan.8460


Thieves have this since launch.


Do you really have this issue with skills and not only with evade? Because i played today with other classes and nothing is wrong with my skill.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: produde.8092


I thought this was just some random thread about some random stuff as usual but this skillque is probably the worst thing since 8 team tournaments. It feels like I have not full control over my own character and its just awful. Plz let me deactivate this “skillque”.


I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: wllalele.9427


We will have to wait at least one month to fix this because devs dont want drastic changes.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


lol I wondered why now when I respawn sometimes i randomly dodge lol. I guess its because the game remembers I tried to dodge just as I died? Or what? idk, very wierd though lol.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


I’ve gotten used to the regular skill queue but the dodge being added to the queue is quite annoying, rolling immediately after an immob you dodged too late(just one example) can really screw you, I even dodged instantly after spawning wtf xD.

Forever unranked.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: xehn.3420


dodge queueing needs to go.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shar.3402


this is the worst thing ever, seriously.

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darek.1836


If you guys think skill queue is bad you should try playing on my connection with constant 200ms pings and spikes of 500ms pings that last about 10s.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kylex.5962


/agree it’s annoying for who like to spam the keyboard like a boss.

don’t even have to spam keyboard to notice it. slight milliseconds on dodging a Mesmer shatter. if his immob hits u, you get shattered in the face then dodge when immob expires.

just to confirm – this only happens if you dodge as you get immob.

Wannabe Thief – Chieftain Ninjas

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: xehn.3420


/agree it’s annoying for who like to spam the keyboard like a boss.

don’t even have to spam keyboard to notice it. slight milliseconds on dodging a Mesmer shatter. if his immob hits u, you get shattered in the face then dodge when immob expires.

just to confirm – this only happens if you dodge as you get immob.

yep, this exact situation happened to me. Got immob shattered, tried to heal right after but the heal got cancelled by a dodge I did like 5s ago.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shar.3402


/agree it’s annoying for who like to spam the keyboard like a boss.

don’t even have to spam keyboard to notice it. slight milliseconds on dodging a Mesmer shatter. if his immob hits u, you get shattered in the face then dodge when immob expires.

just to confirm – this only happens if you dodge as you get immob.

it actually also happens if you’re swimming on the surface and press dodge, as soon as you get out of water you char dodges, lol.

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batmang.5421



I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510



I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bazeleel.8219


Please arena net make this a option to turn off and on!

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


I knew something wasn’t right! This explains it!

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Takato.4976


Iv’e been dodging randomly out of immobilizes and or even randomly dodging mid fight for no reason ( I don’t use tap to jump, so the only way is to press the button at the time I wish to dodge. )

And this “dodge queuing” is ridiculous.

There’s 0 reason to have it and even if its something that some how does require to stay, at least it requires a toggle.

This and right click targetting are mind numbing.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wizzlock.3492


It’s still in the game? And I thought I was laggy like hell. Guess not.
Ok, one more day-chance for PvP. If Anest still “knows better” what is good for me, I’m gonna search my luck elsewhere. It’s hard already to play with someone while all my friends left PvP for good after daily change (most of them didn’t even notice evade queuing :P )

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786



Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Dodge queue out plz thx.

/Baby Charr

Snow Crows [SC]

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mighty Favazz.1546

Mighty Favazz.1546

Yep. Thanks for this. Incredibly frustrating.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Oh, so thats why I cant control my char the way I want anymore. Amazing!

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Harrier.9380


It needs to go. Like a week ago.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Neverwinter took like a few of GW2’s ideas (dodge rolling/downed state).
Which is kind of comical, because they actually did them extremely well and have a much more well made game 3 days into its open beta…

It’s called innovation. They what Arenanet made and made it better that is the benefit of being released a year later.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Away with this horribru thing!
I hate hate hate hate skill queue it’s stupid, if i want queues i’d play wow and use macros all day long >_<

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoose.1640


I agree with this. I want to stop dying to confusion from skill/dodge queue -____-

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: stale.9785


dodge should interrupt any other action – although using a different skill should interrupt whatever skill is in use as well.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoose.1640


For great justice. Please look at this Anet devs!