I lack real 25 raids in gw2
I disagree with you that this is helpfull.
The strong power of GW2 (and Arenanet) is that they try to not be just another copy of allready existing games. This has allready challenged those existing games to change their strategy in the past.
I do believe that PVE can have more and better challenges then they allready have and I do believe that guilds aren’t as important in GW2 and could get some more love.
Arenanet is also trying to change those things. A good example is the addition of guildmissions. Of the games you added I only played Lotro, but the guildchallenge is very simular to what raids are in there.
Another example is the addition of the gauntlet in the queens jubilee. That was challenging PVE content. Tequatl is another example where Anet tries to challenge the hardcore PVE-players and is often called a raid boss.
So Yes I agree that there is a need for more challenging content and more guild content. But I disagree to copy something old fashioned as raids. They are working on it and they are testing new content. Things that will please many of us and in a surprising way. Be patient
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
lotro (due to the fact that servers are largerly abandoned and desolated) is not a good example for this, learn other games to have a good background. For instance try WoW, by far the best MMO ever by overall world subscribers.
“try to not be just another copy of allready existing games” – that’s a joke? Every MMO is about fantasy world with PvE, and PvP, raids and instances, events and guilds. If you design a car try to not forget that it should have 4 wheels, engine, transmission, headlight, dvd radio with gps, etc … (oh, forgot steering wheel!) lol
(edited by Montezuma.1436)
Montezuma.1436"Having extensive experience of quite a number of MMOs (including Lineage, Aion, Lotro, SWTOR, WoW) i would say that gw2 must have weekly raids for 25 and weekly instanced bosses. I don’t know why this was not done before. With exclusive drops of armors and weapons as incentives.
a) significantly improve gamers personal PVE challenges,
b) bring more socializing into gameplay,
c) change guilds agenda and strengthen guilds role in gw2
raids for 25 and weekly instanced bosses."
I say NO to instanced bosses and raids. The “Tequatl Rising” content update does provide this kind for content. But there are problems with it that will be addressed (scaling, AFK players, players waiting from no timer).
All world bosses will be updated to provide raid like content for anyone.
Hopefully Anet will rework Orr temples to make opening them like raid content.
On B and C) instanced does not provide content that strengthen guilds role on the server. Because other players can’t see how great your guild is.
Onshidesigns.1069, the Tequatl event has two major flaws:
1) it’s an open world event and you face hordes of slacking pugs not allowing teamed players to enter the same instance. And there is no solution for that. Even overflows are heavily queued.
2) the renumeration for very hard and very coordinated teamwork, which is necessary to kill the Teq, is not worth it.
I think that in the current state Teq event is devs fail.
Onshidesigns.1069, the Tequatl event has two major flaws:
1) it’s an open world event and you face hordes of slacking pugs not allowing teamed players to enter the same instance. And there is no solution for that. Even overflows are heavily queued.
2) the renumeration for very hard and very coordinated teamwork, which is necessary to kill the Teq, is not worth it.
I think that in the current state Teq event is devs fail.
I would rather have raid open world. If you want to be mostly your guild? You have to search for a good server to guest on.
You also have Southsun. It seems like it was designed for guilds.
There are no problems with Teq that will not be fixed.
Onshidesigns.1069, I am in one of the biggest guilds of the most popular European server.
+Exosferatu.2961, ofc guys there are many nice features in gw2, like those guild missions, or the fact that gw2 is like 3 separate games in one – PvE, PvP, and WvW.
This topic is how to possibly improve the 1st one. And its normal that opinions differ. In Lotro, for instance, I found number of guys who don’l like playing in densely populated worlds like WoW and prefer desolation. And its OK for them. I, like thousands others, went away because of that.
(edited by Montezuma.1436)
so many words on a simple matter? Of course raids will never be introduced, because no gear treadmill system was designed specifically to compensate the lack of raids. You can’t have the both. Either raids, or no gear treadmill.
oh yeah don’t even point out ascended, to avoid it being put in a raiding type gear treadmill they gave you many options and currency to buy into them and now you can craft them.
Gummy.4278 sweet revenge?
I agree with your point, that renumeration for outstanding efforts should be also outstanding. If you can craft end game gear in 10 days like I did, so no one will spend months in raids.
But what is more interesting to me is to use lfr system for a raid, its gonna be much fun for me.
No fun with Teq, when boss is scaled to 80, some 100 slacking nubs lying dead and waiting for rez or for the end of event to receive their silver and karma .
sweet revenge?
I agree with your point, that renumeration for outstanding efforts should be also outstanding. If you can craft end game gear in 10 days like I did, so no one will spend months in raids.
But what is more interesting to me is to use lfr system for a raid, its gonna be much fun for me.
No fun with Teq, when boss is scaled to 80, some 100 slacking nubs lying dead and waiting for rez or for the end of event to receive their silver and karma .
lol yeah!
since there is no ascended or legendary armor, this might make for your point to have a strong push for it to go in that direction.
Onshidesigns.1069, I am in one of the biggest guilds of the most popular European server.
A good server for a large guild to guest in. A low populated one.
This isn’t WoW.
This isn’t WoW.
Got that right!….now whats wrong with Usurping them? Why can’t Anet 1up Wow and make something that has traditional value while introducing there own style and flare to it?
You know very well that Anet is very well capable of putting a different spin on anything they want to try and introduce. And it just might be this nod to that, that we do not see that they have already done so.
5men instances are not even close to 25men raids by many features. It is known that, for example, WoW devs consider 25 raids as a core feature of their highly successful gameworld. There are solid reasons for that.
Could be, but WoW is an entirely different kind of game from GW2. Therefore the core feature of WoW has no relevance to GW2.
first lets look at your goals.
a) if you want to improve your game play(i interpenetrate that as someone that want a higher amount of skill to matter) that is impossible to do yet for any game(anything that follow a patter and dont improve in any way will not require skill to bet but it will take mastering the encounter to win)
b) there is plenty of socializing in the game if your guild dont have it then that is another matter and that is none other then the people of your guild and your fault.
c) from what i have seen in the live streams so far is that they are working on stuff to improve things for guilds but they want it to be more then just the normal things for it.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
“try to not be just another copy of allready existing games” – that’s a joke? Every MMO is about fantasy world with PvE, and PvP, raids and instances, events and guilds.
You’re wrong on several points here. An MMO is not per default a fantasy world. For example: Defiance, SWTOR, EVE etc. are Sci-fi games. There’s also nothing that says a game doesn’t qualify as an MMO just because it lacks either PvE or PvP. PlanetSide 2 is an MMOFPS which, to my knowledge, only consists of a world PvP mode. An MMO doesn’t have to have either instances or raids to be classified as an MMO. GW2 and GW lack raids, RuneScape didn’t have instances in its early age, some sandbox MMOs don’t have instancing at all, etc. An MMO doesn’t have to have guilds either. For the longest time, there wasn’t an in-game system for guilds/clans in RuneScape (not saying that it didn’t need it).
Please realise that an MMO is a concept much wider than WoW. They’ve existed in many forms both before and after WoW, and there’s nothing wrong with an MMO being different from the norm WoW created amongst theme-park MMORPGs.
Does GW2 really need raids? Nah, I don’t think so. I’ve never actively played an MMO that actually had raids tbh. And I’ve never felt the need for them. But would a raid be better than hardcore bossfights in the open world? Maybe. But I believe it would be better if we waited for ArenaNet to fix problems with the systems already in place that make organizing harder (like the overflow and guesting systems), and hope they give players better tools to organize while in-game (better commander/squad system and maybe even in-game voice chat for squads?) rather than put out a new game mode which takes away focus from the open world. Fixing those things might actually make the Tequatl fight playable.
The introduction of Raiding in the “Classical” instanced sense is something that will probably not happen ever. (Or at least anytime soon) Why? Well some in the development team believe that it will split the community, which I think is absurd. I think Guildwars 2 will now and forever be stuck in 5-man dungeons and Zerging down world-bosses. It’s not something I could see them supporting anytime soon, besides the ignorant in the community will just tell you to go play WoW.
This isn’t WoW.
Got that right!….now whats wrong with Usurping them? Why can’t Anet 1up Wow and make something that has traditional value while introducing there own style and flare to it?
You know very well that Anet is very well capable of putting a different spin on anything they want to try and introduce. And it just might be this nod to that, that we do not see that they have already done so.
Because Tequalt fight proves that Anet can’t do it.
Tequalt is boring. It is purely a dps race with hundreds of people.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Have fun trying to implement raids that:
- Do not drop statistically superior gear (e.g. ascended or beyond)
- Are difficult
- Are actually done by players on a regular basis
Considering how reward hungry the playerbase here is, I don’t see how it could work at all.
I wouldn’t mind if Tequatl was instanced and stays for 80 people.That way different guilds can group together and to go down it.
For instance my guild has between 50 and 60 online at the same time.From those at least 40 come to Guild missions.The same will be for instanced Tequatl.So we will be missing another 40 people.
We can group with another 2 guilds which can bring another 40 people and we can go to the Tequatls Raid instance.I think it will be better this way than what we have right now.
Open world is filled with random factors.Afkers,slackers,Newbies and is not organised at all.Also Overflows are breaking the guild.Some people are on the main server,10 other people are in Overflow one,Five other people are in Overflow two,3 other people are in overflow three.The whole guild can’t be in the same zone if they don’t just sit there and wait.
If some boss fights have mechanics which can’t be zerged then the whole boss should be put in instance.
Fight like Tequatl are with a very specific structure and mechanics.They should be put in instances and guilds should make alliances to down them.Those alliances should be rewarded.’
Raids have very strict structures.Everyone have to do their role.If more than one are slacking the raid will wipe.This is what happens right now with Tequatl.
(edited by moiraine.2753)
Onshidesigns.1069, I am in one of the biggest guilds of the most popular European server.
A good server for a large guild to guest in. A low populated one.
Highest populated one -> find empty overflow -> quickly fill it -> twiddle thumbs for an hour until it spawns.
Making these ‘raid’ type events they want to include in gw2 instanced would be a QoL improvement for everybody including making a 15 minute kill not take over an hour to do. Randoms would still form the teq tickling guilds they have currently and run it anyway.
Have fun trying to implement raids that:
- Do not drop statistically superior gear (e.g. ascended or beyond)
- Are difficult
- Are actually done by players on a regular basis
Considering how reward hungry the playerbase here is, I don’t see how it could work at all.
Tequatl already is a raid and it drops ascended loot. It’s just an open world raid target.
Tequatl already is a raid and it drops ascended loot. It’s just an open world raid target.
And look at it. People are already moving on from Tequatl and there were people from the very beginning complaining that the rewards were “subpar”. Heck, there were even some individuals who were asking for guaranteed ascended items for successfully killing Tequatl.
So how far do they have to push the rewards until it’s “up to par”? A rare chance for Ascended with guaranteed champion boxes? A rare chance for Ascended with guaranteed exotics? Common ascended drops with guaranteed exotics? Guaranteed ascended? Because let’s be honest, by the time the rewards are “up to par”, they will also be superior to other sources of acquiring whatever the rewards are.
And the best source for the best gear in the game being a raid is bullkitten. That disrespects just about everything else in the game.
Onshidesigns.1069, the Tequatl event has two major flaws:
1) it’s an open world event and you face hordes of slacking pugs not allowing teamed players to enter the same instance. And there is no solution for that. Even overflows are heavily queued.
2) the renumeration for very hard and very coordinated teamwork, which is necessary to kill the Teq, is not worth it.
I think that in the current state Teq event is devs fail.
You are missing an INCREDIBLE point…
So the ONLY thing that is missing using WoW as an example is actually the 25man raids, which honestly is TOO BIG for GW2
Guild Leader – Wolf Pack Samurai
Owner and admin, The Guild-Hall2.net
this topic is about end-game. When you have >1k g, legendaries and ascended why do you run more 5man instances? What for?
Lots are moving to WvW. Some quit.
End-game PvE should be more challenging and rewarding.
this topic is about end-game. When you have >1k g, legendaries and ascended why do you run more 5man instances? What for?
Lots are moving to WvW. Some quit.
End-game PvE should be more challenging and rewarding.
Legendary: 3-4 months of gameplay. most classes can wield atleast 4 weapons, you got 5 characterslots on default, so you can currently grind 3 months * 4 weapons * 5 characters = 60 months = 5 years of gameplay.
Many people are against raids, and the forum is full off reports from people who actually left WoW because of the raid gear grind WoW involved. Besides that I decided to not play the TP or grind the same boring dungeon over but take my time. The result is a lot more fun and bout 12 months needed to gather enough resources for my legendary.
On top of that, the living story is also ment to be end game. You can say that it has lacked difficulty in the past but with tequatl, the new TA path and the queens gauntlet thats not a valid argument either.
So If your goal with raids is to add pointless and endkitten ring geargrinds I say no no no no no never ever no. Anet is trying to please all but in different ways, give them time and if you dislike the result go to a game that pleases you.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Tequatl already is a raid and it drops ascended loot. It’s just an open world raid target.
And look at it. People are already moving on from Tequatl and there were people from the very beginning complaining that the rewards were “subpar”. Heck, there were even some individuals who were asking for guaranteed ascended items for successfully killing Tequatl.
So how far do they have to push the rewards until it’s “up to par”? A rare chance for Ascended with guaranteed champion boxes? A rare chance for Ascended with guaranteed exotics? Common ascended drops with guaranteed exotics? Guaranteed ascended? Because let’s be honest, by the time the rewards are “up to par”, they will also be superior to other sources of acquiring whatever the rewards are.
And the best source for the best gear in the game being a raid is bullkitten. That disrespects just about everything else in the game.
Everything else in the game gives ascended weapons too. There were plenty of day 1 ascended weapon chests popping up in my chat window that didn’t involve tequatl.
They wouldn’t need to raise the odds on drops if it was a guild run because players don’t have to sit there and see 2 randoms get it every single time, instead somebody actually in their guild would get it (of course the loot system for gw2 still makes it a pretty decent chance that whoever gets a weapon chest doesn’t use the stat set they get at all and can’t do anything about it). Teq is still run enough that the teq guilds all run on multiple overflows.