I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


3 easy, implementable changes that MUST be made to keep this game alive 3 months from now:

More Dungeon Rewards

3 hours, and 10 silver in repairs should be rewarded for 3 hours and 10 silvers in repairs. if not, why should I spend 3 hours and 10 silver?

Lower the Waypoint Cost

Whether it’s free Waypoint to completed zones, or to lower leveled zones, the current system is just a gold sink that limits the freedom and funtime of the player.

Party Finder

They already have the system in place to meet buyer with seller on the Trade Post. Why not put “Looking For Group” with “Looking For More”?
This is going to be a lot more important as servers start to lose population, which I think is already happening.
In fact, if they have this in place, we would be able to implement mutually supporting classes, AKA teamwork -> team building -> team spirit -> living community -> a reason to keep playing.

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cal.1985


I. No offense but, get better party and l2p. I did 3 runs in ~90 minutes died twice (like completly dead). Got 3×26silver 3 yellows which resulted in 4 orbs of ecto and tons of green/blue items. So i made at least 2gold. Please tell me which dungeon and path takes 3 hours?!

II. No it is cheap. You are just poor

III. Don`t care I always run with guldies.

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


Thanks cal, that was helpful.

Enjoy playing a ghost server in 3 months.

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


agree on waypoint cost. its like i have to use the closest vendor every time because of it. one waypoint travel over 3 silver?? there is not much room for exploring then its like you have to benefit from the area and gain back what the waypoint costed before you can move on.
that’s NOT how it should be. i don’t mind it cost something but really so much?

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cal.1985


Saying nothing in your post is pointless. I asked specific question:

Which dungeon took 3 hours and which path please do tell.

Don`t post misleading information. The highest waypoint cost is from cursed shores to soundforge gorge and its less then 5 silver 4 and something. Porting around the same map is silver and some change. From lion`s to cursed is 3 something silver. I hate when people post incorrect information and whine about it.

Pro tip: you can port to lion`s for free.

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.2691


I. I feel the dungeons could be a little more rewarding. Maybe not more gear or gold but perhaps a social set of clothing or something.

II. Waypoints are a little expensive at times. My biggest problem is going to lower level areas. I feel that if you are downleveled you should pay that price while using waypoints in that map.

III. I DO NOT want a party finder. I would like a lobby or section in Lion’s Arch that has a gate to each of the dungeons. That would make an area that people can gather to find groups easier.

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I. I feel the dungeons could be a little more rewarding. Maybe not more gear or gold but perhaps a social set of clothing or something.

II. Waypoints are a little expensive at times. My biggest problem is going to lower level areas. I feel that if you are downleveled you should pay that price while using waypoints in that map.

III. I DO NOT want a party finder. I would like a lobby or section in Lion’s Arch that has a gate to each of the dungeons. That would make an area that people can gather to find groups easier.

I like the dungeon lobby idea. Very snazzy

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

If you can’t afford waypoints, you must not know how to make/manage money.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ageia.5843


No offense intended to the OP, but you might want to take a look at the server lists before stating your number 3. I started playing a week ago and there were about three servers “full” . Half of the rest were “high” and the other half was medium. Today, when I look at the server list most are full, some are high and only two are medium. That sounds like the game is getting busier not slower.

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“If you can’t afford waypoints, you must not know how to make/manage money.”

It’s not a matter of weither or not I can afford the waypoint, but as to weither or not it limits the player’s fun since he finds an alternate way to get there.

And before you say “But I can GRIND the money back right after I zone!!!11!!!!oneoneone”, please remember I said it limits the fun and not it’s impossible to make it back. It also puts a barrier on people wanting to move (which is why Orr is so full while FGS is not)

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


II. No it is cheap. You are just poor
III. Don`t care I always run with guldies.

II. You are just a spoiled kid with no respect for other.
III.Your parents/brothers/relatives/schoolmates might be actually playing the game for you while you are watching Family Guy on a 47" LED TV stuffing up your belly with cheeseburgers and sodas.

and now on Official Post.
I agree with all the remarks.
You say in 3 month there will be ghost servers.
I say, in less then a year, if the social interaction in this game between strangers wont be seen as a big issue that needs to be fixed, the “mercenary pack” from GW1 will find its way into the cash shop. Cheer’s!

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


I sense we have some Republicans in the house.
“Healthcare’s not expensive, you’re just poor”.

No, seriously guys. I really, really, really want this game to do well. I loved the first GW and the open world, Trade Post and Dynamic Event system have been AWESOME additions. Not to mention the “active” combat system with dodges, kiting etc.

I understand that ANet is trying to make a few extra bucks from their gem store by building in these gold sinks and dramatically limiting the cash value of rewards from Dungeons.

But they’ve overdone it, and it’s just too obvious they’re trying to screw us for money. Unlike in real life where we have to live in a system that doesn’t let the little guy succeed, in an MMO, we can just stop playing.

Server pop will keep up till most players have reached Level 80 on their first character. I guesstimate the average level to be around 40-50 at this point, so we’re not too far away.

I love Guild Wars. 3 things that need to change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


I do like the idea of a Dungeon Lobby.
But what if the dungeon is contested? Perhaps a Fee of Money or Trophy? Maybe a new Cash Shop item? Go ANet Go!

Back on topic.
Way Pointing is cheap. I’ve never had an issue ever. Are you new to MMO’s? Learn to budget a little. Sometimes Waypointing isnt even necessary. Don’t be lazy. I do like the idea of waypointing to completed maps for free though. That’d be very neat.

I don’t agree on that. The Trophies and drops from a dungeon are already so nice. I do however suggest that they give someway to get the Dungeon Trophies while in the dungeon, before the final reward. It really sucks reaching that last OP boss, and figuring out your party sucks and cant do it, even after 2 hours of trying to figure it out. I’d like a way to make even 5-10 tokens before it.

Party Finder? -What Map chat, and multiple guilds isnt enough for you?
That Dungeon Lobby is a great idea though. I love it.