I really really want refundable trait points

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jatacid.3725



  • Trait points right now are kiiinda easy to retrait. 2 gold and you can still adjust a lot of your functionality.
  • Provides a decent gold sink to the economy.
  • Traits can be freely refunded in pvp.


  • Arbitrary cost of gold which provides nothing to the gameplay experience.
  • 2 gold is significant bit of money – especially for newer players.
  • PREVENTS CREATIVITY – You rely on other build guides with far less customization since 2g is too much to ‘try 5 points here instead’


  • Provide dropped trait-refunds as a rare drop in chests or from champions etc?
  • Reduce the price of trait-resets ?
  • Give freely-refundable traits (like in pvp)?

What this achieves:

  • Easier respecs allows more experimentation. You can tweak and customize it to your play style.
  • More build diversity, creativity, customization based on what items and skills you choose.
  • Less rule-book following.

I think GW2 has done a lot of things to move this game into ‘modern’ times by removing a lot of time sinks and restrictions. But this is a one more that I would really like to see change. It would potentially remove a significant gold sink from the economy, but the benefits of more playstyles and customization would outweigh that I think.

Would you like cheaper trait-respecs? Or do you feel that the 2 gold is a valuable wall?

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: wKmike.6318


I’m confused here… Isn’t it just two silver to re-spec your traits?

It’s two gold to buy the book that allows you to upgrade all the way. You only need to do it your first time.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: PvM Chaos.5984

PvM Chaos.5984

Nothing to see here folks.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warzaw.2708


Wait, it may be my mind being tired from lack of sleep, or me mis-reading what you’re saying, but if I’m correct, you’re asking about re-traiting.

I think the 2G you’re talking about is for the book to get the extra trait points, which is at level 50, and you should have earned a fair amount of gold by then.

I’m only paying 3s 15c to re-trait myself whenever I do.

Vicodium – Ranger (IX) Coldsnap

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


Test builds in SPVP. The Heart of the Mists is set up for testing almost every aspect of a build.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


You don’t need to buy a brand-new 2gp Grandmaster’s Manual every time.

When you go to the Trainer, his second option when you talk to him is “I’d like to retrain my traits”. It only costs 3 silver and 50 coppers at 80th level.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: wKmike.6318


Welcome to a whole new world of re-speccing your traits

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Matipzieu KyA.9613

Matipzieu KyA.9613

Good news! As mentioned above, you can just talk to your class trainer and select “I’d like to retrain my points.” This will cost about 3s50c at level 80. Have a nice night!

Matixvieu (et al) | Blackgate – WvW, PvE
GM of [KyA] Established 2002

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Would you like cheaper trait-respecs? Or do you feel that the 2 gold is a valuable wall?

2g would’ve been too much, fortunately it’s only a few silver so there is no problem (with money). Now, saving/loading trait builds is another issue that they should really implement soon.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nike.2631


Thank goodness the actual cost is only about 1.5% of what the OP thought it was.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sobat.8650


OP’s mind just got blown!

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: KICKER.3874


I can`t express in words how hard I laughed when I read this. Especially since it`s written in such nice paragraphs and all.

Makes me pretty sad though that someone can write a coherent post like that and miss such basic understanding of things in game.

Not trying to be mean or anything.

No wonder we have 7-10k achieve points ppl in this game who have no clue about anything.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


I think I’m laughing harder at the idea of someone that has been spending 2g every single time they wanted to retrait because they were too lazy to read.

Poetic, really.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandeh.5248


Can’t tell if trolling or not. It’s sad either way:D

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


Probably not trolling… This is actually an easy mistake. Since you buy the books as you level it’s easy to assume there’s no other way to retrait. At least he knows now.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jatacid.3725


OMG. Mind.Blown.
How the NOPE(* did I not see this?

Lucky I’m jewish and have only purchased 2 manuals so far lol!

Seriously though. If it’s upgrading something permanently – why is there even a manual to buy!

Why isn’t just an NPC payable function? (like how you go to swap your crafting discipline)

At least I don’t feel like a complete idiot. Coherency on forums is important yo haha, makes you look like less of an idiot when you are an idiot xD

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaugh.7193


I think I’m laughing harder at the idea of someone that has been spending 2g every single time they wanted to retrait because they were too lazy to read.

Actually, you cant reset your traits with buying the same manual again, nothing happens when you click on it. And the manual can be sold on TP. So the net loss is just a few silvers for not reading the dialog. (talking from personal experience)

Im sorry if I killed your happy mood there buddy.

Guild leader of As Stars We Belong [STAR]
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


Seriously though. If it’s upgrading something permanently – why is there even a manual to buy!

Why isn’t just an NPC payable function? (like how you go to swap your crafting discipline)

I prefer the manuals to be honest. it means I can buy it whenever and carry it around, so when I hit the level it needs I can use it then, without having to run back to an npc.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: bob.5680


I think I’m laughing harder at the idea of someone that has been spending 2g every single time they wanted to retrait because they were too lazy to read.

Actually, you cant reset your traits with buying the same manual again, nothing happens when you click on it. And the manual can be sold on TP. So the net loss is just a few silvers for not reading the dialog. (talking from personal experience)

Im sorry if I killed your happy mood there buddy.

So, does this mean that if I double click on the grandmaster manual when I already have grandmaster traits available all it does is reset my traits and leave me with the manual? Just thought I’d confirm this prior to risking 2g in an experiment.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: aophts.9862


What?? You don’t need to buy the 2g manual!!

It’s only 3s.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


The manual allows you to retrait in the field (though you only need the cheapest one) .. I think, better test this :P

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


2 gold..what? it’s like a few silvers

No, you don’t have to buy any of the manuals to retrait. You talk to your proffesion trainer and you can chose to retrain.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jatacid.3725


I prefer the manuals to be honest. it means I can buy it whenever and carry it around, so when I hit the level it needs I can use it then, without having to run back to an npc.

Yeah valid argument. But then again, if you’re going to retrait it sometimes feels nice to be forced to go back into town and have a ‘break’ period in the gaming session. You can read builds, decide what path you’re going to take.

If anything, ‘Refunds’ should be allowed out on the field, rather than the manuals which give you access to so much more.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: kokiman.2364


OMG. Mind.Blown.
How the NOPE(* did I not see this?

Lucky I’m jewish and have only purchased 2 manuals so far lol!

Seriously though. If it’s upgrading something permanently – why is there even a manual to buy!

Why isn’t just an NPC payable function? (like how you go to swap your crafting discipline)

At least I don’t feel like a complete idiot. Coherency on forums is important yo haha, makes you look like less of an idiot when you are an idiot xD

Maybe you should read what the npc has to tell you once in a while.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


on the other hand, I wouldn’t mind paying a few gold for a trait template like the templates in gw1

Oceanic [LOD]

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: kokiman.2364


on the other hand, I wouldn’t mind paying a few gold for a trait template like the templates in gw1

Yeah I start to miss that feature.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

I really really want refundable trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cercie.1025


They shouldn’t give you the option to keep buying the book if it’s completely worthless after the first time. That would clear things up for a lot of people.