I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


As we all know, teleporting and ressing at waypoints in WvW is free unlike in PvE (unless you’re in a town). I have a habit of leaving or logging out when I die or fail in WvW, and I often forget to res before logging out. When I later log on, my character is still defeated but in the PvE world, and I have to pay a ressurection fee or wait for some random peep to res me. I shouldn’t have to do that since I died in WvW where ressing is free..

So my suggestion is: When I log on, I should be alive in the PvE world if I logged out from WvW regardless of whether I was alive when logging out or not. Atm it feels like you’re punishing me for forgetting.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Just… do.. 1 click before exit :-) Sorry.. i understand your problem but, we have a ton of issues before of this.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


Yeah well I keep doing it and I’ll probably end up losing a couple of gold totally because of it..

There’s alot of small things in the game like this that are annoying me and I’m sure other people as well. Sure, there are other more major issues with the game but fixing the little things are important too for a game’s longevity. I don’t see how this would be hard to implement either and it’s quite stupid the way it is atm imho, so it’s better if they take care of it now than later.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackhand.3654


If you lose gold by doing this then it is your own fault. Sorry, but there are other more important issues that need to be addressed. It sounds like you are just having a personal problem with remembering to res after dying, it is not a system issue or functionality issue. You are having a player issue, cannot be fixed by developers.

“Wizards First Rule: People are stupid;
given proper motivation, almost
anyone will believe almost anything.”

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


Stop rage quitting….problem solved.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Stop rage quitting….problem solved.

idk, it might be tough to resist the urge after being 2’d by a Thief to death.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


@Blackhand: I’m sure many others have done the same thing and thought to themselves “Man, that’s stupid.” I never said that there weren’t bigger issues in this game. I just find the system as it currently is stupid and unfair and had to point it out, not only since I personally have an issue with it. This issue can be fixed by developers. I’m sure others have made this mistake aswell and many will keep doing it. You disagree with me. That’s okay. Forums are for discussion, right? Just don’t facepalm or patronize me like that, because I should have the right to point things out in a forum and my post was serious. I wasn’t trolling one bit. If you think I’m stupid for pointing it out or that the issue is too minor to be worthy of your attention, then just don’t comment and this thread will die down.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beaster.4531


Remove all way points costs! No gold sinks! Super easy mode! Yay!


I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

Of all the things to complain about, someone went and made a thread because the game doesn’t cater to the fact that they rage quit in WvW? (That’s what I read between the lines, anyway.)

Okay then…

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


@Beaster: You clearly didn’t read what I had to say.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackhand.3654


I take responsibility for making my post about your OP as stupid, I apologize it sounds harsh. But the point that it’s purely a personal issue still stands. If you die in WvW, take the few secs to find the res point for free and then leave, preferably leave the WvW zone first so someone else can get in faster. This is in no way a failed or failing system, it is not automatically forcing you out of the game when you die, nor is it restricting you from ressing at the home WP. If either case before was true then yes I would agree that the system should be corrected, but since neither is the case, the system/function of ressing via WP is not a failed system. Just because you and other people are to lazy to click on a free WP for res, only taking 2-5 secs of your time, does NOT mean the system is broken. That just means you are to lazy, plain and simple. Also with regards to the last sentence of your OP “Atm it feels like you’re punishing me for forgetting.” If you forget to res and then later have to pay to res yourself when you could have done it for free, you are the one punishing yourself for forgetting, not Anet. Take responsibility for your own actions and choices.

“Wizards First Rule: People are stupid;
given proper motivation, almost
anyone will believe almost anything.”

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naminator.9316


I agree with others.

There are WAY more important issues to handle right now, and not “punishing” you because YOU forget to res yourself is not one of them.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


@Blackhand: Games are a lot more than just program code and systems. Games have to be designed in a way that makes it fun for instance, or nobody will play it. I never said that the system is malfunctioning. What I’m saying is that I think they designed it in a stupid way. I won’t quit the game because of it, but I do feel the way it’s implemented is unfair and impacts my enjoyment of the game somewhat in a negative way. Why would bugs and system malfunctioning be the only valid types of feedback? It should be in ArenaNet’s best interest to keep customers happy and how would they do that without listening to all types of feedback? Okay, nobody in this thread seems to think this is an issue to be taken seriously but at least I said what I felt I had to say and ArenaNet can do whatever they want with it.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

Larkir, you do realize that probably barely anyone engages in this behavior, right? And of the handful that do, probably most do not really care. This is really a non-issue for the player base as a whole, and I will be convinced of that until I see at least a few people actually agree with you.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


@Signet of Forums: Give me one good reason except “They should focus on other more important issues” or “This isn’t an issue for most people”, that I shouldn’t have given my feedback by starting this thread? I was only saying my opinion. To be honest, I don’t really care what other people in this thread think. They’re entitled to an opinion just as I am and people can disagree or agree however they want. I’m sure ArenaNet appreciates as much feedback as they can get and I don’t care if they miss or ignore this thread, but at least I said what I wanted and you said what you wanted (that it isn’t important enough), and that’s all that matters.

I shouldn't be punished for forgetting to res b4 logging out of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

@Signet of Forums: Give me one good reason except “They should focus on other more important issues” or “This isn’t an issue for most people”, that I shouldn’t have given my feedback by starting this thread? I was only saying my opinion. To be honest, I don’t really care what other people in this thread think. They’re entitled to an opinion just as I am and people can disagree or agree however they want. I’m sure ArenaNet appreciates as much feedback as they can get and I don’t care if they miss or ignore this thread, but at least I said what I wanted and you said what you wanted (that it isn’t important enough), and that’s all that matters.

As others have pointed out, it is an issue that is solely being created by your own actions. You want the game changed around your own easily fixable mistake instead of changing your mistake.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

(edited by Signet of Forums.4397)