I think... I think I need open world PvP...
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Legendary SoloQ
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
-_- not close enough.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Very nice and polite way to say it mate, I would’ve said:
we don’t need open world pvp crap in gw2, play WvW like a man or gtfo, or what you can’t take it when you can’t just gank and grief the people questing for pve purposes.
Dete ike, konoyaro, do aho.
yeah we don’t need that crap in our game, that is why we have WvW.
Open world PvP in PvE zones serves no purpose other than trolling. And it’s only fun for the trolls.
Open world PvP in PvE zones serves no purpose other than trolling. And it’s only fun for the trolls.
Yes, seen it, been there, is just a mess. I would not trust that the implementation would be even be good. Seen too many bad auto flagging systems ( which allegedly allowed for no auto flagging if one desired, but did no such thing and/or had easy exploits to circumvent it), that get players with no interest in pvp flagged while doing pve. Makes unecessary controversy and trolling and general chaos.
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
-_- not close enough.
yeah, you might actually run into people prepared to defend themselves, can’t have that happening
If this were a sandbox, I’d want to see good open-world faction warfare (player set-up bases and all). But in a game like this, open pvp/FW is annoying, and dueling is (Duelll meeee!’ing) flat out crud. Maybe take a look at wvwvw? I like it…
When I played Ultima Online, I could get attacked while defenseless and say, “That’s good gameplay,” because the possibility of it happening affected your playstyle, what content you did, and how you specialized your character.
In World of Warcraft, its just an annoyance that breaks immersion. If I’m ikittenone, I’m there because I have to be, because at my level, that is where you get level-appropriate quest. Most areas had the Alliance and Horde fighting a mutual enemy, and it made no sense for them to be ganking each other. Any area where they were supposed to be fighting, like Wintergrasp, auto-flags you.
I’m afraid GW2 is more like the latter than the former in gameplay style, and it would suffer the same way with world PvP.
In the words of Chi McBride – Oh Hell No!
RIP City of Heroes
I just dont get why we cant duel… that wouldnt hurt anyone…
I just dont get why we cant duel…
that wouldnt hurt anyone…
I vote on that, Duel should be an option.
if i wanted open world pvp (corp vs corp)
id be in EVE but im not soooo
…hell no
open world guild vs guild would be like what happens in eve…big guilds picking on small guilds till they escape to there alternate back up guild to escape the big bad
(edited by Morbious.5832)
Sounds like I’ve uttered blasphemy here today! I certainly don’t condone a system that would allow trolls to get their jollies by making everyone’s lives as miserable as possible. I’m just wondering about a system that would allow for optional PvP in the standard PvE environment.
Maybe such a system can’t be done well, or atleast hasn’t been done well in other MMOs to date.
(edited by Abomilath.1358)
I just dont get why we cant duel…
that wouldnt hurt anyone…
I vote on that, Duel should be an option.
GW2 and even GW1 focus on team based gameplay.
Which means classes are not made to duel or in other words,
classes are too imbalance for a duel.
Therefore they cant implement sucha gameplay.
But if anyone really wish to duel without considering the class imbalance,
they could hit an empty server in sPvp.
Just like duelling in GuildHalls for GW1.
“open world pvp” means ganking. Thats all.
So keep it out.
Go into WvWvW and play on equal footing.
Not sure the scaling system woudl really work, and it woudl allow ganking. You are much more powerful in low level zones when you are downleveled than normal players in them. It would be a gankfest.
WvWvW scales everyone up. Whereas PVE scales people down, but still leaves you more powerful
They should add a pvp dungeon like DaoC did with Darkness Falls.
I just dont get why we cant duel…
that wouldnt hurt anyone…
Definitely, organizing a duel takes way too much time in this game. I liked how it was in TERA, where you could just challenge anyone anywhere even on a PvE server.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Very nice and polite way to say it mate, I would’ve said:
we don’t need open world pvp crap in gw2, play WvW like a man or gtfo, or what you can’t take it when you can’t just gank and grief the people questing for pve purposes.Dete ike, konoyaro, do aho.
Open PvP would be optional & WvW is zerging & ganking, that aint manly. -sigh- Some people will just never understand, I’m guessing you’re one of the guys who rages when you can’t finish the JP in EB and moan about it but still try to complete it anyway?
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
-_- not close enough.
yeah, you might actually run into people prepared to defend themselves, can’t have that happening
Yeah, can’t have people guest into an open PvP area and not be on guard right?
You’d have to implement it on a PvP server, which doesn’t exist. It would be one more thing for Anet to fix bugs on, I’d rather have them working on the core game than add this sort of thing to the game for the small percentage of people who want it…and it is a small percentage.
In every game that offers it, people eventually end up moving to PVe servers, and don’t bother with PvP servers. There’ll be a couple of PvP servers but almost all of them will be Pve.
I don’t see why Anet should spent their resources. Once they make that server, it has to be maintained and then people will start complaining about specific issues…not a great idea.
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
-_- not close enough.
yeah, you might actually run into people prepared to defend themselves, can’t have that happening
Yeah, can’t have people guest into an open PvP area and not be on guard right?
I press B to flag myself for an open PVP area.
people who know what open world pvp is and played a real open world pvp mmorpg game (not the terrible ones which for them is just gank) already left
hence this wont be even possible, the current playerbase doesnt like it, may be like 10% which are around…still
I honestly miss that feeling. The feeling that at any moment you could be hunted. However, the pros outweigh the cons imo. Too much griefing occurs in those games that drives more casual players out.
No we just need open world duels,.
If they ever added something like this, then they need to make sure that people who did not flag themselves for PvP cannot be put into auto flagged for PvP because they joined a group with someone who is flagged, or someone flagged goes into your AOE, or you accidently clicked on them and did an attack, or purposely buffed them/healed them during an event.
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Very nice and polite way to say it mate, I would’ve said:
we don’t need open world pvp crap in gw2, play WvW like a man or gtfo, or what you can’t take it when you can’t just gank and grief the people questing for pve purposes.Dete ike, konoyaro, do aho.
man this is soo true. lol
What he said!
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
-_- not close enough.
yeah, you might actually run into people prepared to defend themselves, can’t have that happening
Yeah, can’t have people guest into an open PvP area and not be on guard right?
I press B to flag myself for an open PVP area.
It’s not open PvP if you’re put in teams, and yeah, WvW was fun until zerging & numbers became the way to win. Oh and playing at the same place over. and over. and over again is fun too!
You’d have to implement it on a PvP server, which doesn’t exist. It would be one more thing for Anet to fix bugs on, I’d rather have them working on the core game than add this sort of thing to the game for the small percentage of people who want it…and it is a small percentage.
In every game that offers it, people eventually end up moving to PVe servers, and don’t bother with PvP servers. There’ll be a couple of PvP servers but almost all of them will be Pve.
I don’t see why Anet should spent their resources. Once they make that server, it has to be maintained and then people will start complaining about specific issues…not a great idea.
How do you reach those conclusions?
40% of the servers on WoW are PvP servers.
43 out of 50 of the top EU servers are PvP.
38 out of 50 of the top US servers are PvP.
These are figures that are readily available for anyone to see. Unless you have a reason to suspect that the Guild Wars 2 playing population has a completely different bias regarding PvP I don’t really see how you can maintain you assertions that it is a small percentage of people that want it.
And again, if something like this where to be implemented in would have to be on a specific PvP server. It would not affect the PvE-only player in any way shape or form.
It would be a lot smarter to say that GW2 doesn’t have factions and as such doesn’t support this type of gameplay, although if they wanted to implement it they could go with something like the Luxon/Kurzick factions in GW1.
I for one never ganked anyone in the sense that I’ve never went with a high level character into a low level area to hunt, but how I miss being ganked while fighting a mob and then proceding to kill the mob and kill the ganker, or many times dyeing to the ganker, but that would be alright as well, that was what I signed up for when I rolled into a PvP server.
Or how I miss when a battle between 2 people would grow into massive impromptu battles between 100-200 people.
Small things like you knowing that because guild [xyz] always ganks and camps, so every time you see a group of them you make sure to organize a group of your own faction to chase them away and protect lower level areas.
Every one starts kittening about low level gankers every time one of these threads comes up, but no one seems to remember the loads of people that went with their high levels characters and patrolled and protected these areas.
Overall I just feel that a PvP server by it’s very nature encourages a more close knit community. We might hate each other in some cases, but at least we interact with one another.
And no, WvW is not the same thing.
Eh, I don’t care for it. When I’m playing PvE, I’m playing PvE; leave me alone. If just going to the Mists isn’t a good enough option, at least put in a way to automatically block the inevitable flood of requests for duels.
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Very nice and polite way to say it mate, I would’ve said:
we don’t need open world pvp crap in gw2, play WvW like a man or gtfo, or what you can’t take it when you can’t just gank and grief the people questing for pve purposes.Dete ike, konoyaro, do aho.
Open PvP would be optional & WvW is zerging & ganking, that aint manly. -sigh- Some people will just never understand, I’m guessing you’re one of the guys who rages when you can’t finish the JP in EB and moan about it but still try to complete it anyway?
WvW may be zergy and ganky at the moment ( I’m hoping it with some updates it matures into something more interesting) but at least everyone there knows what to expect, that is the point imo.
And JP’s I hate that crap, so you will never see me in EB or any other jumping puzzle for that matter if I want to jump like a headless chicken I’d go play mario again
I’ve played and was addicted to mario ever since 1990 to the point I’m now allergic to any gameplay that resembles it.
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Very nice and polite way to say it mate, I would’ve said:
we don’t need open world pvp crap in gw2, play WvW like a man or gtfo, or what you can’t take it when you can’t just gank and grief the people questing for pve purposes.Dete ike, konoyaro, do aho.
Except hes talking about unexpected pvp which means, hes not the one ganking but doing something then bam someone is in his face.
I agree with him. I played Aion for a long time before the pvp nerfs, and some of my best moments were while I was out leveling an alt then suddenly getting jumped by an assassin, surviving fighting them off then hunting them and their friends down where ever they were hiding. Hours and hours of fun were had with open world pvp.
And hes talking about a flagging system so if you don’t want to pvp open world well you wont, and therefore cant get ganked or griefed.
Stop jumping on ideas and being verbally offensive and generally making crap up that wasn’t even said.
Seems thats all these forums are made up of these days.
Open world PvP being shoehorned into a game that is not built around it is a recipe for disaster. Let’s just get that out of the way.
Now, this is purely subjective, but in the past 8 years I’ve been playing MMOs, a good amount of which was playing on PvP servers in games like WoW and Aion. I have never been in a fair fight on these servers. Either I was getting ganked, or doing the ganking. Period. Flagging systems don’t help, either; they are far too easy to abuse or exploit.
Bottom line, OWPvP does not belong in GW2, and never will. It would have been in the game from the get go if the developers had any intention of adding it.
Some say it is a legend, other say they have actually been there! For those who dare, I call it WvWvW
Very nice and polite way to say it mate, I would’ve said:
we don’t need open world pvp crap in gw2, play WvW like a man or gtfo, or what you can’t take it when you can’t just gank and grief the people questing for pve purposes.Dete ike, konoyaro, do aho.
Except hes talking about unexpected pvp which means, hes not the one ganking but doing something then bam someone is in his face.
I agree with him. I played Aion for a long time before the pvp nerfs, and some of my best moments were while I was out leveling an alt then suddenly getting jumped by an assassin, surviving fighting them off then hunting them and their friends down where ever they were hiding. Hours and hours of fun were had with open world pvp.
And hes talking about a flagging system so if you don’t want to pvp open world well you wont, and therefore cant get ganked or griefed.
Stop jumping on ideas and being verbally offensive and generally making crap up that wasn’t even said.
Seems thats all these forums are made up of these days.
1 thing you have to remember, is those of us who have been here from the beginning have already seen these threads come and go over and over. We have already discussed it and moved on a long time ago. When someone new comes along and rehashes the same old topics again, well, no one really cares. Been there, done that. The search function here on the forums is REALLY bad at finding the old topics, but they are there, filled with the same suggestions and answers as this one.
Just because it isn’t in it or that there are currently no plans to implement it doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it.
There wasn’t Trading Post and all the areas where instanced for you and your party in Guild Wars 1. People discussed it and lobbied for it.
Lo and Behold we have Trading Post and persistent zones in GW2.
@ShinnigSquirrel: Thank you for preserving the quality of these forums, I don’t think the moderator team could have done it without you. Carry on the good job.
Not free for all open world pvp…but I really, really want dueling…
I don’t care if the classes are not balanced. I want to test my skills…1 on 1…
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
You’d have to implement it on a PvP server, which doesn’t exist. It would be one more thing for Anet to fix bugs on, I’d rather have them working on the core game than add this sort of thing to the game for the small percentage of people who want it…and it is a small percentage.
In every game that offers it, people eventually end up moving to PVe servers, and don’t bother with PvP servers. There’ll be a couple of PvP servers but almost all of them will be Pve.
I don’t see why Anet should spent their resources. Once they make that server, it has to be maintained and then people will start complaining about specific issues…not a great idea.
How do you reach those conclusions?
40% of the servers on WoW are PvP servers.
43 out of 50 of the top EU servers are PvP.
38 out of 50 of the top US servers are PvP.These are figures that are readily available for anyone to see. Unless you have a reason to suspect that the Guild Wars 2 playing population has a completely different bias regarding PvP I don’t really see how you can maintain you assertions that it is a small percentage of people that want it.
And again, if something like this where to be implemented in would have to be on a specific PvP server. It would not affect the PvE-only player in any way shape or form.
It would be a lot smarter to say that GW2 doesn’t have factions and as such doesn’t support this type of gameplay, although if they wanted to implement it they could go with something like the Luxon/Kurzick factions in GW1.
I for one never ganked anyone in the sense that I’ve never went with a high level character into a low level area to hunt, but how I miss being ganked while fighting a mob and then proceding to kill the mob and kill the ganker, or many times dyeing to the ganker, but that would be alright as well, that was what I signed up for when I rolled into a PvP server.
Or how I miss when a battle between 2 people would grow into massive impromptu battles between 100-200 people.
Small things like you knowing that because guild [xyz] always ganks and camps, so every time you see a group of them you make sure to organize a group of your own faction to chase them away and protect lower level areas.
Every one starts kittening about low level gankers every time one of these threads comes up, but no one seems to remember the loads of people that went with their high levels characters and patrolled and protected these areas.
Overall I just feel that a PvP server by it’s very nature encourages a more close knit community. We might hate each other in some cases, but at least we interact with one another.And no, WvW is not the same thing.
And of course, you don’t take those servers faction inbalance into account…. World Pvp is inexistant in Illidan, Kel’Thuzad, Arthas, Darkspear to name a few, and those are the top US server!… Go figure. Therefore, your argument is irrelevant.
(edited by Poplolita.2638)
I think anet should do one of two things.
Option A) Add a 5th map to WvW, that is just 1 decently sized landmass that has no objectives in it (or at least, no meaningful ones), and noone earns WXP from one another. This would more or less allow some form of open world PvP, in addition to giving space for organised events between the 3 servers and something to do when the 4 other maps are queued.
Option B ) In Heart of the Mists there’s an island to the north that’s decently sized, that also has a half-arena on it (in the shape of ArenaNet’s logo). They could possibly add more detail to the place, and convert this into a free for all area (think the open world arenas in WoW like Gurubushi). If possible, keep the every X hours a prize spawns concept as well to entice participation (even though it’s normally won by whoever has the largest co-ordinated group).
OP, would either of those suffice as open world PvP?
Just because it isn’t in it or that there are currently no plans to implement it doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it.
There wasn’t Trading Post and all the areas where instanced for you and your party in Guild Wars 1. People discussed it and lobbied for it.
Lo and Behold we have Trading Post and persistent zones in GW2.@ShinnigSquirrel: Thank you for preserving the quality of these forums, I don’t think the moderator team could have done it without you. Carry on the good job.
You think there’s a correlation between people asking for persistant areas and a trading post in GW1 and it’s appearance in GW2?
Oh yes i’m sure that was the deciding factor, you know, instead of it being the industry standard nowadays.
I’m sure it never would have occurred to them otherwise.
Open world PvP is fun for a day, then an annoyance forever afterwards. For every ‘fun’ battle that may occur, there’s 500 more that are just a gank meant to ruin someone’s enjoyment.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for any open world pvp outside of WvW.
You are not a true PvP player if you want an Open World PvP server.
A True PvP player wants to play PVP Competitivly agaisnt other players with Skills involved. They like to PvP and challenge really good players in matches and such.
Open World PvP has no true purpose other than to gank and grief others while PvE.
Welcome to GW2!
The Ultimate MMO Co-op RPG game
Competitive MMO RPG game!
I for one never ganked anyone in the sense that I’ve never went with a high level character into a low level area to hunt, but how I miss being ganked while fighting a mob and then proceding to kill the mob and kill the ganker, or many times dyeing to the ganker, but that would be alright as well, that was what I signed up for when I rolled into a PvP server.
Yes, and it was even better when you managed to get the upper hand and kill them outright! The adrenaline rushes were amazing! You don’t get that while fighting mobs in PvE only zones, nor in zones structured solely around PvP because you know exactly what to expect from them. Yeah, yeah, I know… “Go and play WoW then.”
Except hes talking about unexpected pvp which means, hes not the one ganking but doing something then bam someone is in his face.
I’m glad atleast a few people took note of the content inside the thread rather than assuming that I have an agenda to troll the villagers.
I think anet should do one of two things.
OP, would either of those suffice as open world PvP?
It’s a bit different to what I’m suggesting but Option B sounds pretty interesting. A zone which is essentially built like a PvE area with rewards (or other prized resources) for individual players to fight over.
Open world PvP is fun for a day, then an annoyance forever afterwards. For every ‘fun’ battle that may occur, there’s 500 more that are just a gank meant to ruin someone’s enjoyment.
We’re not talking about a mandatory open world PvP system.
You’d have to implement it on a PvP server, which doesn’t exist. It would be one more thing for Anet to fix bugs on, I’d rather have them working on the core game than add this sort of thing to the game for the small percentage of people who want it…and it is a small percentage.
In every game that offers it, people eventually end up moving to PVe servers, and don’t bother with PvP servers. There’ll be a couple of PvP servers but almost all of them will be Pve.
I don’t see why Anet should spent their resources. Once they make that server, it has to be maintained and then people will start complaining about specific issues…not a great idea.
How do you reach those conclusions?
40% of the servers on WoW are PvP servers.
43 out of 50 of the top EU servers are PvP.
38 out of 50 of the top US servers are PvP.These are figures that are readily available for anyone to see. Unless you have a reason to suspect that the Guild Wars 2 playing population has a completely different bias regarding PvP I don’t really see how you can maintain you assertions that it is a small percentage of people that want it.
And again, if something like this where to be implemented in would have to be on a specific PvP server. It would not affect the PvE-only player in any way shape or form.
It would be a lot smarter to say that GW2 doesn’t have factions and as such doesn’t support this type of gameplay, although if they wanted to implement it they could go with something like the Luxon/Kurzick factions in GW1.
I for one never ganked anyone in the sense that I’ve never went with a high level character into a low level area to hunt, but how I miss being ganked while fighting a mob and then proceding to kill the mob and kill the ganker, or many times dyeing to the ganker, but that would be alright as well, that was what I signed up for when I rolled into a PvP server.
Or how I miss when a battle between 2 people would grow into massive impromptu battles between 100-200 people.
Small things like you knowing that because guild [xyz] always ganks and camps, so every time you see a group of them you make sure to organize a group of your own faction to chase them away and protect lower level areas.
Every one starts kittening about low level gankers every time one of these threads comes up, but no one seems to remember the loads of people that went with their high levels characters and patrolled and protected these areas.
Overall I just feel that a PvP server by it’s very nature encourages a more close knit community. We might hate each other in some cases, but at least we interact with one another.And no, WvW is not the same thing.
And since WoW is not the only game in the world let’s try seeing what happened in OTHER games with open PvP.
Look at games like Rift, which came later. The later the game, the less open PvP servers seemed to make an impact on the population. The world is changing. There are plenty of people who go to FPS to beat each other up, which didn’t happen back in the old days.
Here’s a link to the Rift server shard status…you’ll note in America they are down to a single PvP server and in Europe they’re down to 3. That’s comapred with seven PvE servers in each zone.
Seems to me, your figures are misleading. In every game that’s come down the road, every game I’ve played…more and more people are moving off PvP servers, mostly because ganking is so annoying.
Even Guild Wars 1, originally a game geared to PvP ended up being more about PVe, because it’s simply more popular.
I know PvPers really don’t want to hear this truth, but it is truth.
Edit: Forgot to add the link lol
People here have a very narrowminded view of OWPVP. It’s not about the ganking and making the life misserable for others, atleast not to everyone. There are a few rotten eggs.
WvW is not comparable to OWPVP. Too much zerging mentality, and at the core, sadly poorly designed for lesser skirmishes. It gets better patch by patch, promoting lesser zergs, but its still zergs. Since the zones are very small it doesnt get the same feel that DaoC had for instance.
This game however isnt designed with PvP in mind in the open world, so it wouldnt work in its current state.
My suggestion, as I’ve suggested in similar threads before would be to implement WvW based PvE zones in the future, where the 3 servers pitted against eachother share some events and hearts. It should be an optional leveling zone with a similar pure PvE version zone for those that want a safe leveling experience.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
For WoW, every “PvP” server had a large contingent of PvE players that would do anything they could to avoid world PvP. I’d say about half the players in raiding guilds would also do PvP, something which was hard to come across on PvE only servers.
Plus as Poplolita stated, many servers were one-sided with one faction being non-existant, essentially being PvE servers no different to GW2.
I think anet should do one of two things.
OP, would either of those suffice as open world PvP?
It’s a bit different to what I’m suggesting but Option B sounds pretty interesting. A zone which is essentially built like a PvE area with rewards (or other prized resources) for individual players to fight over.
Agreed, but at the same time such a thing would be close to what you want, but also filling in something else a lot of other players want. Plus with the WvW option, it could have PvE objectives in it, and maybe something similiar to Halaa in WoW where the objective gives gear vendors / vanity items (although servers that get stomped probably won’t get access to it).
And maybe give each server their own keep but with no gates, like the village in Red’s EB keep.
Edit: To be fair though, Open World PvP can be a lot of fun when the numbers and skill (and in some games, gear) combined are even. Taking on Stormwind with a 50 man raid, half of which are in top tier raiding gear, other half in PvP gear and just destroying everything that came at us would never grow old.
They should add in some form of optional, quasi open world pvp outside of WvW. Pretty much implement everything SneakyErvin said.
(edited by Zynthetic.2954)
First of all open world pvp does not mean everyone has to be involved in it so those who sayings BLARG greifing BLARG ganking well you wouldn’t have to experience that if you didn’t want to.
Second of all WvW is in a set zone with set areas and tons of players. Their is barely any 1v1 going on and when it is it is normally between friends. Some people like to 3v3 2v2 5v5 in new and unique areas everyday etc etc and it’s kinda hard when you have huge zergs roaming 24/7 and the WvW/Spvp maps are tight and consistently similar.
I would love open world pvp(fighting in unique areas everyday is the best way to experience pvp varied terrain and player interaction) but due to the zone based nature of the game i don’t know how much YOU want open world pvp. Someone comes to hit you fails at it kites you to a door goes threw the loading screen. You load in Marked a few people waiting for you as soon as you load in to the next area you die before you can react. Hitting you from areas you can’t get to as certain classes. Waypoint camping/orr camping/farm spot camping all would probably come back unless they executed open world pvp in a really well thought out way(i don’t trust anet on that)were marking is the only way you can fight or maybe having some pvp servers with some rules.
I just dont get why we cant duel…
that wouldnt hurt anyone…
I vote on that, Duel should be an option.
GW2 and even GW1 focus on team based gameplay.
Which means classes are not made to duel or in other words,
classes are too imbalance for a duel.
Therefore they cant implement sucha gameplay.But if anyone really wish to duel without considering the class imbalance,
they could hit an empty server in sPvp.
Just like duelling in GuildHalls for GW1.
They said already they are going to implent dueling though, its not a priority and wont probly be seen soon
There is just really one place in one game Anet needs to take a look at and then do their own, more open world version of it.
Darkness Falls in DaoC. It was the perfect, most fun PvP area outside the frontier RvR. A huge raid dungeon, open for everyone from the faction that held this and that thing, tons of evil do-badders you could farm and tons of PvP when fighting those that took it over or when you got it taken from you.
This could easily be implemented in one or more open world WvW enabled zones. Shouldnt be tied to what you own in WvW, but pure open zones. And since there would be no keeps to take, there wouldnt have to be a queue, just an overflow like regular zones. That way they could max the amount of players at a good number to not make it too crowded.
And since WoW is not the only game in the world let’s try seeing what happened in OTHER games with open PvP.
Look at games like Rift, which came later. The later the game, the less open PvP servers seemed to make an impact on the population. The world is changing. There are plenty of people who go to FPS to beat each other up, which didn’t happen back in the old days.
Here’s a link to the Rift server shard status…you’ll note in America they are down to a single PvP server and in Europe they’re down to 3. That’s comapred with seven PvE servers in each zone.
So… Rift had 58 NA servers and 41 EU servers shortly after they launched. They are down to 8 NA servers and 10 EU servers. You really want to use Rift as an example?
Should I reach the conclusion from your data that players that enjoy PvP demand more quality from their games and are less willing to put up with sub-standard products?
Seems to me, your figures are misleading. In every game that’s come down the road, every game I’ve played…more and more people are moving off PvP servers, mostly because ganking is so annoying.
Or it could be because some of those games were sub-standard and as every other sub-standard game it suffered a slow painful death.
Even Guild Wars 1, originally a game geared to PvP ended up being more about PVe, because it’s simply more popular.
I know PvPers really don’t want to hear this truth, but it is truth.
Edit: Forgot to add the link lol
I’m not disputing that PvE is more popular than PvP. I enjoy PvP but spend 80% of my time doing PvE. I suspect that is true for most of the PvP population with various degrees of time distribution.
My issue is choice. I’m lobbying for a game mode that would please a “substantial” part of the population, while having absolutely no effect on the remaining that didn’t wish to partake on that game mode.
You are saying: I don’t like it, so none should play it.
Which one of us is being unreasonable?
And here it goes into the suggestion forum, nicely tucked away where “no one” can see. And I was under the impression that we were having a general discussion about the merits and pitfalls of a game mode….