I want Real open world PvP

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


Does anyone else miss real Open world PvP? The pvp on a huge map with players roaming every where not just huge zergs.. In WvW you can occasionally find that rare 1v1 or 1v2 encounter, but before you can even kill them off they run away to a keep or a zerg shows up. I want to be able to Roam free on a huge map with out fear of zergs or anything like that. I play on JQ so maby its just my server and the ones we fight?

If that is the reason, does anyone know a server where it is not like this? ( and before you say go to spvp noob, stfu and don’t even say anything cause I’m looking for pvp on a OPEN huge map)

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faranox.4217


I love those 1v1s…

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


I’m actually playing Planet side 2. Its a fun game, but please keep it on-topic >_>

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: azizul.8469


nope. you won’t have it in GW2, unless there is a drastic game design change…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strang.8170


Open world and 1v1 don´t mix.
Those who want small scale will run in smallgroups and those who want large scale run with zergs. Those who want solo action will generaly be squished between.

That being said, gw2 isn´t a game for openworld pvp anyhow. Wvw focuses more on siege warfare, with some roaming elements here and there.

You might want to consider seeking another game(df:uw is a strong cadidate) if open world pvp is your thing, but you won´t find your 1v1 heaven anywhere i dare say.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


Open world and 1v1 don´t mix.
Those who want small scale will run in smallgroups and those who want large scale run with zergs. Those who want solo action will generaly be squished between.

That being said, gw2 isn´t a game for openworld pvp anyhow. Wvw focuses more on siege warfare, with some roaming elements here and there.

You might want to consider seeking another game(df:uw is a strong cadidate) if open world pvp is your thing, but you won´t find your 1v1 heaven anywhere i dare say.

I’ve played a few games with nice roaming PvP. It is completely possible, but a matter of will arenanet be willing to implant a feature like this into the game?

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strang.8170


I’ve played a few games with nice roaming PvP. It is completely possible, but a matter of will arenanet be willing to implant a feature like this into the game?

Like i said, wvw is more focused on siege warfare, it would need many fundamental changes and hell of a lot bigger map for proper roaming pvp to happen.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


They could create a dueling system, but no open world pvp.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sansarah.3076


Does anyone else miss real Open world PvP? The pvp on a huge map with players roaming every where not just huge zergs.. In WvW you can occasionally find that rare 1v1 or 1v2 encounter, but before you can even kill them off they run away to a keep or a zerg shows up. I want to be able to Roam free on a huge map with out fear of zergs or anything like that. I play on JQ so maby its just my server and the ones we fight?

If that is the reason, does anyone know a server where it is not like this? ( and before you say go to spvp noob, stfu and don’t even say anything cause I’m looking for pvp on a OPEN huge map)

A lot of people want this. No they don’t care enough about our player base to implement it.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


You would basically need a lot more PvE elements in the WvW area to get more open world PvP feeling. I’d personally rather they fix the broken Server vs Server issues than work on making sure random 1v1 is supported in what is supposed to be large scale war.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xorn.6079


It would be cool if there is a feature like ‘Request DUEL’ with other people anytime, anywhere.. Especially in the open world. I forgot which MMO game do this but its fun (Random people gather around to watch DUEL and cheer) This is very good for training and planning good character build for future PvP. Beside, its is fun to do with friends and guild mates.

Character : Xorn Crossfire (Engineer)
Guild : Organization Zero (Zero)
World : Crystal Desert

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hatchet.4513


Would love it also but this game is just not built that way and wont ever be.

In the games I have played with real Open World and even FFA servers all the guys who talk the talk in forums give up within a day or so of being ganked cos they cant get to this or that area or quest finisher etc

DAOC Mordred (Andred was never as good was the best implementation of open world and rvr and tbh it died a death once the people who can really take an open world environment left and anyone who came to try it out got destroyed and demoralised.

Nagafen in EQ2 was also similar.

(edited by Hatchet.4513)

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


By open world do you just mean like WvW, but without all the big objectives, walls and doors and stuff everywhere?

Problem with that is then there is no focus driving people to split up or achieve different things. You don’t want just an empty giant deathmatch sandbox, would be too zergy and simple.

Or do you mean open world PVE with PVP flags on? That isn’t real PVP either (meaning not competitive), just people ganking each other while someone is doing a quest or fighting a mob.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hatchet.4513



see that is the problem and why mmos dont implement ffa and true open world

the word ganking whilst doing a quest, all that kitten lol

To me it keeps the game interesting makes you not go into stupid auto pilot, its immersive!

Having a swashbuckler jump you is annoying when your trying to hand in a quest but trying to deal with that, getting away or even winning is a great feeling.

Sometimes you might have to give up and go do something else till they move on

Anyway that post there is exactly why it doesnt happen.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


^That style has been implemented in many games but its never as popular as straght PVE, and most games based around it solely have short shelf lives. Why? Because most people go to PVE to PVE, while there is a small subset that like to kill others while doing PVE. This is your wolves vs sheep scenario, but soon you run out of sheep and you have dead servers.

The truly competitive PVPers though don’t want easy kills or just to jump people, they want a contest of skill. sPVP doesn’t always offer that if you don’t like squatting on conquest points over and over. WvW could theoretically deliver that at a macro level if only all servers were more balanced population wise. And the objectives add a meaning to it all, and reason to coordinate at levels beyond yourself or just your one little group. PVP gets old if it is just throwaway engagements over and over.

I think there is at least 3 to 4 different PVP niches actually. Some simply have way more broad ranging appeal than others.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hatchet.4513


Truly competetive hmmm given only your criteria of what that is? Might as well play counterstrike for that.

It is possible to have open world and ffa but developers wont bother due to as I have already said a lot of people saying they want it, but when it is and has been available they cant take the “griefing & ganking” for me personally I miss it and wish it wasnt like that.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Well how about simply adding in a new map for WvW, that is far more open, doesn’t have all these big forts and keeps, but still has some objective to fight over and counts as points for the overall team.

I’m thinking like a skirmish map. Where you have stuff similar to camps, open areas to fight around, and hold, but no structures. This would be a great place where all these little teams who just want to fight or do deathmatch style, could go and still be part of the war effort, and not be detracting from what needs to be getting done in the regular, more siege warfare existing maps?

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hatchet.4513


sounds like daoc now your talking my language emain ftw

Another daoc thing id love to see in this game is like the thief be able to scale towers/keeps.

Loved that aspect to the game (im not a thief btw)

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Speaking of Daoc, they should put in some kind of dungeon area to fight in. That has winding twisting paths, and smaller avenues, such that it is not productive to be taking 50 man zergs through them.

There are actually some ideal dredge tunnels and other cave like systems already in the normal game world, but they didn’t really put any in WvW, other than a few underground gates and pass through areas.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hatchet.4513


catacombs yep there are some places in wvw with sp and the odd supply camp but they could make a few more objectives in those places that people rarely travel through to get the whole map utilised that will some way to giving wvw a more open feel. Instead of zerging around or simply doing a supply camp run in small groups.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: TyrDaishi.1057


Unfortunatly I never played GW1, but from what I heard from my fellow guild guys n’ girls you had large areas for pvp in gw1 right? I would love to have larger areas AND siege to be able to use more advanced strategys and tactics to outsmart the enemy (or get beaten and learn from it). That would be a huge postivie change, borderline epic even :P

WvW is the gamemode with the most dedicated gamers, the mode with the most people that socialize and come together to play (even if there aren’t so much goals besides rising in the server ranking), and it certainly creates the most epic battles and moments. So why don’t focus on that to build a more vivid and “full of life” kind of world. If we can get rid of some minor technical issues there is no reason why this idea won’t be a huge success.

After hundreds of hours of gaming, the pve areas are pretty empty and starting to feel artificial. It would be a huge waste to ignore this gigantic areas you build, just because there is nothing left to do there.

We want GW to feel ALIVE, even more BREATHTAKING and you can reach that goal by adding more stuff to do in the PVE areas like mini games, but foremost: Include the WHOLE world of GW2 into the battles where we leave our blood ,sweat, tears and joy!

(edited by TyrDaishi.1057)

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


Add a new island to the mists that is always an overflow map in an effort to avoid killing your own server-mates (which Anet doesn’t want). Make it free for all, but people in your group are friendly and you can’t attack them. Killing enemy players gives tokens, tokens can be traded in for a set of aggressive looking gear. Thoughts?

Not sure how you’d incorporate any objectives for FFA PvP that made sense though.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: gabal.4520


We want GW to feel ALIVE, even more BREATHTAKING and you can reach that goal by adding more stuff to do in the PVE areas like mini games, but foremost: Include the WHOLE world of GW2 into the battles where we leave our blood ,sweat, tears and joy!

I doubt Arenanet would do that as it would cause grief and they worked hard to completely separate PvE from PvP. From some other games I know how frustrating is when somebody attacks you while you are reaping wheat or farming mobs. Besides – lorewise it would be hard to implement as 5 races are united against threat of elder dragons.

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deria.9158


I don’t miss open-world PvP, and I don’t want it in GW2. I -hated- the constant dread of getting ganked any time you wanted to do anything non-PvP related in WoW.

I think that GW2 is actually the first game where I’ve enjoyed PvP, and I think the reason for that is because its off in its own little area (and also the siege/tower/keep mechanics). When I want to PvP, I can. When I don’t want to, I simply don’t have to deal with it.

Another consideration is that since WvW uplevels people, you don’t need to worry about people ganging up on lowbies or making the game a punishing experience by repeatedly camping a single person.

Finally, not showing names in WvW cuts down on player-to-player abuse.

There are just too many problems with open world PvP to make it worth implementing IMO.

I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


There should be an option to enable PVP mode on your character like in other games.


I want Real open world PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


The only 1v1 I ever experienced in open world PvP environments involved stealth/burst assassin type classes that jumped me while I was doing something else. Otherwise, it involves groups of people rolling over individuals out doing quests or what-have-you.

If you put a large group of people in a large map who all want to PvP, then say “Go PvP”, you’re going to get a group that bands together and kills everyone else. No one is going to try to all go solo and create these epic 1v1 fights all over. That’s a pipe dream.

What people seem to actually want is the ability to fight other people who don’t actually want to PvP. It’s a very niche group that enjoys the thrill of potentially being attacked while not necessarily bloodthirsting after everyone they see. I happen to be one such person, but I have no delusions that there are many like me.

And again, when I put myself in that situation, more often than not it’s just a stealth burst that kills me out of nowhere or some group riding around “PvPing”.

Every time I see a thread like this, it just screams “I want to grief and I can’t. Please let me grief.” Layer whatever innocent reasons you want on top, but at some people folks should accept/embrace what they are. If you aren’t going to be honest with us, at least be honest with yourself. It isn’t even a bad thing necessarily, but you have to realize why games that allow griefing don’t typically sustain long-term in a mainstream environment.

Luckily, Kickstarter exists, so perhaps a niche game will come out one day.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”