[Idea] Changes to Guild Puzzles
I think the reason its left open world is to allow small guilds to do co op play for various challenges including puzzle.
I have yet to meet any for puzzle, but for the other missions when we have joined in on another guilds challenge or rush we have been able to help them complete it, one guild said thanks for helping as this was the first time they were able to beat it.
I would much rather see more participation from all players in the puzzle people rely so heavily on mesmers to get them from A to B, I dont think its fair to mesmers and I think people should be able to participate fully so things like that can be avoided.
I am one of those bad jump puzzle players, mesmers are a godsend however it is a terrible game mechanic to have this type of reliance on a class group for this function.
It would be better to tweak guild puzzle so an alternative from gettin to A to B was possible, in otherwords alternative pathways to reach the same goal. Jump puzzle capable players navigate one section, non jump puzzle players the other route, each side will then co ordinate completion of that section of the room.
There are puzzles that do this which is great, but in others its navigating areas which often result in much falling and dying.
I have not yet met other guilds at challenges, but with a bounty or a rush; all help is welcome. Players got time to complete the mission anyway and you dont have to pay much attention to the other guilds.
I can also see benefits to open-world-puzzles, but there is no way ‘escaping’ from other guilds. You can not activate the mission in another server for example (due to influence is world-bound?). When 50-100 people (from several guilds) are doing 1 puzzle, the people who are less skilled in jumping will get stuck and fail. While, if you do it with a ‘organized’ guild run, you can wait untill all (or atleast most) of your guild members reach a ‘checkpoint’.