Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoneDeranger.5963


At the beginning of a match you don’t have any (active) traits. After 1 kill to your credit you unlock adept traits, after 2 additional kills (3 total) you unlock master traits and after 3 additional kills (6 total) you unlock grandmaster traits.

You still trait your character as usual in the mists before a match but the traits you have chosen will be inactive at first — until you unlock them as described above. You won’t have to trait them during the match. Due to these changes the match might last a little longer so the timer should be set to 20 minutes.

What do I hope to achieve with this idea?

  • Add different “phases” to the game
  • At first, teams might want to prefer team fights over capping since they need kills to unlock traits. Otherwise their bunker will have a hard time accumulating kills.
  • Players now have a choice to pick lots of adept traits (and be effective in early game) or pick grandmaster traits (and be effective in late game).
  • Make kills a little bit more meaningful

This idea isn’t meant to address any current balancing issues.

Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You clearly want to make comebacks even harder as they allready are. Imagine you can’t get a stomp during the first teamfight while the other team got 4. Against any average team, this is an impossible mission. In general it isn’t a bad idea, but conquest heavily denies this suggestion.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoneDeranger.5963


Maybe capping should count towards the kills. That could mitigate the problem that you addressed.

Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

or you could just not implement this at all, which would completely eliminate the problem (=

Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


Each kill counts kitten points and gives 5 stacks of any stackable sigil.

I see no reason to make kills even more important as most people farm kills in tournaments which is wrong as they’ll lose to the opposite team that way.

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