Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skydda.3192


It’s quite simple.

You can’t lock WvW for the night, that’s just unfair.
But how about creating more NPCs depending on how many players are online?

This would also be a good solution for servers with low populations.
The less players are online, the more NPCs stand around in and around their keeps.

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hm…that would not stop them, but at least might slow them down.

Add one or two NPCs for each each player slot, and remove them when that slot is used by a player.

It’ll work not just during night, but every time players are outmanned.

No exceptions!

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Well, this sounds like a nice idea, but there are a few pitfalls for it too:

Lets assume there are equal amount of people online in every team, but only 10 each. Are there going to be 90-180 more NPCs? That would make it quite… static.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: kanikani.2430


No actually it would be more like a living PvE at that point.

You could argue that NPC’s should only fill the difference in players so if they were all 10, none needed or if it was 10, 10, 12, only two needed, etc.

Would take balancing issues for sure, but their is no way it would be worse than how things are working at the moment.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


If this happeend you’d be benefiting the nightcappers so much.

Now they’d cap the map and get 4-5x the NPCs to farm for badges.

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: kanikani.2430


GAD I don’t think the goal of a game should be to penalize a server for having a high population. Why should a server full of people not be allowed to have fun. We need to remember the goal of this is a game and enjoyment. If they farm NPC’s then that would be no different then PvE, I don’t see why that would be a big imbalance. In fact if you were winning could you not just currently farm grubs or centars or whatever mobs are in WvW currently? If you think the badges are so precious (they never drop anyways) you could just not have them drop on NPC’s.

Please remember, this is a game, its not about penalizing winners or helping losing teams. The goal is so that everyone can fight and everyone can enjoy it. Boredom and frustration will kill WvW quicker then anything. It has killed many games before.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


WvW is already annoying and needs a redesign. Adding a ton of NPCs to defend stuff is not it – either they buff NPCs to the point where no one can take them, or they add so many it becomes a farm fest like in Orr.

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoflandRoll.2810


Lets punish people who live in diffrent time zones ,yes? So when i log on at 9pm local time and its a god awful hour for most of the other people i get to face mulitiple npcs. You know I’d probably be better off farming dungeons with my 3 friends rather than raiding camps and caravans.

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: kanikani.2430


I dont understand how this would be a punishment? In fact it would be a boon. I play in off times and having one team have 5 people and the other 50 is no fun for either side (I have played on both sides). Is this something to do with the constant ‘win’ mentality or ‘farm’ points? I don’t understand. I play WvW for fun, not to just get extra keeps with no resistance. Please note NPC’s in this idea would not just sit around defending things, they would actually help attack to. So it would be a boon to those off time players to have a little support. And for those overly full defenders they could actually have something to do rather then spawn camp or do a nice 10v1 pvp battle which is rather pointless.

Are you guys saying you prefer total domination? It seems to be killing WvW at this point, I really don’t think that is a good answer.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skydda.3192


With no word did I mention this would be a punishment Also I don’t understand how fighting against small groups of NPCs and easily taking whole MAPS while the rest of the world is asleep is any fun. Personally, I like challenge. I really seldomly run with the zerg, and if I happen to join one, it’s only so I know where it is and where it’s headed; just to leave it behind again and give them status reports on other things, or to do other tactical stuff, watch their back, etc.

If there are more NPCs, it should be per player, meaning if there are 10 reds online but only 4 blues, then a tower should have 6 blue NPCs added.
Also those NPCs shouldn’t be easy kills but rather enemies with a high AI, maybe even working in groups, healing themselves more, etc.

As I said… I don’t see how “total world domination” is any fun. And thus, I see this idea rather as a GOOD thing, so the dominating servers have some fun again and don’t always just smash every single invader who actually just wants to kill some rabbits for his bunnykiller title…

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


This actually sounds like a very good idea, it doesn’t punish people who play at night or at different time zones and it helps the servers that are empty at that time because either they don’t have night crews or they have a lower population.

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3475


What they cod do is so NPC can handle siege weapons, if there is arrowcarts on the wall and no players in map then a npc use the arrowcart, burning oil, guns and so on, that way at least your keep will be somewhat defended.