Ideas about Halloween

Ideas about Halloween

in Suggestions

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


I would like to say that I really, really love the ideas for this event, from the doors to the tower to the labyrinth and all.

However, the execution is so poor that my entire guild and then some complaing about it feeling like it was only meant for lvl 80s who are rich.

rich enough to buy weapon skins, high lvl enough to blaze through the scavenger hunt, which is almost impossible for anyone at low level.

The most complaints come from the tower and the crappy rewards. Sure a book is cool, but it’s not even exotic. Some greens are awesome, but didn’t we all want halloween items?

I think the idea of a holiday event is supposed to be FUN for EVERYONE and not fun for high lvls with lots of disposable income.

The tower is the only one that gives decent loot and then end sup being insanely difficult.

Why not leave those insane puzzles for the regular map instead?

Holiday events are supposed to be fun for everyone, where to community gets to enjoy the content you create. Should it be a challange? hell yes. Should it feel like a chore? no. should it feel like you are excluded due to just having hit lvl 30? hell no.

Please, take this seriously Anet and just make fun events for everyone, make your events doable by all levels and allow people to have fun and get some nice items that have to do with the holidays.

You have done a great job with the concept and the ideas are amazing. I can not lie about it. But I do feel something is wrong when I feel frustrated when trying to do these events or simply feel the end is anticlimactic after getting another hammer of night. It just leaves most of us with bad taste in our mouths.

I would like to say that there are alot more of us who do not even come to the forums who are severely frustrated about this event and how it has be executed. I don’t want you to stop making content, but if you want to keep your playerbase and want to form a nice community don’t make holiday or timed events like this.

I do realise there are tons of people who love insane difficulty as well as cheap deaths and artificial difficulty, that is cool for them: add stuff for them on the side. Not as the main attraction. They will always be a niche.


~One of your biggest supporters

P.S: I am not buying any keys ever again. You cannot fix that