Yak’s Bend
I’ve been hoping they would release some information on Guild Halls but they haven’t yet. That has not stopped me on some ideas for the halls though.
Flying Guild Hall
This Guild Hall is basically one of the air ships that you use in Arah. The big one that we took the dragon down with. Maybe add some extra levels to it. Of course it would be flying around a looped instance of some sort. The banners would all have the guilds emblem flying. There would be a crafting level, Bank/TP room/level, A bar with tables and a bartender to sell drinks, and more
Swamp Cave Guild Hall
This Guild Hall would be located in a swamp with a cave as the housing. There would be sections for crafting , The bar would be in an underwater cave (meaning swim down until you reach the cave and swim up to it to dry land), A lookout post above the cave that you can see most of the map.
Small City Guild Hall
This Guild Hall would be similar to you own home instance in Divinities Reach. There would be shops open for the crafting, an actual bank/TP, Each of the buildings around would be open, The hall itself would be a big bar with room and board.
Castle Guild Hall
This would be similar to the garrison in WvW. A couple of friendly things would be added such as room and board and also a bar of some sort. The Hall would be a small keep on the inside of the walls.
Theres some of the ideas i had. Of course i think all of the halls should have portals to the starting homes and Lions Arch. The ideal guild instance would be giving the players some tools to a create unique hall that’s different from the others.
Please feel free to add or comment on these thoughts and post some cool ideas of your own!
I think I like the idea of a guild hall themed around each race. While I’m not sure about the structure of each, it would be neat to have the option.
I want a kodan guild hall
Good idea many introduce a new pvp mode with guild hauls or something . I mean it is called GUILD WARS 2 after all. Right now all guilds are is a social playground. Why not make them little more…fun.
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