Ideas for Warriors

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyler.4170


Adrenaline should act more like a resource bar for other weapon skills. One that values up to 100, gains 2 adrenaline per second, and is increased with your adrenaline generator attacks. Your key 1 ability should be an adrenaline generator, and your other weapon abilities should cost adrenaline, and have a minimum cd. Some utility skills could also add adrenaline, such as shouts, banners, and charge.

Left Bar Skills should be arranged on weapons as such:
1-adrenaline builder/auto-attack-like move, that does x amount of damage
2-[single burst, smaller aoe burst, or condition damage] move (depends on weapon) that does ~1.5x damage to it’s targets.
3-[gap closer, CC, projectile, or condition] move, that could vary from throwing a weapon + crippling, to charging at the target. Does x damage, and has a cd (as charge spam would be lame) Maybe generate adrenaline on a successful hit.
4- [AoE, CC, condition, or boon] move, that hit targets doing ~3/4x damage.
5- [varying effects]“Ultimate” move that does ~2x damage overall, and can have a cc effect, aoe effect, etc varying greatly on the weapon. This move should cost more adrenaline than the others and maybe have a cd

Example of axe skills:

Ability 1: Auto attacks with both weapons gaining adrenaline on hit. (less adrenaline gain if wielding shield, but shield enables adrenaline gain from damage taken)
Ability 2: Hack and Slash – strikes the target, and can be used in a combo of 4 strikes for additional damage. The move does not have a cool down.
Ability 3: Weapon Throw – The user throws their weapon at the target crippling them, and granting swiftness to the user. The move has a 10 second cool down.
Ability 4: Whirlwind – The user spins around. The move does not have a cool down, but has a high adrenaline cost. Can be held to continuously spin.
Ability 5: Berserk – The warrior breaks control effects, gains additional movement speed, and is granted additional damage, but also takes more damage for the duration.
High adrenaline cost, and ~60 to 100 second cooldown. Does not stack with other enrage skills.

Right Bar Skills
-one option can be instantly converting adrenaline into some health, and increasing precision for a limited time (not stacking). low cd
-another option can be a passive ability that does healing per target hit, and can be used to heal over time for limiting time.
-3rd healing ability grants a bunch of defensive boons including regeneration, and also removes conditions

should consist of moves that hav cc, damage improving, defensive, mobility, damage dealing, and many should grant adrenaline, and have lower cds, as they are used to grant adrenaline. Ex of new ideas:
-a shout that knocks down targets in a cone in front of the warrior, ~30 sec cd
-a stance that reduces damage taken for a limited time ~30 sec cd
-a physical where the warrior smashes the target with his/her weapon dealing 1.5x damage, and crippling them ~15 sec cd +adrenaline cost (or maybe generate adrenaline)

-the warrior becomes an enraged juggernaut where he/she gains stability, and a nerfed version of quickness for ~10 sec, and maybe no adrenaline costs, but the moves would have to have a limited amounts of uses. ~180 sec cd
-The warrior stomps the ground, dealing ~2x damage, and stunning targets in area for 2 sec. ~90 sec cd and generates adrenaline.
-lastly, a move that generates max adrenaline. ~60 sec cd

Just a few ideas for warriors I thought i should post. Let me know what you guys think of these ideas. All feedback is appreciated

(edited by tyler.4170)

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Adrenaline should act more like rage like on other mmorpgs.

No no no no no no no and no again.

Absolutely not.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Totally disagree with the adrenaline revamp.

Unlike other MMO’s, Warriors would only have one move we can open with and use to build adrenaline, whereas every other class would have 5.

Not only that, your generic layout of weapon skills defeats the purpose of having different weapons: to bring different things to the fight. Notice how the Sword is different from a Mace and Axe?


CC – Throw Bola, Bull’s Charge, Kick, Stomp, Fear
Reduced damage – Dolyak Signet passive, Endure Pain
Improving Damage – For Great Justice!, Signet of Might + Fury passives, Banners, Frenzy

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyler.4170


Totally disagree with the adrenaline revamp.

Unlike other MMO’s, Warriors would only have one move we can open with and use to build adrenaline, whereas every other class would have 5.

Not only that, your generic layout of weapon skills defeats the purpose of having different weapons: to bring different things to the fight. Notice how the Sword is different from a Mace and Axe?


CC – Throw Bola, Bull’s Charge, Kick, Stomp, Fear
Reduced damage – Dolyak Signet passive, Endure Pain
Improving Damage – For Great Justice!, Signet of Might + Fury passives, Banners, Frenzy

I thought about that and decided to add more adrenaline generators.

Most utilities should grant adrenaline giving the warrior more options to open with, and mainly all have lower cds. This way, the warrior has the option to maybe use shout or charge as a way to grant adrenaline.

I also added that the warrior may gain one bar of adrenaline upon entering combat.

Thanks for the feedback btw!

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: IVeracityI.8936


As a Rifle+Sword/Axe 30/30/0/0/10 with 5/8 uptime on Mightx8+Swiftness (with Mightx3 in the downtime) and 110% uptime on Fury (as in, it increases duration on each pass)…

I have no idea why you’re feeling weak, but breaking the class like that won’t fix the problem. Warrior is fine, even a little overpowered still. (Dual-Earth 5-sig builds around level 40 are ridiculous from a condmg standpoint – even if you don’t stack condmg outright)

So, in other words, no. Please no.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mike.1643


on other mmorpgs

I stopped reading here because I don’t see why a company who spent years developing a game would try to be like another game and not their own.

Tactical Engagement – [TE] – Anvil Rock

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: IVeracityI.8936


on other mmorpgs

I stopped reading here because I don’t see why a company who spent years developing a game would try to be like another game and not their own.

Yes. You. I like you.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: piitb.7635


Warriors need just a tuning on their skills outside of greatsword.

Also it’s not arenanet’s fault that people never bothered to play warriors correctly because players were looking for greatsword easy mode.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


on other mmorpgs

I stopped reading here because I don’t see why a company who spent years developing a game would try to be like another game and not their own.

Well, technically it WOULD be like their own game, since GW1 was like that.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


no no and no again yes no, play another game if you want a completely different combat system :P

[IRON] Gaming

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyler.4170


no no and no again yes no, play another game if you want a completely different combat system :P

Not suggesting to completely change the combat system, just make it more interesting. I am sure I am not the only one who finds the “cd-only” warrior boring. I like the idea of adding a resource bar. Maybe in addition to cooldowns.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZombieNugget.6847


no no and no again yes no, play another game if you want a completely different combat system :P

Not suggesting to completely change the combat system, just make it more interesting. I am sure I am not the only one who finds the “cd-only” warrior boring. I like the idea of adding a resource bar. Maybe in addition to cooldowns.

And yet such should never happen because dropping such a large, functionality-shifting bomb on players post-beta is a terrible thing regardless of the game.

All-in-all, not as bad as the suggestions for the thief in that other thread.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


no no and no again yes no, play another game if you want a completely different combat system :P

Not suggesting to completely change the combat system, just make it more interesting. I am sure I am not the only one who finds the “cd-only” warrior boring. I like the idea of adding a resource bar. Maybe in addition to cooldowns.

You mean something like Adrenaline. Which we already got.

Thing is, we can’t have both

I wouldn’t be opposed to the Warrior maybe having a F1 + F2 skillset that uses Adrenaline:

  • F1 – Mainhand
  • F2 – Offhand (if wielding a 2H, this would just be an additional skill)

For example, if wielding a Sword and Shield:

  • F1 – Flurry
  • F2 – Charge (Gap Closer that knocks down)

Or a Hammer

  • Earthshaker
  • Unrelenting Blow (Knock down if foe is blocking, 2x damage if foe isn’t)
Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyler.4170


You mean something like Adrenaline. Which we already got.

Thing is, we can’t have both

I wouldn’t be opposed to the Warrior maybe having a F1 + F2 skillset that uses Adrenaline:

  • F1 – Mainhand
  • F2 – Offhand (if wielding a 2H, this would just be an additional skill)

For example, if wielding a Sword and Shield:

  • F1 – Flurry
  • F2 – Charge (Gap Closer that knocks down)

Or a Hammer

  • Earthshaker
  • Unrelenting Blow (Knock down if foe is blocking, 2x damage if foe isn’t)

This would just be adding an additional skill. Wouldn’t fix my opinion of the warrior being boring, although your idea for the current system is pretty neat. My idea was to make warriors more interactive. Adrenaline is used to quicken or get rid of cds so u use skills more on situation rather than because it is the only available move. Cd only is so boring, but that is my opinion.

(edited by tyler.4170)

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Copypasted from an additional thread.

Why not just:

  • Have Adrenaline give Passive effects without needing to Trait (Increased Damage, Passive Health Regen, Increased Crit Chance ect)
  • Give us three skills that cost 1 / 2 / 3 bars respectively (skill one has no cooldown) and have them skills apply additional effects if they meet a condition.

The theory behind this is Adrenaline Attacks become powerful assets when used appropriately and you take the time to set them up, but hinder you if you just spam them.

For example:


  • Remove Final Thrust from the chain, and add Savage Slash in it’s place. Simply a different naming convention.

F1: 1 Bar – Disciplined Strike: Deals X Damage. If in a Stance, this attack is unblockable.
F2: 2 Bars – Final Thrust: Deals X Damage. If foe is under 50% health this attack deals 25% more damage. If foe is under 50% health and Bleeding, this attack does 50% more damage.
F3: 3 Bars – Flurry: Deals X Damage over 5 seconds and Immobilizes. If foe is Weakened, this attack is Unblockable.


F1: 1 Bar – Furious Blow: Deals X Damage. Ignores X% of armour if foe is suffering from x Stacks of Vulnerability.
F2: 2 Bars – Eviscerate: Deals X Damage. As is.
F3: 3 Bars – Executioner’s Strike: Deals X Damage. Guaranteed Critical if foe is Knocked Down and is below 25% health.


F1: 1 Bar – Wild Blow: Deals X damage. Also Dazes for 1 second if foe is suffering from Weakness.
F2: 2 Bars – Body Blow: Deals X Damage: Also Immobilizes foes suffering from Weakness.
F3: 3 Bars – Skull Crack: Deals X damage and stuns foes for 3 seconds.


F1: 1 Bar – Crushing Blow: Deals X Damage. Deals +50% damage and applies X stacks of Vulnerability if foe was Knocked Down.
F2: 2 Bars – Earth Shaker: As it is now.
F3: 3 Bars – Irresistible Blow: Deals X Damage. Deals no damage but causes Knockdown if Foe was blocking, and reduces their endurance by 1/4.


F1: 1 Bar – Arcing Slice: As is.
F2: 2 Bars – Heavy Strikes: Hits twice. If foe is Blocking, the first strike removes block and deals no damage.
F3: 3 Bars – Wild Uppercut: Deals X damage. Causes Blowback if foe is blocking and Suffering from Cripple.


F1: 1 Bar – Kill Shot. As is. Deals 50% more damage to foes under 25% health.
F2: 2 Bars – Penetrating Shot: Deals X Damage. Applies X stacks of Bleeding if foe is suffering from Vulnerability.
F3: 3 Bars – Steady Shot – Deals X Damage. If you are in a stance, this attack is unblockable.


F1: 1 Bar – Combustive Shot. As is.
F2: 2 Bars – Eh. I got nothing.
F3: 3 Bars – “Steady Your Aim!” – Shout. All foes in earshot not suffering from a Condition gain Steady Aim, making their next attack unblockable.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Ideas for Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyler.4170


rather than rage going down over time, I decided to make it increase by 2% every second, so when the warrior is out of combat and doesn’t use skills, it will be full. Also added examples of skills for dual axe