Ideas for the next Race

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caprarius.4901


My money is on the Tengu, the Dominion of the winds is closed off to us at the moment and can make a wonderful 1-15 zone for starter Tengu, also a good location for their city.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tobran.6542


We need an underwater zone. Underwater combat is about 15% of total game play but its so well designed I feel like there should be more of it. And it would give people who underwater legendary weapons to be able to show them off.

Tobran Earnwood – Level 80 Human Ranger
Aurora Glade – [RDDT]

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mizzet.5734


A underwater race, why not? But there has to be a breed that does not have problems in land type that can run and jump without problems on earth. Kodans and Tengus, of course, think these are obvious and each will come with an additional class can be sure, but I still would like to see some flying race in the game, but I think that would change many game mechanics and would not be cool …

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caprarius.4901


Yeah, I think a flying race would not work well with the mechanics, for example like falling damage, and skills like Earthshaker. If they’re flying, how would those work on the race. The race would have to be land based.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


As of now, the only existing race that I see with the makings of a playable race is the Tengu.

Other races are either too tribal, or too hostile, or not enough humanoid to be able to fin in the same places, like a Siege Golem.

A centaur riding a siege golem… can you imagine?

The largos could do if they were less psychopaths.

Hm… maybe naga could do too.

No exceptions!

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Tengue FTW!

I will puke on the first mermaid I see, I promise.

Please please no freaking frog people.

I can handle an Elf or elf-like race. I assumed the Sylvari were supposed to be reminiscent of this but their skin/hair colors and hair styles leave me cold. BLECH! I would love to play one if they had seriously less vomitous color palette and had more ascetically pleasing hair styles etc.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bamboostew.2094


Tengu are more then likely the area for a city is there and there is a possible connected zone in sparkfly fen…

there is a blocked path about halfway down the west shore in Sparkfly fen big boulder there, but theres a path behind it if you look on map

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

Tengu or Largos.

mrsrachelm, the humans are more elvish than the sylvari, in terms of lore and social position. Additionally, the sylvari did originally have a more pixie-like/elvish appearance… and people /hated/ it. They hated it so much the whole race was redesigned to the beautiful and imaginative plant people we have now. They definitely reflect their origins better than they did prior to the redesign.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barlisk.9735


Kodan all the way, and then offer race changes. haha

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Tengu or Largos.

mrsrachelm, the humans are more elvish than the sylvari, in terms of lore and social position. Additionally, the sylvari did originally have a more pixie-like/elvish appearance… and people /hated/ it. They hated it so much the whole race was redesigned to the beautiful and imaginative plant people we have now. They definitely reflect their origins better than they did prior to the redesign.

All I’m saying is the color palette for the Sylvari skin/hair and the hair styles themselves are horrendous. They seriously need to add a wider range of color options and some less clunky looking hairstyles. But yeah, lil pixies would have made me gag.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: JamesPies.6342


The GW2 wiki entry on tengu reads as:

“The tengu are an isolationist avian race that reside primarily within the Dominion of Winds. They have a few small settlements outside the Dominion in order to both trade with and observe other races. They currently remain neutral in all conflicts and are deciding which other races shall be their allies and who their foes.

Other than in and around the Dominion of Winds, it has been said that some tengu reside within the Maguuma Jungle.

They also appear to possess lost knowledge of the Elder Dragons, though the extent of this is unknown beyond the Elder Dragons having risen in the past. However, some tengu believe that the dragons have not yet made their move and what’s seen is only the beginning. "

The fact that Tengu are currently seeking which race they wish to be allies with, have knowledge on the elder dragons and were originally going to be a playable race anyway all but confirms them as the first expansion race in my opinion. All the frame work for personal choices are there (Choose which clan you are a member of) and they’d fit in quite well.

I already have ideas for making a Raven-looking Warrior Tengu. Hope you give them black feathers.
I’d also love to see A Tengu in Destiny’s Edge, not sure what profession though,

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


I can just see a cool Tengue thief, ranger or elementalist in my mind’s eye. Oh heck…any of the classes, lol.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draco Aurum.7520

Draco Aurum.7520

My money is on Dwarves being the next playable race, the return of the Dwarves would make a great expansion!

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Dwarves…fine…as long as they also include Tengue. Otherwise, Dwarves are just same old same old as any other game which gets kinda boring. I mean, if they are going to go Dwarf, they might as well include Elves, Gnomes, etc….blech.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bamboostew.2094


and pandas dont forget pandas guys :P

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


Honestly, We need an intelligent elephant race that spontaneously came from Utopia because of Primordius. => or the pig-like creatures. I mean destroyers don’t exactly look like pigs. 0.0


Dwarves…fine…as long as they also include Tengue. Otherwise, Dwarves are just same old same old as any other game which gets kinda boring. I mean, if they are going to go Dwarf, they might as well include Elves, Gnomes, etc….blech.

They Vanished after the great dwarf event.
Turning them all into stone, guarding the tunnels. Stopping the Destroyers from overwhelming the surface.

Seeing they’re close to extinct a rare race couln’t be playable =d

So you’re save ^^

Major off-topic;
My money is on ’’Proposed’’ Chrono-mancers as a playable Professions though!
secretly utopia cancellation revealed the Chrono-mancer.

(edited by Nhalx.9735)

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


and pandas dont forget pandas guys :P

ROFLOL! Don’t make me hunt you down and slap you silly! :P

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mutiny.4180


I think this is less a question of which races they’ll add, but how they’ll be added. Tengu seem to be a given, but will they only do one race per expansion? Is there a chance we might see two? Will the expansions take a formulaic approach to their content offerings, or be varied and unexpected? Personally, I hope for the latter.

Assuming there won’t be a mold for them to fall into, I can very well see tengu and largos coming in the first expansion, given their interactions in the personal story and around the world. Largos seem designed with the intention of being a player race. It also doesn’t hurt that tengu and largos contrast and compliment one another so well.

Beyond those two, I honestly don’t know what to expect. Elonan centaurs would be incredibly cool (what other game lets you play as a centaur?), but also incredibly unlikely just because of modeling issues. How do you animate death blossom on a centaur? If the developers aren’t daunted by those issues, then I can see them as a player race.

Kodan, though, seem pretty unlikely. There’s no notable difference in genders, no manes or anything to work into hairstyles, and a pretty limited palette to choose from in regards to colors. Tattoos (e.g. the paint we see on some kodan) would be a big thing for them, but norn already do that. They really fulfill no missing archetype like tengu and largos do.

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: ozric.4371


I vote for the Skritt. A little rodent race would be class. … well ok another rodent class would be class ;-)

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


I’d like to see more strange races be playable.
Every MMO has the bogstandard humanoid races as playables, but I’ve yet to see one that has more animal like races.
And no, Popori from TERA don’t count.
I’m talking Skritt, Quaggan, etc.