Implement Dueling for PvP's sake!

Implement Dueling for PvP's sake!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Juzztn.1305


I’m so tired of joining an sPvP game and finding a group of people dueling. It’s not that I hate dueling but I don’t join sPvP for that. Same in WvW. I’ve been yelled at plenty of times for helping a fellow fighter only to find out he was dueling with the now dead enemy. It’s not fun, and most people are pretty rude about it.

Please implement some way to duel so that it won’t get in the way of those who are trying to enjoy PvP on a larger scale. Even just letting us name our sPvP games so people will know it’s a dueling game, not a conquest. Something needs to be done.

Implement Dueling for PvP's sake!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Just laugh, thank them for the free kill. If you are in sPvP, harass them endlessly, force them to leave the room so REAL PvPers will join and fight. Mesmers are great for messing with the “duelers” in sPvP.

Dueling is not PvP…it is phalus waving ego boosting only. If they held dueling tournaments it would actually mean something, as it stands…it is pointless. Join the team and fight.