Improve combat log

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


Boons and DOT effects are not showing in the combat text.

For example Virtue of Justice does burning damage over 5 seconds apparently but I can’t see this.

Well it says Burning (active effect) (5s): 283 so I am assuming this means 283 damage over 5 seconds? (I’m only level 12)

It makes it hard to fully analyse how to maximise my dps. Please fix this.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Boons and DOT effects are not showing in the combat text.

For example Virtue of Justice does burning damage over 5 seconds apparently but I can’t see this.

Well it says Burning (active effect) (5s): 283 so I am assuming this means 283 damage over 5 seconds? (I’m only level 12)

It makes it hard to fully analyse how to maximise my dps. Please fix this.

The idea is to prevent people from trying to “fully maximize their dps” and the like. The last thing we need is something akin to Recount where people start caring more about numbers and less about how well you play your character.


Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


Well I’m not sure if I understand how the boon works correctly as I can’t see its effect. GW2 wiki doesn’t explain it well.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araris.7839


Boons and DOT effects are not showing in the combat text.

For example Virtue of Justice does burning damage over 5 seconds apparently but I can’t see this.

Well it says Burning (active effect) (5s): 283 so I am assuming this means 283 damage over 5 seconds? (I’m only level 12)

It makes it hard to fully analyse how to maximise my dps. Please fix this.

The idea is to prevent people from trying to “fully maximize their dps” and the like. The last thing we need is something akin to Recount where people start caring more about numbers and less about how well you play your character.

Because you can’t play your character well.. While putting out the best dps possible? Huh.. I would imagine those two would go hand in hand.

Some people are able to play well, while also utilizing their skills to bring the best their class has to the table, they merely want the information to do so.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araris.7839


Oh on another note, in addition to an improved combat log, I’d also like the ability to see the healing information.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


Some people are able to play well, while also utilizing their skills to bring the best their class has to the table, they merely want the information to do so.

That’s exactly it. MMO geeks love to analyse data and stats to optimize our characters. Also a good point about the healing too.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Well I’m not sure if I understand how the boon works correctly as I can’t see its effect. GW2 wiki doesn’t explain it well.

The damage the tool tip gives is indeed the total damage dealt over the duration.

From what I could tell, the tooltip is pretty accurate when it comes to condition damage. I counted what happened with my Bleed damage and I found that the tooltip correctly displayed the damage over not 7.25 but 7.0 seconds.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I don´t see nothing wrong in a tool to people maximize their DPS so they can show how his build is the best to everyone, and people will start to copy this build and forget that can be other builds that work better for different situations and well it will even bring party builds where they need a,b,c,x,y classes with their perfected builds just to do one dungeon, and will need to change to d,b,a,x,z class with other perfected builds for other dungeon…

No nothing wrong…

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


glad you agree evolverzilla but I think you are taking it a bit far XD

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Syntax.3704


glad you agree evolverzilla but I think you are taking it a bit far XD

Evolverzilla is trolling you, it is what he does best.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


I know Syntax but I thought I’d play along ^^

I didn’t expect to get complaints because I want to know how class mechanics work

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


No it´s not a trolling, it´s my sarcasm at the best.

A tool to bring the same elitism that I see in GW1 to the point that everyone just play as PVXsite tells them to play. It´s really good to new players. If it´s an old game, without some major changes in the player number, stability, I gladly want a way to make the game more elitist. But not in a new game, not stable, needing more new players that will need to at least learn the mechanics of the game before be elitist gamers too.

But, it´s a non geek opnion just some normal guy whit lots of free time in the work.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


The damage the tool tip gives is indeed the total damage dealt over the duration.

From what I could tell, the tooltip is pretty accurate when it comes to condition damage. I counted what happened with my Bleed damage and I found that the tooltip correctly displayed the damage over not 7.25 but 7.0 seconds.

How can you tell when we can’t even see how much hp a mob has? I see nothing for my burning condition (debuff).

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


Evolverzilla I think you have me wrong. I’m not looking to be some top player. I don’t have time for that. I’m just interested in how the mechanics of the game work. I like details.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


The problem must not be you, but the rest of people that will use this to make an elitis game and not a game for normal people like me to play and enjoy.

Before I had a good guild in GW1 my mesmer was a PVP only char. Even with all my efforts to show how good a mesmer was in PVE. Because PVXsite tell everyone that mesmers are kitten in PVE. Nobody cared about playerskill or imaginative way to use skills. It´s because GW1 turned a elitist game, but without new players it´s not a problem just go with the flow.

But this is a new game, only 3 months old, with a lot of players that don´t even understand some basic mechanics of work group (yeah kitten holy trinity and solo players). If a tool is launched to effectively optimize builds without trial and error in no time will come another pvxsite with optimized builds, with optimized party builds to optimze dungeons and everybody will have to use this or play skyrim, ops, gw2 alone.

That´s the problem.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araris.7839


I don´t see nothing wrong in a tool to people maximize their DPS so they can show how his build is the best to everyone, and people will start to copy this build and forget that can be other builds that work better for different situations and well it will even bring party builds where they need a,b,c,x,y classes with their perfected builds just to do one dungeon, and will need to change to d,b,a,x,z class with other perfected builds for other dungeon…

No nothing wrong…

You are either nothing but a troll or must be the worst player to ever play this game. Everything you post is nothing but drivel that has nothing to do with factual information and everything to do with a very insecure person trying to impose their insecurity’s on other gamers.

In my thread you admitted to being fragile and terrified of people knowing who are you while you pvp. Now you’re in this thread complaining and crying because you’re scared people will see how much damage you’re putting out.

Simply put, stop assuming everyone in the game is as bad as you and is scared other people will see how inept you are in the game.

People knowing how much damage they put out makes them better players, makes them think and imagine new builds to produce better results, not the other way around.

You’re ridiculous.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


The damage the tool tip gives is indeed the total damage dealt over the duration.

From what I could tell, the tooltip is pretty accurate when it comes to condition damage. I counted what happened with my Bleed damage and I found that the tooltip correctly displayed the damage over not 7.25 but 7.0 seconds.

How can you tell when we can’t even see how much hp a mob has? I see nothing for my burning condition (debuff).

Well, I used the wiki page on Bleeding in getting to that conclusion. I also used the page on burning together with my guardian to see that it matched.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falnir.1356


ok I see now

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: seithan.4823


The combat log is … basic at best.

No options, no coloring for character, damage, type of damage. No nothing – yet. I hope we get some real info BECAUSE its an RPG after all and RPGs are all about numbers.

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Sorry but RPG was for me all about having fun with friends, from the time of books RPGs to these modern MMORPGs. And that is something that every company advertise about their game, not we put some high numbers for you to count.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araris.7839


Sorry but RPG was for me all about having fun with friends, from the time of books RPGs to these modern MMORPGs. And that is something that every company advertise about their game, not we put some high numbers for you to count.

Objective of this forum is for people to express an idea and get feedback from the player community and the hope that a dev will read the idea and like it.

It is not for someone to continue coming back to a single thread/idea that they don’t care for and bash it because its not to their liking.

You said your part already, let it go.

Improve combat log

in Suggestions

Posted by: PlumChronicles.4057



I think the combat log could use an improvement as well. There are times where I get downed or killed, and nothing even shows in the combat log. I can understand not making things uber specific so the game doesn’t turn elitist, but if a player takes damage they should at least know what’s hitting them.

It would also help to know which abilities (ones that don’t do damage) your target is using to better understand what’s going on during a fight. Simply listing damage dealt and damage received and for how much experienced doesn’t answer many questions when you get rolled in PvP. I’d like to know if my opponent has casted a shield or quickness, so if I die, I can review what happened and better prepare myself for similar situations in the future.

There’s no way I’m going to level a character for each of the professions and learn all the skills, so the combat log is all I have when it comes to getting better at PvP.