Improve the block player fuction.

Improve the block player fuction.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


I think that the block function is lacking, a lot.
When I block someone, I don’t want to talk to that person or see him/her type.
But the only thing it seems to block is incoming whispers.
I can still see a blocked person writing in normal, party, map, and guild chat.

For example, I’m in a guild where I like pretty much everyone.
But there are maybe one or two people that I just can’t stand.
So my choices are limited to leaving the guild, turning off guild chat (but then I can’t see what my friends type either), or simply endure the annoying people being, well, annoying (no need to go into details here).

OR, you could improve the block function so that we won’t ever see what a person on our blocked list writes anywhere and we can all be happy and not get annoyed all the time :)

Improve the block player fuction.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


World of Warcraft’s block function had to go through many phases before it was perfected – if one could call it that. Very few games get it exactly right off the bad when they want something different than just ignore everything.

For the longest time in WoW if I blocked someone I couldn’t see anything except the speech bubbles. It was odd to not see someone /say in the chat windo when you could still see the chat bubble above the person.

I personally don’t believe that you should not see the person in guild chat, but that’s coming as someone who has been an officer/leader of many guilds over the years and across the games. If the person is bad enough to ignore, they may not have a place in that guild. In the meantime, however, you could separate guild chat into another tab in the chat pannel so you can only see it when your friends are online and then not see when they aren’t.

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