Improve the loot tables of boss mobs
It is really a let down that champions and epic mobs in dungeons and the world have basically the same drops as trash mobs. All the chests also have the exact same loot tables, just more of it. I have seen two orange items drop in my guild so far and neither were from the boss mobs. One was a trash mob in HotW and another was a trash mob in Orr. Something seems seriously off. Right now our biggest hope is to see a yellow so we can turn it into ectoplasm.
Give us something to hope for when defeating these types of mobs. Even veterans should have better loot tables than the rest of the trash in the world. It would be nice if each boss mob throughout the world had its own unique loot table.
I agree completely.
Agreed. I think bosses should have superior equippable items, and vets should have an enhanced chance to drop cosmetic and flavor items such as dyes.
Yeah, everything has an “even” loot table, the only things that vary are rare materials that drop off of certain mobs, kind of disappointing when you spend half an hour doing a super hard jumping puzzle to get two blue items. :\
Champions should def have better loot, not just a gem or a “bag of booty” etc, they are generally harder than Vets etc. Also the loot for the more tricky jump puzzles. I get that Champs etc are meant to be a challenge and fun ofc, but would be nice if the loot was there for the effort. Some dont even drop anything except a grey/white item.
Sure as long as that loot isn’t better than stuff you get from crafted gear.