In-Progress Listing

In-Progress Listing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


This is less about the game, directly, and more about the suggestion forum, itself. I think since the search feature is broken, we would benefit from a Sticky Thread – locked from normal user posts – of all the currently in-progress suggestions. It would look something akin to the following:

In Progress
1- followed by link to primary thread
2- followed by link to primary thread
3- followed by link to primary thread

Under Review
1- followed by link to primary thread
2- followed by link to primary thread
3- followed by link to primary thread

Denied Suggestions

Having this would help reduce repeated threads from popping up so much, provide a way to get to the primary point of discussion for a topic or suggestion, and allow us to see what is really going on in the minds of the devs. A form of feedback like this would go a long way in ensuring that we, the players, feel involved and are satitated – it might even shut some of us up, lol. Each of those bolded headings could by on their own post, or even so far as to have their own sticky devoted to them. The biggest deal here, to me, is that the only people posting on them are the devs and admins. This would keep flaming away from those threads and keep them informative, only. Also, when an update is made, it might need to be bolded so we know what’s new on the list, or maybe they get a date added next to them.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

In-Progress Listing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I thought I would make a more in depth model of this. I have added, also, a strikethough for when an item is finished, theoretically, with a second date to show completion. So the workable example follows (please keep in mind that this is an example and in no way reflects AreaNet and their decision making process):


  1. More Emotes 9/25/2013 9/28/2013
  2. Reload UI 9-27-2013
  3. Guild Halls and/or Player Housing 9/27/2013

Under Review

  1. Reload UI 9-24-2013 9/27/2013
  2. Salvage Tooltip 9/26/2013
  3. SteamOS Support 9/27/2013
  4. Transmutation Stones into Crystals 9/27/2013

Denied Projects

  1. Player Forum Moderators
  2. Remove Soulbound Status
Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

In-Progress Listing

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Something like this would be nice, granted I can see the in-progress being extremely long, also under review and denied would require ANet feedback, not simply feedback from forum moderators or PR people but from the development staff.

So far ANet has also been fairly tight-lipped in regards to what their to-do-list looks like, and what features they’re prioritising and what features they’re not. Sure every now and then they’d give feedback on a feature or two but they’ve never published an explicit list. I’m guessing a system like this would be nice for players but would be against ANet’s present mindset.

In-Progress Listing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Well, whether or not there’s feedback from the staff or not, I’m just looking for a way to have these things be localized and easy to locate. If the forum search function worked properly, this wouldn’t be as large of a deal, at least not to me. I would like to see, either way, a list of possible projects. Even if none of them are truly promised to us, and they’re just all things under review with nothing being listed as “In Progress”, we would at least know they’re looking at our ideas. The only staff I know for a fact is looking at things is the Forum Mods that combine like threads.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread: