In detail of Class (non) flexibility
But lets not yell out stuff so hastly lets look in to Why could this be. Or why does it feel so. And what minor changes could alter this.
First of all i would like to point to Weapon to skill system. It is awesome, but it has its limits.
It is the way to the next generation and i would not want it any other way.
But lets see, Two class uses the same weapon different way, its allright, a Ranger uses a bow propably other way then a warrior, or a Mesmer would, but not sure it differs from a Thief. Besides. Shooting arrows cant be THAT different. And it is not.
And that is actually a problem. Even more so, since Playing a class mostly means you want to play a different style. And that FORCES the devs to develop more and more skills, just to make them differ.
Why do i have to be forced to use a cluster bomb, when i just want to shoot them in the neck, ( like reson would suggest anyway.)
The weapon to skills mechic does wall in the classes. But it is also a good way, to go since it can be SOLVED simply by adding more weapons.
The KEY to it is that the future weapons need be trougly researched, what aspects classes miss, and add those.
Example : Many Enginers like to use Rifle a more Ranged is setup. But it is like a shotgun right now. Solution, they get another rifle (same skins and effects) but Warrior like skill setup (with a taste of Enginer) on the weapons use.
Another point why the system can fix itself, becosue there are many weapons that are the same and just differ in slight details, but they are still noticable. This way classes can have many aspects, without dumping them with hundreds of weapons tipe.
Example : There are atleast 20 tipes of 1h Swords ( not to mention short and long) like : Scymithar, Gladius, Rapier ect…
Whell i do hope its understandable what i try to say, and ppl wont stop at “thief is ok as it is” becouse it was only an example.
And i really hope all realize, its not only me, dont start assuming. Classes lack the customization of play style or “theme” of certaint aspects, that lack from the game. And thats a fact.
And remember this is a constructive thread. It exists to send feedback and improve the game. So the devs can look into it and decide what way they should go or atleast just to take in consideration when designing, that this thout does exist in some players head.
I am awaiting feedback and thouts on this, but most of all someone that can describe this a bit shorter and more summarized.
Also you forget one major thing. The fact that you can not do everything is the reason why classes are that flexible. There is no such thing as “support”, “tank”, “dps”, “glass cannon” etc because simply all classes work and feel different. If you truly wish to unlock the thief’s full potential then you have to start THINKING like a thief of gw2. You have to fully understand the thief’s pros and cons, how he works, how he supports, how he deals damage, and build on that. I play support with all 3 of my major characters, warrior, guardian and ranger. Do I do the same thing? Off course not!
Sure it would be nice to see more skills to chose from and even some that you can put in your 1-5 slot but I think that overall the classes are unique, they are fully customizable and so far they are spot on as to what a-net intended.
They need to be flexible in Style and Theme, not in role they fill.
There are thousand themes for an offensive Guardian, not evne making 10000 classes would make up for all the themes the classes can provide.
Thats why they need to have differet stlyes of combat, or skills.
Thats what i am trying to say. In a part.
I think that anwser that.
The idea of beeing able to switch 1-5, is really hard, to manage, since replacing your skills end in not only a different theme,animation, and effect. But also a different balance to the class. And the fact, that there is no meaning to beeing able to use only certaint weapons.
Trough again, that points out the other fact that, why cant all classes be able to use all weapons? Elementalist not able to use 2h Hammer? Why? Its not dephending on “skill training” its dephending on person. He propably wont use it to combat the was a warrior does, but he can still channel skills fitting to his class trough it.
I was dooing more research, and starting to see the resons.
1,The classes are a specialized part of something, and there are no base classes
Like Wizard, that you can pick how to play : Ele or Nekro or Mesmer.
2, Besides that, there are no roles, the trinity is gone, and since you cant fill some role, it wont matter what class you pick, its more like abaut, play style. But classes cant pick play style. They must use the skills they are given to.
Example: I might like Thief overall, but hate bow skills, i wont like the class in the end. Only becouse i cant change a slight part of it.
Why did you make two threads on the same sub-forum that say essentially the same thing?