In-game character selection

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


While I don’t mind going to the character selection screen for playing another character, I think it could be an interesting and convenient solution if we could change the characters from inside the game.

On the top left of the screen, where the many white icons are, there can be added a new icon “Character select” which will open a window where you can see all your characters in the account – list, grid, thumbnails etc.
In the window, you can access different information about all your characters and you can select any of them “on the fly” without going all the time to the selection screen.
The same window can be used to unlock a new character slot similar to bank tabs and inventory bag slots.

Viewing different information about your characters will make it easier to know when you found a new armor piece or weapon that if it will fit another character.
Also, through this window you can equip different characters without using the bank storage

(edited by Ronah.2869)

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


???????? I am confused as to why you would want this

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


Sounds like a good idea. Can be useful and convenient.

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Sounds like it could open a big box of exploits. So you can equip/stash stuff you loot on your current char on any of your alts, how will it work? Can you fill all the bags of your alts running around on one char?

I think the benefit of this is too little compared to the effort to make it when the alternative is ‘log to char selection’ and login your alt. It takes all but 5 seconds.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Implementing such a feature would be a complete waste of Anets time and manpower. As Dondarrion said, it takes only 5 seconds to log out and log in another character. Also you do know that these characters have to load too, so just by quickly selecting them you won’t really get anything, because you will still get loading every time you switch, hence why this is really a pointless feature.

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i think he wanted to change character on the fly meaning the alt woud be at the same spot where he opened the window…
but unless they change the chests on jumping puzzle, just for an example it would be very unfair and exploitable

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In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


1) Storage issue
The feature will only give access to your character equipment what it is already wearing and not to inventory slots.
(expl. You play with a warrior and you get a nice short bow lvl 24.
- You have the ranger in your account lvl 14 = you cant give the short bow to it because you can’t equip it due to level requirement
- You have a thief of lvl 29 = you can give the bow to your thief because the lvl requirement allows it.

2) log in “on the fly” issue
When you select another character in the account to play with a window will ask you to choose where you want the character to spawn: “Current location” or “Last logged in location”
Choosing “Last Logged in” will load your character in the place you last have logged of with it
Choosing “Current location” will load the character in the location where you are now IF the specific character has unlocked that specific place (uncovered the map) and if the required funds will allow it.
This will save time

I don’t see any exploits that can be newly added and are not possible already.
I can have now all the character placed in the same spot on the map and can do the same just through the character select screen if i want to exploit things

The advantage of this idea is that it will let the players play any event with the character they want when they want

(edited by Ronah.2869)

In-game character selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


or you go once to the jumping puzzle with a tiny agile asura mesmer then log all of your character to the end chest and it is not like having all of them locked there. think about the wvwvw jumping puzzle, you cannot lock there any character. with this function (since wvwvw map is uncovered from the beginning and you don’t need to discover it) you could farm siege and badge of honor like never before.
maybe you wouldn’t do it/think about it, but most of the players will do it gladly, me included

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