In game instruments (bells and horns)

In game instruments (bells and horns)

in Suggestions

Posted by: CAA.9653


Dear Anet,

Please stop giving trolls more instruments and tools to troll us with. The bells were terrible, and extremely annoying, and now there are players running around with vuvuzelas in Lions Arch. They are just as bad, if not worse.

While this is a complaint, I do not want to sound whinny. And I know you will continue to release these instruments of trollage. So it is my humble request that you add a way to mute players who keep blasting their instruments.

I do not wish to mute my game every time I am chatting with somebody in game and some jerk starts playing the horn or bells. And I do not want to mute all players either. Earlier somebody was playing the American National Anthem on the horn. I though that was pretty cool. And then somebody kept playing the same note for 15 minutes next to him. That was really uncool.

So please, look into this in the future before you release another instrument. They can be quite unpleasant.

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam

In game instruments (bells and horns)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


mimimimimimimimi, is all what I read here

Anet should give as more of these instruments, so that we become able to play in GW2 also so greatly self made music, like in LOTRO and Co..

The point about music instruments in GW2 is only, that theres 1 single little option missing, that should have been implemented from the begin on, when they introduced the bell in wintersday this year.

Activate/Deactivater other Player Sound Effects.

Due to the fact, that music instruments count basically as Sound Effects, this would be the option to deativate sound effects made by other players, without ending up hearing nothing anymore, because of your own sound effects being turned off too…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

In game instruments (bells and horns)

in Suggestions

Posted by: CAA.9653


That sounds good too. Just something to mute trolls and spammers. I don’t care how. I just don’t want to listen to those instruments every time I use the bank or trading post.

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam