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Why don’t you suggest a features, pro/con’s so that they have an idea of what you really want with marriage.
Runescape much?
SAO is awesome BTW.
No thanks. It’s one of the reasons I was disgusted with Perfect World. It’s creepy.
Why no same sex or divorce? Surely in a fantasy world the archaic, bigoted rules of earthly religions wouldn’t apply?
Everquest had this and it was pretty cool. The GMs would come out and host it sometimes. It was a big event.
No thanks. It’s one of the reasons I was disgusted with Perfect World. It’s creepy.
If Anet decides not to incorporate this idea, I think this will be one of the biggest reasons. While I like the fact that we’re approaching the day when we’ll see virtual reality, some people wouldn’t be so comfortable about bridging the gap between virtual reality and real life. It might be turnoff to many.
And of course, there’s the fact that Anet needs/wants to maintain this game’s foci and theme. Hacking up monsters, crafting armor, PvP’ing, and questing.
- No same sex marriages.
In b4 flame war. I would remove this before people start getting mad at you. Besides, sense virtual marriages are meaningless, there’s no reason to not allow same sex marriages, for both serious and for the lulz purposes.
Runescape much?
SAO is awesome BTW.
I know the name Runescape and tried it for like oh what the better part of 5 minutes
no idea why so many millions of people play that crappy game anyway seriously.
yeah SAO is amazing indeed one of the best anime’s to come out in recent years if you ask me.
I believe marriages were able to be conducted in Runescape. Same-sex marriages were allowed.
Interesting idea, $10 says Anet’s at least thought about it during conference meetings.
As much as I know I shouldn’t bring it up, is there a reason “same-sex” marriages wouldn’t be allowed? The Sylvari have no real definition of gender within their culture and that would just seem really weird to me. Besides, the way you tacked it on at the end of your post seems more like a last-minute addon, rather than a center part of your argument for marriages.
Overall, I do think the idea of marriage in a game like this could cause more trouble than it’s worth. So I’d have to say that I am against the idea of it being implemented ingame.
- No same sex marriages.
In b4 flame war. I would remove this before people start getting mad at you. Besides, sense virtual marriages are meaningless, there’s no reason to not allow same sex marriages, for both serious and for the lulz purposes.
I thought about removing it actually I did, a couple of times but I’m the no BS say what I think NOT what is socially correct kind of person.
And to be honest with you, I don’t mind same sex marriages in real life I have lesbian friends and homosexual friends as well. thing is, you see, I don’t think it’s correct to imply to growing children that same sex marriage is the norm of the world and how the world works.
If you grow up and decide to do it or you find yourself attracted by the same sex, fine make your decision and be happy I’m all for it.
This isn’t the world though, is it? The religions of Earth don’t exist in Tyria and it’s possible that the same bigoted notions that exist here were never formed in Tyria. If anything, it would be healthier to show children an ideal world where that kind of pointless hatred doesn’t exist so that perhaps they can work to make our own planet a better place in the future.
You are the one that mentioned hatred dude !!!
Don’t make it sound like what it is NOT…!!!I can see this will become a problem already because of idiots like you.
Mods go ahead and close the thread…!!!!
Hey, pal. You’re the one that stated that you didn’t want same sex marriage. The community is extremely diverse and you invite this sort of response by suggesting a feature that would exclude a part of that community based on your personal beliefs. What did you expect? Same sex marriage is only looked down upon in some cultures, not all.
If there is no gameplay changes for marriage, what really stops you from roleplaying one?
You are the one that mentioned hatred dude !!!
Hate to disagree with you, but trav is right. The bans some countries have on same-sex marriage originated as a result of the dominant demographic’s distaste for a minority group’s affiliation, which in this case is sexual orientation. Their justification was the same as yours: It was the “norm” of the majority and thus how the world worked.
There’s just one problem. This “norm” was created and encouraged by the majority, often times a religious majority, even while the minority was often composed of those who don’t espouse a belief system. Basically, these same-sex couples were forced to adhere to the laws and norms of the majority group in spite of being nonpractitioners.
Not allowing for same-sex marriage would make sense if the point of the game was to deny reality and create a utopia where same-sex marriages don’t exist. But I don’t think that’s the case.
Your argument basically boils down to your belief same-sex marriage shouldn’t be allowed if marriage is introduced into the game because it doesn’t fit into your preference, even though same-sex marriage as an institution wouldn’t have any effect on you. Furthermore, you’re more or less advocating that we teach our children that same-sex couples shouldn’t receive equal rights as heterosexual couples.
If we were to use that logic in other areas, we could just as well introduce racial hierarchies into the game. We could have one race be the rich, dominant one that controls everything, from the media, the military, and many other aspects of life. We could have other races be weaker, dumber, and inferior, because hey, that’s the “norm” people see on television and believe, right? If the dominant group is showing on TV that a certain races are weaker and inferior because that’s a part of the norm, why don’t we have the same dynamic used in GW? [Protip: I find it funny how conservatives are closet racists and never publicly admit to being so, but they’re okay with bashing gays]
Bottom line: Telling people we shouldn’t allow same-sex marriages just because you incorrectly think it isn’t the “norm” of the world isn’t a compelling reason to not allow same-sex marriage if marriage gets introduced. Sorry, you’re not making any convincing arguments. You’re just risking coming off as a bigoted nutcase.
(edited by Jack.1469)
- No same sex marriages.
In b4 flame war. I would remove this before people start getting mad at you. Besides, sense virtual marriages are meaningless, there’s no reason to not allow same sex marriages, for both serious and for the lulz purposes.
I should’ve listened yo you !!!
to many idiots twisting my words around already !!
I reported the thread myself !!!
- No same sex marriages.
In b4 flame war. I would remove this before people start getting mad at you. Besides, sense virtual marriages are meaningless, there’s no reason to not allow same sex marriages, for both serious and for the lulz purposes.
I should’ve listened yo you !!!
to many idiots twisting my words around already !!
I reported the thread myself !!!
You make a statement, you own up to it. Many of us have heard people like you use similar words and justifications for an animus against same-sex couples. It’s not really twisting your words if we’ve heard identical arguments and can easily point out why they’re really bad. Maybe it just shows people of your type need to come up with sounder arguments.
You decide.
Not to mention the spectacular PR disaster that would result in the announcement of a great new feature that is purposely designed to exclude a certain demographic.
I’m pretty sure same-sex marriage would be included as an option if this went ahead, especially since Arena Net have already acknowledged and confirmed that homosexuality is viewed as fine throughout Tyria.
RE: Not to mention the spectacular PR disaster that would result in the announcement of a great new feature that is purposely designed to exclude a certain demographic.
I’d be hesitant to boycott Anet over this, but I do admit this would really change how I view the company based on their willingness to go this route.
If you do add in-game marriages, you will have to add in-game divorces, so could you also add in-game divorce attorneys? Maybe I will be able to get a better settlement here.
Maybe it could just be some sort of coupling and not necessarily marriage.
I wouldn’t use “mate” either since my boyfriend isn’t popping out kids anytime soon.
And Sylvari don’t have woo hoos and bang bangs – that function reproductively, at least.
Of course, the benefits shouldn’t be that great as to force people to find someone.
Maybe more of a fluff type thing.
I would surely enjoy it.
- No same sex marriages.
In b4 flame war. I would remove this before people start getting mad at you. Besides, sense virtual marriages are meaningless, there’s no reason to not allow same sex marriages, for both serious and for the lulz purposes.
I should’ve listened yo you !!!
to many idiots twisting my words around already !!
I reported the thread myself !!!You make a statement, you own up to it. Many of us have heard people like you use similar words and justifications for an animus against same-sex couples. It’s not really twisting your words if we’ve heard identical arguments and can easily point out why they’re really bad. Maybe it just shows people of your type need to come up with sounder arguments.
You decide.
Actually that is twisting someone’s words. When you drag prepositional baggage, i.e. what others have said, and put it onto someone’s words, then the context of the argument isn’t about what they said but what others have said.
They do have same sex relationships in the game though …
Caithe is a lesbian.
There is no reason whatsoever to provide support for marriage between characters.
If you want it, RP it out.
With most female charters are being played by males, I don’t think its useful, lol.
While this isn’t something I would take part in, there are some great ways they could implement it for the people who would. They could sell a consumable item on the cash shop that spawned a little decorated gazebo with some chairs/NPC guests, and an NPC priest/mayor that both players would have to ‘talk’ to, bringing up the dialogue box with the “do you blah blah blah?” thing and an “I do” response. After both players clicked “I do”, some fireworks could shoot off, and they would each be granted a name change to create the same surname, or get a completely unique title like “Husband of so-and-so” or “Wife of so-and-so”. They would just travel to their favorite location, bring their in-game friends or guildies, use the consumable and have a fun little event to take part in — and ANet makes cash off it!
It is the one and only feature that disgusts me of MMO’s that have this feature. While it may be okay for some MMO-genres, it would not and will never fit int GW2-atmosphere.
I would say that it’s allright as long as it doesn’t give any ingame benefit like on Ragnarok online that would try to give you an incentive to do it just for the benefits.
But only AFTER they’ve put in an official RP server.
It’s a 12+ game, guys :P
- No same sex marriages.
In b4 flame war. I would remove this before people start getting mad at you. Besides, sense virtual marriages are meaningless, there’s no reason to not allow same sex marriages, for both serious and for the lulz purposes.
I should’ve listened yo you !!!
to many idiots twisting my words around already !!
I reported the thread myself !!!You make a statement, you own up to it. Many of us have heard people like you use similar words and justifications for an animus against same-sex couples. It’s not really twisting your words if we’ve heard identical arguments and can easily point out why they’re really bad. Maybe it just shows people of your type need to come up with sounder arguments.
You decide.
Actually that is twisting someone’s words. When you drag prepositional baggage, i.e. what others have said, and put it onto someone’s words, then the context of the argument isn’t about what they said but what others have said.
Would you like to explain to us how “prepositional baggage” is being dragged out and inserted into someone else words, or are you just engaging in a prospective fishing expedition?
Well I personally see no reason why we should not have marriges. Either different or same gender. There are MMOS that allow them ,, Eden Eternal,, ,,Runes of Magic,, or ,,Lucent Heart,, . Besides EE allows to ,,couple,, between races – frog-human-a-like and bears-a-like. And those games have PEGI 12 + . No-MMO game that has marrige is – Sims 2-3. There couples ( either both or same sex) can kiss,cuddle,hug etc.
I saw no boycott of Sims or other MMOS when same-sex marriges where implemented so someone,s arguments are valid.
Games that have 16-18 PEGI have either more realistic volience or have more sexuall themed content ( naked NPC, sexual intercourses etc. ).
The only problem I have is, how can it be done and whether marrige is usefull?
Maybe some sort of chapel ? Players have to pay a fee ?
And if Anet decides to implement marriges ,please give them NO benefits. It discriminates those ,,lone wolfs,, marrige should be more like an social feature for laugh : ,,ima married to male asura and ima male char lololol,, or to experiecne gameplay with ,,special someone,, from real life. Well maybe aproppiate outfit can be given for ceremony and can be kept forever after it, but NO benefits like – higher speed when couple is together or bigger exp rate.
Im actually curious : How bigger MMOS like LOTR or WOW have solved this issue ? I haven’t played them.
(edited by Blumiere.1489)
This thread is a perfect example of why they should never add it.
They solved it by not having them and thus never had to deal with the politics.
really this is a sugestion. why would u wnat to be “married” in a video game.
heh, there should be a -50% exp and -50% coin penility for begin male and being married
female should get +50% exp and +50% coin.
It’s a 12+ game, guys :P
really this is a sugestion. why would u wnat to be “married” in a video game.
heh, there should be a -50% exp and -50% coin penility for begin male and being married
female should get +50% exp and +50% coin.
That’s a very dumb suggestion buddy.
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