Incoming New Races.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

Tengu plz.

Largos are essentially humans or sylvari with wings and Kodan are Norn with polar bear faces. Im interested in them from a lore standpoint but other than that I don’t really want just another human variation

…i’d be interested in hylek as well.

Tengu are just char with beaks.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

If we are being logical, Centaurs are out. Jumping puzzles and armor for them would be hilarious. I don’t think you can do Skritt and keep with the lore. They get better when there are herds of them and that would mean everyone in WvW would have to all be Skritt.

Tengu make the most sense. They have an area right next to LA that we can’t access yet. Remember, I said it’s if we are being logical. Tengu are the most logical.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Israfyl.9230


Again such a thread, where people are begging for those silly races, which have already been told a million times, that they never will become playable, as they are INTENDED to be 100% only classes that make up an appearance only in the personal story either as enemies of the playable races or as alllies of the personal story.

The best thing Anet should do is just implement Tengus, then make big war like living story thats based on a harbinger of a new elder dragon (one of their super champions appearing as a new world boss) which story annihilates mostly all kodan (except the one for dungeon making him the last one of his race and thus destined to be extinctioned/unplayable) anf if they feel of ever implementing more new playable races, that they implement to the game something, that is 100% completely new and unique that has never been seen before in the game that has been designed from the scrach new, because such new playable races are for a game like GW2 the most best that anet could do to keep the game as unique and interesting as possible!

We have so much unexplored places in Tyria with its absolute huge map where we don’t know, what for unseen races could live there.
Please don’t throw away this big chance to stay unique by hearing on this comminity QQ and waste that oppurtunity by recycling tons of stupid already existign races that play no role, other then being part of the personal story or beign enemies…

And here we go again, another kid crying over others expressing things that they see fun in a Game, i mean if thats your opinion, then by all means I will tell you mine, The even better thing that Anet could do is annihilate the Tengu by having Primordus come from undergound or wherever he is, and destroy the whole dominion of winds with all the Tengu in there, and Jormag Comes from the North and destroys the whole Kodan race.

that being said, you are not obligated to post in such a thread if it kitten es the likes of you, just go else where, or create whatever QQing thread about the community while you already have proven that you lie at the bottom of it.

Elonian at Heart

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Israfyl.9230


Tengu plz.

Largos are essentially humans or sylvari with wings and Kodan are Norn with polar bear faces. Im interested in them from a lore standpoint but other than that I don’t really want just another human variation

…i’d be interested in hylek as well.

Tengu are just char with beaks.

Not only charr with beaks, they also look like WereChickens.

Elonian at Heart

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

Again such a thread, where people are begging for those silly races, which have already been told a million times, that they never will become playable, as they are INTENDED to be 100% only classes that make up an appearance only in the personal story either as enemies of the playable races or as alllies of the personal story.

The best thing Anet should do is just implement Tengus, then make big war like living story thats based on a harbinger of a new elder dragon (one of their super champions appearing as a new world boss) which story annihilates mostly all kodan (except the one for dungeon making him the last one of his race and thus destined to be extinctioned/unplayable) anf if they feel of ever implementing more new playable races, that they implement to the game something, that is 100% completely new and unique that has never been seen before in the game that has been designed from the scrach new, because such new playable races are for a game like GW2 the most best that anet could do to keep the game as unique and interesting as possible!

We have so much unexplored places in Tyria with its absolute huge map where we don’t know, what for unseen races could live there.
Please don’t throw away this big chance to stay unique by hearing on this comminity QQ and waste that oppurtunity by recycling tons of stupid already existign races that play no role, other then being part of the personal story or beign enemies…

And here we go again, another kid crying over others expressing things that they see fun in a Game, i mean if thats your opinion, then by all means I will tell you mine, The even better thing that Anet could do is annihilate the Tengu by having Primordus come from undergound or wherever he is, and destroy the whole dominion of winds with all the Tengu in there, and Jormag Comes from the North and destroys the whole Kodan race.

that being said, you are not obligated to post in such a thread if it kitten es the likes of you, just go else where, or create whatever QQing thread about the community while you already have proven that you lie at the bottom of it.

Yes, he/she is like that, a troll with nothing better to do (from seeing many other posts of theirs) Most people just ignore it as should u.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolf.5816


I’m still holding out for Skritt. I don’t care about lagistics, I just want Skritt.

SHINIES!!! \(^u^)/
i guess there might be a Skritt Ele/Engineer for me then xD

In this fantasy game it would be completely reasonable and relatively simple to justify the Skritt gaining their own solitary intelligence. Evolution/magic/technology/adaptation a combination of all four.. Pick one. We have a technologically brilliant smaller race.. Now lets have a ferocious, fearless simplistic yet innovative smaller race.

Can you just imagine the different hair styles and markings a Skritt could have!? They would look simply Devine.. In all the armor types across all professions.

Skritt please.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


So, if Kodan are added to the game as a playable race, are they going to have a cultural elite that transforms them into a Norn? :P

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

The next playable race will be Tengu. They’re the only race that’s already in place and ready to go. They have a home city and a starter zone with obviously defined boarders. They have an entrance into Lion’s Arch, Caledon Forest and Kessex Hills, they just need to be opened.

Both the Kodan and the Largos would need to be developed. All of the main zones relevant to the Kodan are 70+. It’s not simple to just tag a starter zone onto that. Also, they’re even more nomadic than the Norn since they’ve literally been ejected from their homes and live in flying cities, making a home city somewhat difficult.

The Largos are primarily aquatic. While it could be interesting to have a city or even city and starter zone be primarily underwater, underwater combat is far to limiting and limited for this to be especially enjoyable. There also doesn’t seem to be any lore to indicate the race actively going very far out of the water. In every zone where they show up they’re either in water or very near water.

The Hylek are a potential, though it’s questionable how well they would handle cold weather zones, being frogs.

The Skritt, while being hilarious and fun, are too stupid individually to make sense. They’re a great toy for RPers, but only those that want to play very stupid characters.

Quaggan get too much hate. Quaggan are among the most interesting races because of the dichotomy of their lives. They are nasty vicious killing machines that spend their whole lives suppressing their emotions to keep from just destroying everything and everyone around them. The only reason the Krait can push them around is because they choose to let them rather than committing genocide on the race and eating them all. This is also why they don’t make sense for players, since most players, if given the choice would spend all their time as nasty vicious killing machines, rather than sweet dumpy pacifists, which goes against their lore.

Centaurs are just silly. Centaurs are the bad guys. They are the major enemy of humanity right now, and have no interest in changing that. All the clans are united in this hatred as well. So, while it might be possible to find a home city for them, they wouldn’t join the Pact to fight Zaitan because they can’t see past their own snouts where humans are concerned.

Dwarves are right out. Unless they introduced Primortus there isn’t any room for Dwarves since they’re all down in the depths, with only a single exception, trying to hold him at bay.

Krait are worse than Centaurs. Unlike the Centaurs who have a legitimate beef with the Humans they’re warring with, Krait attack, slaughter and enslave races just cause they can. There is no room, what so ever, for a union or helpful cooperation between the Krait and any of the other races.

I think that pretty much covers the options. Tengu are the next race, regardless of when that is, because they’re the only one properly prepared to be included.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

Gimme dat Tengu Thief!

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aradusm.6420


To totally honest, I think we need an underwater race. Even if they introduce an unknown race to fill that niche, it would be nice to have a race like that. Asura are underground race, other races are above ground. We have no race we can play that is underwater race, which we got a niche that is unexplored and leaving a realm of possibilities.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverbleed.3169


I would love the Largos seriously. But it would really suck we cant change race. I understand the story problem, but for that reason – why not trade race & story with another character? And to have this possible only at lvl 80? (pve not story). It would solve the whole problem. And I would absolutely use it.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

To totally honest, I think we need an underwater race. Even if they introduce an unknown race to fill that niche, it would be nice to have a race like that. Asura are underground race, other races are above ground. We have no race we can play that is underwater race, which we got a niche that is unexplored and leaving a realm of possibilities.

To what end? Underwater isn’t well designed. It isn’t poor, and it’s actually better than most underwater systems, but it’s still not terribly enjoyable. There is far too much limitation in the system to warrant a whole race about it. It is also an extremely insignificant portion of the playable world. Even if the entirety of the racial city and starter zone were underwater content it would still be a small portion of the whole game.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Asura are underground race, other races are above ground.

Not really . They were forced above ground by the destroyers 250 years ago so they dont really fit that mold .

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Getefix.9150


+1 for Tengu and… KRAIT! yeah, i would like to see a naga-like race in a mmo at least once for a change.

krait will not be chosen, that would involve a HUGE number of krait to become ‘good’ in lore terms, and they are notoriously xenophobic, naga MAAAYYYBEEE (very long stretch) and only then depending on if cantha is ever released

“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”

Kiel Replacement Movement

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Getefix.9150


i have the best idea, make luxon siege turtles a playable race (i am joking before anyone rages)

“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”

Kiel Replacement Movement

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Luxons were such animal abusers

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Getefix.9150


Luxons were such animal abusers

at least we didnt do human experiments and turn those into siege engines,

“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”

Kiel Replacement Movement

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


The Kurzicks were willing to under go the ritual or do you need to be reminded of that ?

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Getefix.9150


no!! they were brainwashed into thinking it was honourable, if you went back in time to ancient japan, they would kill themselves to keep their family honour

“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”

Kiel Replacement Movement

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex the Precise.3654

Alex the Precise.3654

I would love to play as hylek/heket. They have a strong cultural identity and ties to Elona just as the Tengu have ties to Cantha. The only issues I see with them is their immunity to the poison condition and armor scaling. I thought some helms looked ridiculously large on Charr characters.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Hyleck for the win!

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThePahkage.2684


I’m hoping for Dwarves

go play gw1:eye of the north

now you know you will never have dwarves for a playable race

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

Skritt, while being hilarious and fun, are too stupid individually to make sense.

That’s just what they want you to believe…sneaky buggers.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yitsul.8342


Largos and Tengu

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’d personally like to see Tengu (Tengu Thief), Skritt (Engineer) and Naga (Krait-like beings who have just recently arrived from Cantha, as part of the Canthan expansion. Unlike the Krait, the Naga actually used to live peacefully alongside humans and Tengu, until the Jade Wind destroyed their traditional homes and forced them to turn to raiding to survive. Naga could “jump” by coiling their tail up and using it in a spring-like leap).

However, Skritt is extremely unlikely due to their status as both a minor race that takes part in the Personal Story, as well as their unusual intelligence mechanism.

Largos and Kodan have potential, but I think Largos is probably down the ladder as it would mean giving them an underwater capital, and most players loathe underwater combat/activities as it is. Plus, I seem to recall it being said that the Largos cannot survive for too long away from the water, which would make it strange to have one running about mainly on land.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Kodan as a playable race, but I think they share too much game aesthetics with Norn (big, physically powerful, arctic dwelling beings) for them to really stand out on their own.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Naga could “jump” by coiling their tail up and using it in a spring-like leap).

this so reminded me of the game Q-Bert

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Where do you think I got the idea from? It’s not that far-fetched though. If you’ve ever watched a snake’s strike, they get power for their momentum by pulling back and using the muscles in their tail to thrust themselves forward. There’s no reason they couldn’t adjust their angle and use this muscle power to push themselves upwards in a jump.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rangtsulfatu.8042


Everyone seems to forget why this game is GW2 and not just an other expansion on GW1. They started a whole new game because some of their plans just didn’t fit into the lore. So the next race(s) will have to fit in. Races that don’t want to work with the current playable races, like tengu, kodan or largos are not the obvious choice. Their position may change in the future and I do expect the tengu to become playable some day, but they won’t be the next race.

I think the next race will be a race that is at war with the dragons and working with the playable races, so the minor races seem most likely. They may seem/be dumb or strange, but for RPers that’s just an other interesting thing to work with and for non-RPers, what does it matter? You don’t RP anyway.

They seem unpopular on this site, but on my server everyone seems to love skritt and quaggan so I guess they could be concidered to be in the pool. I for one can’t wait to play as a skritt.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: imagangsta.1349


Risen Chicken or Bloated Creeper race please.

Crystal Desert Kingswood Brotherhood [KWBH]
Percivel: Guardian, Vayne Silverjaw: Warrior, Varon Aren: Elementalist

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icarus Pherae.4680

Icarus Pherae.4680

I will say this once….


I an guessing that in this order::

1) Tengu
2) Kodan
3) Largos (if we get an expansion that deals with bubbles)
4) Something totally random it just catches everyone off guard.
5) Such as Centaurs suddenly being good, or Unicorns
10,000,000) ‘Undead’

Alright, carry on then!

The charr work very well for the “evil” race, and as far as I know in WoW, you can’t play any “evil” races, they all are selfish or dogmatic in one way or another but not outwardly evil.

As for kodan, I have had a problem with them for a while and I think only now I can finally figure out why. The kodan seem to have stolen the “northern wiseman” part of the norn, and in doing so it seems they pushed one part of the norn into being the only aspect so that they might differentiate the two more, which I feel also has an impact on downplaying the norn shapeshifting, which was primarily(read as only) a bear in GW1. Aside from that, I would want a redux for their character design, since as of right now their head pokes out of their chests, and it is really weird, it’s like they tried to make some hideous charr/norn baby. Barring those two factors I could be behind them being playable, but I am still mad that it seems their existence pushed my favorite Gw1 race into being shallow, giant frat boys.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icarus Pherae.4680

Icarus Pherae.4680

I’m hoping for Dwarves

go play gw1:eye of the north

now you know you will never have dwarves for a playable race

I wouldn’t say we can count them out, if a death is off screen I don’t believe it till I see a body (I’m looking at you Syrio Forel). The way I see it, by the time we get to Primordius, it would be a perfect time to introduce stone dwarves, which incorporates a bit of familiarity with a (kind of) fresh take on them, which goes with GW’s design methods.

As it is I can already see plant legolas and stone gimli……..ugh.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lodovicus.1562






Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zrein.1683


I think that is awesome adding new races , but i supose that races that are enemies or even the awesome small races (quaggan, ogres, skritt, hylek, grawls ) can’t be as main races or if not they spoil the story mode.

It would be interesting using

-Centaurs (in GW1 you have a friend that help you as hero)

Personally I love variety, and I didn’t liked so much that only 5 races for 8 profesions… so I did 8 characters one per each profesion, and I did 5 females and 3 males. If they add new races they should add also new profesions, some people miss old profesions from GW1 it should be a great idea to recover them

But we are too greedy :p more races means that later will want even more races, he he.
Thank you for making this awesome game ^.^

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Israfyl.9230


Hahaha, i like your spirit

I am also intrigued to see a new race like those Seers (Martians i presume?), or some other new stuff like the Mursaat, or some thing totally new and bizarre not to mention very appealing to play with

Elonian at Heart

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zappix.7928


If they were to introduce the Tengu it would be really interesting to see if they open up the dominion of winds and possibly parts of Cantha. I understand that Arenanet is a little worried about touching the Asian themed continent however this could be tackled if they were to introduce it slowly and focus only on the Tengu and Tengu regions that have Naga (enemies). It doesn’t have to be very Asian themed you can keep it quite neutral whilst staying true to Guild Wars Factions.

In regards to the Kodan it would be nice if they could open up the Northern Shiverpeaks and slowly got round to tackling Jormag around that region.

Yes please do this!

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Everyone seems to forget why this game is GW2 and not just an other expansion on GW1. They started a whole new game because some of their plans just didn’t fit into the lore. So the next race(s) will have to fit in. Races that don’t want to work with the current playable races, like tengu, kodan or largos are not the obvious choice. Their position may change in the future and I do expect the tengu to become playable some day, but they won’t be the next race.

I think the next race will be a race that is at war with the dragons and working with the playable races, so the minor races seem most likely. They may seem/be dumb or strange, but for RPers that’s just an other interesting thing to work with and for non-RPers, what does it matter? You don’t RP anyway.

They seem unpopular on this site, but on my server everyone seems to love skritt and quaggan so I guess they could be concidered to be in the pool. I for one can’t wait to play as a skritt.

Wow, for a post that started out so well you tanked fast. The Tengu WERE not ready to work with us, but by the time they release them as a playable race they’ll be ready.

It isn’t a question of if, it’s a question of when. Like I said before, the zones already exist, they just need to link them for us. You can see them quite clearly on the map, both a city and a starter area. The Kodan and the Largos are also in a position to be willing to play with the other races, they just need the story to explain what tipped the scale.

The lesser races can’t make sense because of the personal story because they have to be convinced to help by the orders. What we need are races outside of the story ready to commit and the Tengu, Largos and Kodan are ready, they just need to be tipped. But only the Tengu are actually in a position to become a legitimate playable race right now.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolf.5816





Skritt for president. And for the new race.

I don’t understand where people come from when they say lesser races can’t be playable. Literally anything is possible, and making Skritt the new playable race is completely possible.

In this games lore, rules are fabricated to be broken. The Dead can be made living, the immortal can be killed the examples are everywhere. Hell, Lyssa could come back from the void and say: “you know what.. Skritt please me, here’s your intelligence”. To say its not possible is a little harsh considering the actual creative leash length that’s given in a fantasy massively multiplayer online role playing game such as this one. All the races have adapted and survived the impossible to become one of the “greater races” And Skritt is no exception.

It is already known that Skritts have collective intelligence. And when solitary their minds activity will grow dormant, however they possess the ability to even out smart the Asura when in mass, making the Asura actually consider them a threat. And during dire times a rare few Skritt become super intelligent and gain the power to lead, think and demonstrate initiative even without the aid of other Skritts cumulative intelligence. In fact it may even be possible for Skritt to tap into other creatures ability to gather and interpret information through symbiotic relationship.

There are so many possibilities and completely viable reasons to why Skritt could be a fair and legitimate race. (Try playing the human story mode and assist the Skritt, their intelligence and ingenuity is jaw dropping and there are only 4-5 traveling with you.)

My point
Yes, I am biased in the fact that I would very much like Skritt as a/the new race.
But at least use this as an example that most races have pretty reasonable avenues to become a “greater race”. Regardless of their connection to the story mode or their position in the current affairs of Tyria. As Anet puts it, it IS a “Living Word”, the smallest races can rise to be the most powerful and the greatest races can fade to dust or become lost to extinction.

Basically, don’t be racist.

Vote Skritt.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


I believe the two races that are popular are Tengu and Largos. Dont really see the appeal with Largos myself tbh. Tengu would be amazing though.

I love you! Tengu for world leaders!!!!

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745


My point
Yes, I am biased in the fact that I would very much like Skritt as a/the new race.
But at least use this as an example that most races have pretty reasonable avenues to become a “greater race”. Regardless of their connection to the story mode or their position in the current affairs of Tyria. As Anet puts it, it IS a “Living Word”, the smallest races can rise to be the most powerful and the greatest races can fade to dust or become lost to extinction.

Basically, don’t be racist.

Vote Skritt.

So what I read is, with Dais Ex Machina, aka bad writing, the Skritt could be smart, otherwise a small handful of Skritt, as in the few that play a role in the stories, would be. So our options are, bad writing just randomly boosting them for no better reason than to do so, or bad writing by letting an infinite number of Skritt be regarded as a small handful.

I love the Skritt. They are my single favorite race in the game. There is not a single thing that the Skritt randomly say in the world that doesn’t bring a smile to my face, cause they’re just crazy. That doesn’t take away what they are. It also isn’t racist to say they can’t be more than that, it’s realistic. The lesser races are there to be lesser. They are there to be boosted by the player during the story to bring them into the Pact to fight the Dragons. How would it make sense for a Skritt to join the Whispers then move to boost up the Skritt? Why would he need to do that, they’re already at that level, aren’t they? It’s part of the story and lore of the game. To arbitrarily ignore and change that goes against ANets design.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Lone skritt aren’t unintelligent in the sense that they can’t grasp concepts. they are simply easily distracted. So a group of skritt can make snap descisions and keep each other on track due to their impressive communication skills. Without a leader to focus their attention, they don’t get big prjects done. but that’s okay for any individual in any playable race. We don’t need to be team players involved in large complicated civil projects.

“skritt simply communicate so rapidly that, when together, they can vet their ideas and choose the best one within seconds, rather than going with whatever plan each individual first conceived. Certainly, the skritt have exceptionally sharp auditory skills. They can communicate with one another almost instantly if they are within earshot. If you meet one skritt alone, he might not appear particularly intelligent, but if you meet several, they can discuss their surroundings in amazingly swift, almost ultrasonic chirrups and chitters, and are able to process information and make more intelligent decisions.”

Sktitt don’t need to be too intelligent (wise) to be playable. They just need to fill the classes.

“They don’t plan, they are not strategists beyond small tactics and survival techniques, and they are quick to take advantage when they see an opening. They are neither inventors nor scientists, but they are curious. Given enough time with someone else’s invention, a skritt will discover how it works—and possibly how to replicate it.”

So their ability to understand complicated concepts en-mass like learning magic, would fulfill the avenue for the magic based classes. Even when the skritt ventures out alone.

the only other issue I see is that lone skritt tend to die due to unwise descisions. But lone humans tend to die when they descide to fight ettin, so…….

“One skritt alone is a simple-minded individual, capable of performing basic tasks and keeping himself alive”,_Sneaky_Skritt

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carlin Sanders.3587

Carlin Sanders.3587

I imagine that these races would be tied to world expansion.

Tengu – return to cantha/rebellion against the xenophobic emperor. they would be playable as not only is their home then accessible but they would most likely ask at least one of the greater races/pact in their struggle to return home to cantha. this also means that, since they’ll need to design the tengu homeland, they’ll need to use an architecture style similar to cantha itself.

Largos – a lot of people tied this in to bubbles, and i believe that this will play a part as we expand to elona – that maybe bubbles has finally gotten close to the surface and are driving the majority of largos to said surface. in order to fight this enemy, they need to adapt and to learn from the races who have succeeded in this. and where has bubbles chosen to surface? right on top of istan. which would kitten off joko to no end as he already had to deal with zhaitan and kralkatorrik. so he would probably allow ‘heroes’ to ‘visit’ to deal with this. and then kick them out once they aren’t useful to him or they start problems. (order of whispers would like pact forces to remove palawa i imagine.)

all complete speculation on my part though. that’s it.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I imagine that these races would be tied to world expansion.

Tengu – return to cantha/rebellion against the xenophobic emperor. they would be playable as not only is their home then accessible but they would most likely ask at least one of the greater races/pact in their struggle to return home to cantha. this also means that, since they’ll need to design the tengu homeland, they’ll need to use an architecture style similar to cantha itself.

The Tengu live between Lion’s Arch and Caledon Forest. Just look at your map, it’s very well defined. Talk to the Tengu in Kessex Hills, he’ll explain everything you need to know. You can also try to talk to the Tengu in Caledon and Lion’s Arch, but I don’t think they have anything to say.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lodovicus.1562


Must admit I can’t remember a great deal about the personal story as it has been a long time since I played it, but the missions to help one of the lesser races was only bringing isolated communities of Grawl/Hylek/Skritt etc into the fold as allies rather than the entire race showing up to help?

Either way there is an interesting paradox popping up with these discussions about Tengu and the lesser races.

At release, Tengu were not prepared to align themselves, but the general concensus is that a year down the line they could be introduced as they decide they do indeed want to help.

For the Lesser Races however, because they are tied into the personal stories they are stuck in a kind of stasis where their attitudes and alignments won’t shift despite a year of gametime passing. Its tricky, but I would personally like to see how the Lesser races have changed after pledging their allegiance and fighting Zhaitan. Are they still considered lesser?

[EDIT] Skritt character creation attached!


(edited by Lodovicus.1562)

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


I imagine that these races would be tied to world expansion.

Tengu – return to cantha/rebellion against the xenophobic emperor. they would be playable as not only is their home then accessible but they would most likely ask at least one of the greater races/pact in their struggle to return home to cantha. this also means that, since they’ll need to design the tengu homeland, they’ll need to use an architecture style similar to cantha itself.

That Isn’t true at all . Although there were Tengu in Cantha their origins were in Tyria .

This is from the Wiki
“When the Great Tsunami of Zhaitan’s rise occurred, the tengu across the world saw it as a sign to return home and traveled to Tyria, a descendant of Talon Silverwing leading a charge through Zhaitan’s risen forces. When they reached Tyria, they built the Dominion of Winds which resides in Kryta over what was once known as Sanctum Cay. "

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Largos & Kodan

Tengu only if they look like they did in GW, not the spindly-legged, awkward pigeons they’ve become in GW2.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

At this time, the Kodan are much to similar to the Norn to be a compelling and unique race.

Krait and Centaur are both highlighted as villains in their respective zones of influence and it is highly unlikely that they would have a change of heart without extensive Living Story content leading up to it. In addition: both of these races have very difficult bodies to animate in the range of motions that player characters would need to be able to perform fluidly. Anet has done a decent job with the centaur and krait enemies, but remember all their animations and attacks are set into position, not freemoving like player characters. It becomes extremely complex to make the same style of motion in a freemoving character and make it feel complete and fluid.

Skritt/Quaggan/Hylek/Grawl are all unique to the guildwars franchise (except maybe hylek, i’ve seen frogmen befoer) and all have their unique flavours and cultures. As someone previously posted: all these races are tied into the personal story and in those missions they are depicted as being barely in the tribal stages of civilization. Of the four, skritt are the most likely. However all of them have rather rigid animations that lend to their style, again this makes it harder for freemoving characters to retain the same ‘feel’ when in motion.

Lagros are definately possible, but as they are a predominately underwater race, there would have to be a major overhaul to the underwater combat, to make it as engrossing as general combat on land (since most of their content – at LEAST their starter zone – would be underwater. Most players I know of aren’t all that enthused by underwater combat.

Tengu are, in my opinion, the most likely. This is because they are: unique to the Guildwars franchise, have their own highly defined culture and style, already have a block on the world map ripe for a starter zone/homecity, are humanoid enough to borrow many standard animations from humans/sylvari (or slightly edited).

TL;DR: Tengu.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThePahkage.2684


I’m hoping for Dwarves

go play gw1:eye of the north

now you know you will never have dwarves for a playable race

I wouldn’t say we can count them out, if a death is off screen I don’t believe it till I see a body (I’m looking at you Syrio Forel). The way I see it, by the time we get to Primordius, it would be a perfect time to introduce stone dwarves, which incorporates a bit of familiarity with a (kind of) fresh take on them, which goes with GW’s design methods.

As it is I can already see plant legolas and stone gimli……..ugh.

you’re certainly thinking within the realm of possibility. good call

…outside of lore, i would assume that introducing a ‘new’ race to be dwarves would be considered commercial suicide as it’s nowhere near original

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carlin Sanders.3587

Carlin Sanders.3587

That Isn’t true at all . Although there were Tengu in Cantha their origins were in Tyria .

This is from the Wiki
“When the Great Tsunami of Zhaitan’s rise occurred, the tengu across the world saw it as a sign to return home and traveled to Tyria, a descendant of Talon Silverwing leading a charge through Zhaitan’s risen forces. When they reached Tyria, they built the Dominion of Winds which resides in Kryta over what was once known as Sanctum Cay. "

while true, the fact that, as far as we know, they style themselves similarly to canthan culture leaves something more here.

i will lul if it turns out silverwings descendant is the tengu emperor though. XD who knew the berserker tengu warrior would have a line of thinkers.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

There are several other races that could be considered, but I think Tengu are most likely.

Quick List of Possibilities (IMO):

Ogre/Jotun: there are several ogre and Jotun villages, and they have no unique foe characteristics that would be unable to be applied to a player character (unlike the dredge’s inherent blind imunity). While savage/primitive these creatures are more or less human in their physiology and motions. Main flaw would be that they are extremely large in comparison to other player characters, and they also are generally hostile.

Dwarves: only if the next dragon fought is primordius. When Primordius becomes the Elder-Dragon antagonist, I fully expect dwarves to become a playable race, just because of how integral they would be fighting Primordius and his destroyers. As I believe Primordius will be the LAST elder dragon to be fought (simply because he was integral to the LAST campaign of GW1) it is unlikely that dwarves will be available for a few years – if at all.

Mursaat: We have been told that they all left this plane, but there are several conspiracy theories involving the Asura and the Mursaat, it is possible they will make another appearance at some time. They are very human like in appearance, but the main point that would probably disqualify them is the fact that they float everywhere (and they aren’t on this plane)

The Forgotten: Another naga-like race (similar to the krait) that has endured since the last time the elder-dragons were around, mostly in the Crystal Desert area. It is theoretically possible they are still around and could become a playable race when we get access to Elona (which is on the other side of the Crystal Desert). Main flaws are the difficulty of making a character with the lower half of a snake and FOUR ARMS move in a realistic and fluid way while being a free-moving PC.

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


This is a long post, so please forgive me, but I want to write a little more on why I think the Tengu, Kodan, or Largos are going to be the next playable race. Here are some points why….

  • The Tengu, Kodan, and Largos are all races individually united by their beliefs. The Grawl worship anything that moves.
  • The Tengu, Kodan, and Largos have shown intelligence that is on par with the ‘Major’ Races. The Skritt don’t even know what 1 + 1 is without getting a massive headache, unless there is more than one of them around, and the Jotun have lost all but shreds of what their great race once was.
  • The Tengu, Kodan, and Largos all seem to have combat Abilities that are atleast on par with the Major races. The Quaggans are cute puffy little balls that turn into uncontrollable killing machines when angered yes, but are totally useless any other time.
  • The Tengu and Kodan have Structures in the game that are Massive, so they obviously have the technological know how to be on equal terms with the 5 ‘major’ races. With the exception of the Skritt when theres hundreds of them around, none of the ‘minor’ races could build something half as big without having some serious advances in how they operate as races and cultures. Even the Krait and Centaurs don’t really seem capable of building on such a massive scale as the Tengu and Kodan have shown.
  • The Tengu, Kodan, and Largos are all friendly to the ‘Major’ Races. Yes, the Kodan don’t really have a choice anyways because of the threat of Jormag, and the Tengu are more on a ‘We won’t kitten with you if you don’t kitten with us’ policy, and the Largos don’t really care either way, but that’s still far better than any of the other ‘minor’ races. The Krait, most Dredge, and Centaurs all hate the major races with a serious passion, and I don’t see them as being playable anytime soon (a shame too, since I like the way Centaurs are presented in the game!).

The actual stories for those Three Races could all also be very interesting, and could also very easily be worked into the Lore as it stands in Guild Wars 2 right now, especially the Tengu.

The Tengu are Isolationists. It doesn’t matter who you are. Even if you are another Tengu, they will not let you into their city. I don’t Blame them. They have no reason to trust the Humans of Tyria, or any other race affiliated with them. They would rather the other Races and Elder Dragons destroy each other, and they want nothing to do with it. However, under the Threat of an Elder Dragon, they might finally have to accept their place in the world alongside the other Races, and join together with them. Its basically already in the game as well, if you talk to some Tengu, like this guy::

  • Visually, the Females would be bigger than the Males instead of the other way around as is stated on the wiki, and being Birds from all over the world, there are many different possibilites for face and color customization as this illustration shows:: . There will be clipping with the Tail, just as the Charr is, but I don’t think there is a way to work around that unless Anet actually remodels much of the armor in the game so the clipping becomes less apparent. You could have Tengu look as different as a Cardinal and an Ostrich looks, and the Cardinal could be blue, and the Ostrich one pink, because, why not?