Increase base runspeed please
There’s Waypoints & if you’re just traveling, using swiftness/travel skills doesn’t hurt. Increasing default speed would also imbalance PvP & would take away from the game overall. Personally I just want combat reduced speed to be removed as I don’t see the logic.
Waypoints are irrelevant, I’m not trying to get places faster I’m just trying to not be bored while walking around. How does the game become imbalanced if everyone is the same X% faster? If I have a 25% increase signet on my necro all the time, how am I not “taking away from” the game using that? All it does is waste something I could better use for combat. I literally cannot play going any slower than that. Even with all the speed buffs available, I still have garbage mobility on top of that in the first place as a necro.
maps are small in this game, you have a choice move faster or use a utility.
Maps are not at all small what game are you playing… Either way, still not what this is about. I’m not trying to get anywhere faster, this is still an issue even if I’m running in a circle. The pixels go by too slowly, I shouldn’t have to give up a combat ability to enjoy walking(which you are required to do to play the game, its not like I can play without moving). No one would be against it, the ones for it would be happy, there’s zero reason that they can’t consider it. Its not really something to argue with players, they’ll either do it or not.
If you’re bored while walking around then I cannot image how moving faster would make it less boring, all moving faster would allow you to do is get from point A to point B sooner, which can be just as easily be accomplished with way points, although apparently you say that getting places faster isn’t what you’re looking for.
This isn’t one of those alpha-male-my-car-is-fast things right? I never understood how going fast leads implicitly to more fun…
Play engineer, they get permaswiftness early on thanks to their ‘speedy kits’ trait.