Increase condition duration across the board

Increase condition duration across the board

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

Increase condition duration times across the board.

Right now, conditions and effects last as little as 1 second.
You don’t even get to see, let alone ‘enjoy’ the conditions you’re applying.

Also, in the thick of combat with your group, nobody gives a rats behind about the combos, because, “Oooh wow, our combo added an extra 2 seconds of bleeding! Nice work team!”

(edited by Pure Heart.1456)

Increase condition duration across the board

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Durations are fine, and they have tons of ways to increase – I’m talking more than double. Short duration conditions are usually short for a reason – dazes, stuns etcs would be too OP if they could shut down someone for a whole fight. Or the durations are short because of how fast they are applied – moves meant to have a high burst of condition damage rather than low long applications. Any serious condition build can keep 10+ bleeds and perma duration conditions on a target. They do have to keep reapplying, but just like you have to keep attacking to keep doing attack damage, you have to keep applying conditions to do condition damage.

As for combos, anyone that doesn’t try to trigger that combo field is a NOOB. As in needs to L2P. Sucks. Doesn’t know how to play this game. Combo fields are AWESOME. Seriously look at this page:

Every one of those combo fields is awesome. I cringe when people are not smart enough to trigger the fields. Even the options you consider ‘weaker’ of condition application is still rediculously useful. You now can have the whole party apply it, giving the target high stacks of the condition (yay for thousands of damage from confuse!) or giving minutes of burning/poison (like my thief can apply 40 seconds of poison off the CG poison field alone). How is continuous damage a bad thing?

If you’re dropping combo fields and see people not triggering them, kindly explain the benefits of the field and how to trigger it. Most of the time people not triggering fields is NOT because they don’t think it’s worth it, but because they don’t understand them.

Increase condition duration across the board

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Actually the last thing we need is more condition duration. What we need is an intensity increase. Many of the skills out there for example, Explosive shot for the Engineer does 1 stack of bleed per hit, this needs to be increased to an AoE Bleed from the explosive shot or it needs to have two stacks of bleed per hit. Another idea would actually to just up the amount of damage that bleed & poison do. Another idea is to just get rid of condition stacking and allow every individual to stack condition damage on targets, that alone would be a huge boost.

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)