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(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Now that we have had several months of updates, content, items all over the gem store could we get more available spaces for banks? You can’t store account bound/soulbound items in personal guild banks, so that’s out. And many of us have 8+ toons who have gear sets or random fun stuff. So I, on behalf of all the hoarders in GW2 would like to request more bank spaces
Asura with too many cute hats..
No place to put all this stuff…
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
you can just creat another character and use it as mule. So account bound item isnt a problem.
Main problem is probably soul bound item.
Geez, louise. Enough stuff there?
you can just creat another character and use it as mule. So account bound item isnt a problem.
Main problem is probably soul bound item.
I cant.. I have 12 characters, I’m actually playing them all. I don’t have “mules” and those characters have skins for themselves as well. Each and every one. Skins, soulbound items, future skins. And my mains have maxxed bag space.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Geez, louise. Enough stuff there?
There is more in my bank lol…. And now we have hats and crafting stuff and mystic forge tables etc etc etc.. It just needs to be bigger lol.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I really hope they introduce a storage locker of some sort for, at least, your costumes but also ideally your extra armor and maybe even weapons.
I really hope they introduce a storage locker of some sort for, at least, your costumes but also ideally your extra armor and maybe even weapons.
We could use a “quest” inventory, the BL gathering stuff could be changed to stack higher or together, and LS items need an event bag or something separate. In 2-4 months we will have double the special items/equipment etc than we have now by the looks of it. Would be nice to be prepared. Not to mention baubles and stuff we have to hold onto for a year lol
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Character Slot > Bank Slot for storage. 4 X 12 or 15 + 20 for a Character Slot. Bank Slot is 30 spaces
Character Slot > Bank Slot for storage. 4 X 12 or 15 + 20 for a Character Slot. Bank Slot is 30 spaces
I don’t want to have to log in to a character to get my stuff… I want it account wide to be able to be seen/taken/used. My bank slots have been maxed for 5 months. I use bank expresses often, and I swap characters often at times, I don’t want to have to keep track of what items are where on my account. Thus the purpose of the bank.
WTH 119 crystals + 115 repair :|
Did you buy them? If not RNG really sucks :V
WTH 119 crystals + 115 repair :|
Did you buy them? If not RNG really sucks :V
I buy a “few” keys from time to time lol.
Thx for supporting RNG chests so we will be sure to get more in the future…………………………
Thx for supporting RNG chests so we will be sure to get more in the future…………………………
Anytime Enjoyed every drop I got lol And since I have the money for the “optional” content it produces, I have no regrets
My 4 fused tickets outfit my Charr and Asura well, 10 characters left to outfit with cool skins not from TP.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Asura with too many cute hats..No place to put all this stuff…
At least you have that problem. I did some WvW today of course way under leveled since I’m enjoying the game and not in a rush to level to 80. After about 30 minutes with the big “please kill me first then run away” sign above my head I had to sell almost everything to pay for all my armor repairs.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Could be worse lol…
Could be worse lol…
Man my colorblind eyes could make a mess out of that
Could be worse lol…
Man my colorblind eyes could make a mess out of that
Lol, just imagine how much fun I’m having with “error attempting to sell” >.>
Could be worse lol…
Individual storage for characters. Are there any other games that don’t have it?
It would be nice if we could get a Skins Locker of some sorts for PvE. Definitely would save up some space I have with all these outfits:
Could be worse lol…
Individual storage for characters. Are there any other games that don’t have it?
I don’t really like individual storage aside from just inventory. A quest/event storage like Aion or other games have would help. But as far as account bound stuff, and soul bound stuff when it comes to having 11+ alts, I would just like a bigger bank. Saves me gold and time.
It would be nice if we could get a Skins Locker of some sorts for PvE. Definitely would save up some space I have with all these outfits:
And that’s JUST the outfits, not all the tokens people store etc. There is just so many little things now, we need generic storage for certain things like tokens/skins we will be holding onto for long periods of time.
I prefer because it the only thing this game doesn’t have that I can’t get over. Just a little mini-nerdrage I like to keep to myself. Consider me arking up like a farmer who has just lost his favourite spot
I prefer because it the only thing this game doesn’t have that I can’t get over. Just a little mini-nerdrage I like to keep to myself. Consider me arking up like a farmer who has just lost his favourite spot
Luckily my spots are many, and my patience is of epic proportions lol. Hence why i can buy 300 uni dies just for a photo op lols
GW1 had a nice festival hat system. You show the hat to an NPC who remembers it and can make the same hat from then on.
GW1 had a nice festival hat system. You show the hat to an NPC who remembers it and can make the same hat from then on.
That would be cool here heh
I am with you.. I keep everything :P Husband gives me a hard time but I may need that stuff lol. A closet of some sort would help me out a ton though.
I am with you.. I keep everything :P Husband gives me a hard time but I may need that stuff lol. A closet of some sort would help me out a ton though.
Or add the skin/armor closet to our “home instance” lol
I want a pawn shop. I take in this bow I found, “Hey Girrnox the Azura I found this awesome rare bow.”
“Oh yeah.. Let me take a look at it. How much do you want for it?”
“Well I saw on the trading post they were going for 85 copper.”
“Wooosshh” He says shaking his head side to side, “I don’t think I can go anywhere close to that plus it’s going to sit on my shelf for a long time. I could give you like 1 copper.”
“Oh I don’t know. I mean it says it’s rare and all.”
“Tell you what, why don’t I call someone in to take a look at it.”
Comercial Break For Bandit Brew “Ha! You’re Kidding Right!?” It will respawn in your stomach so fast your guts will explode! Drink Bandit Brew It’s not just for Centaurs.
“Hi Harina the Sylvari. I wanted you to take a look at this bow.”
“Well Girrnox I can tell you right now it’s a fake. Someone took a Krytan bow that must have been soulbound and transmuted it onto a basic bow. It’s not worth the wood that could be salvaged from it.”
Girrnox looks at me, “Well given that it’s fake I’ll still offer you 1 copper.”
Frowning I hand him the bow.
“Chumloff the Norn you wanna go write him up?”
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
You will be featured on the show… “Hoarders.”
You have more than enough duplicates of certain items that you can really just through them away. :T
I don’t understand why you don’t use them. (if you do well shoot junk it!)
You will be featured on the show… “Hoarders.”
You have more than enough duplicates of certain items that you can really just through them away. :T
I don’t understand why you don’t use them. (if you do well shoot junk it!)
I’ve been using these items for months They just regenerate, I suppose it could be because I buy 50-100 BL keys a month…. And to junk stuff I paid $ for.. That is just silly :p 11 characters hold at least 2 each of the 3 types of gathering tools. 3 for the sickles because someone decided 10 stack was ok >.>
You could always just buy extra panes(30 slots) for 600 gems. You can have up to 8 panes.
You could always just buy extra panes(30 slots) for 600 gems. You can have up to 8 panes.
You mean bank sections? I have them maxed. That is what the whole thread is about lol, I want to buy more sections. Theres even a blank space where 2 more would fit.
ANet is weirdly stingy about bank tabs. They did the thing in Guild Wars 1. There was even one bank tab that was for sale ONLY for the 4th year birthday celebration. If you missed it, then toooo bad soooo sad. They could sell more bank slots and make money from it. I’m considering buying a character slot just for all my account bound stuff but I would much rather have more bank slots.
I drooled so much over your collection. So nice that there are other pack rats in the game. I maxed my bank tabs out within the first weeks of playing this game and space has been my constant bug bear ever since. I still have to max out my characters bags but that will happen. At the moment, I am probably the person you see being shot to pieces because I am busy sorting out my over-stuffed inventory. Can’t leave those spider legs behind. I hate selling or disposing of ‘good’ stuff – i.e. something I may use one day if I remember I have it but I have to be strict with myself now and then. It is always so nice to finally see daylight in my bank slots but within hours it is usually creaking with the weight again. It’s all good fun though. I am with you totally. More bank space please.
Why don’t you use some of this stuff?
Especially the black lion gathering tools. Even if you’re not using them on the highest tier nodes it’s better than having them sitting in your bank taking up space while you pay out for regular tools to use.
Same with the salvage kits. I always keep one or two in the bank for when I really need it, but if I get more than that I start using them more often to use them up. They’re not JUST for getting ecto from rares you know.
Alternatively since most of your stuff seems to have come from opening BL chests you could save the chests for a while until you’ve used some of what you’ve got. That way you’ve only got one tab being used up.
I would like to be able to buy more bank slots as well…. my bank is full of Necro armour sets and stacks of mats.
Here’s an idea:
Stop hoarding.
If you aren’t actually using any of those items in your storage, then why even keep them?
You have a mountain of black lion harvesting equipment, but it is completely useless if all it does is sit in your bank all day long.
Use some of it, or delete it.
Simple as that.
(black lion kits as the exception)
The guy with the dyes is also comical.
That would have all been thrown into the mystic forge long ago, and I would have sold anything good that came out for $$$.
If you don’t have enough storage space, i guarantee you are just hoarding.
If you have purchased all available upgrade tabs, you cannot possibly fill all of said tabs in your bank with useful items.
Fill 50g worth of storage space with 2g worth of dyes …. LOGIC.
Here’s an idea:
Stop hoarding.If you aren’t actually using any of those items in your storage, then why even keep them?
You have a mountain of black lion harvesting equipment, but it is completely useless if all it does is sit in your bank all day long.
Use some of it, or delete it.
Simple as that.
(black lion kits as the exception)
The guy with the dyes is also comical.
That would have all been thrown into the mystic forge long ago, and I would have sold anything good that came out for $$$.
If you don’t have enough storage space, i guarantee you are just hoarding.
If you have purchased all available upgrade tabs, you cannot possibly fill all of said tabs in your bank with useful items.
Fill 50g worth of storage space with 2g worth of dyes …. LOGIC.
The OP simply suggested it would be nice to be able to buy more bank spaces. Why do you care what people want to use them for to the extent that you had to blow your wig over it?
The OP can keep a bank full of scraps for all I care. I think it’s a great idea and would be great for more gem sales. Better than RNG right? If they make more bank slots I’m going to buy them and fill them with junk instead of selling them to vendors and PM you with a picture.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Why don’t you use some of this stuff?
Especially the black lion gathering tools. Even if you’re not using them on the highest tier nodes it’s better than having them sitting in your bank taking up space while you pay out for regular tools to use.
Same with the salvage kits. I always keep one or two in the bank for when I really need it, but if I get more than that I start using them more often to use them up. They’re not JUST for getting ecto from rares you know.
Alternatively since most of your stuff seems to have come from opening BL chests you could save the chests for a while until you’ve used some of what you’ve got. That way you’ve only got one tab being used up.
As I’ve said before I am using them every single day, when you buy 50-100+ keys a month the supply doesn’t drop to 0… I started with over 100 of each type of item from BL chests, over time I’ve used them to farm, gather, kill etc. I’ve already mentioned I’ve been using these but I also have unlimited mining/gathering tools on my main.
Here’s an idea:
Stop hoarding.If you aren’t actually using any of those items in your storage, then why even keep them?
You have a mountain of black lion harvesting equipment, but it is completely useless if all it does is sit in your bank all day long.
Use some of it, or delete it.
Simple as that.
(black lion kits as the exception)
The guy with the dyes is also comical.
That would have all been thrown into the mystic forge long ago, and I would have sold anything good that came out for $$$.
If you don’t have enough storage space, i guarantee you are just hoarding.
If you have purchased all available upgrade tabs, you cannot possibly fill all of said tabs in your bank with useful items.
Fill 50g worth of storage space with 2g worth of dyes …. LOGIC.
I spent real money on every item shown, you can call it hoarding, maybe it is. But unlike some people I will not just toss out money, it is simply stupid and a terrible idea. They are useful items and I have been using them on alts, but again I earned this cash, and I spent it. I refuse to toss it because someone, in their opinion, thinks because its not useful to them and its not their money that I should just discard. Ridiculous. And about the dyes, was closer to 80 gold worth, not 2g. Just sayen, I’dd do with my items as I please it was just an example. Also I don’t care about cash, I have commander title, have since month 3. I’ve put 800 gold into a personal legion JUST FOR FUN. I’ve bought 3000 moldy bags, just for fun to see what the drop rates were. I’ve bought 1000 rares to salvage with BLSK’s. I could care less about the money in game, it is worthless to me, I force myself to use it every 2 days, which is around 30-45g+. I keep items that mean something, or are prestigious, or just because they are convenient to have. Nothing just “sits” in storage, it all gets used daily by 11 alts in one way or another. Arenanet said “Play the game how you want”, I simply am. But then again, why should I have to justify to some random person how I play a video game?
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
It’s really no ones business what other people keep in their storage. The main point is that ANet is losing money by not selling more bank tabs, which many people want. Would it be so difficult to have more than one bank panel with buyable bank tabs?
Here’s an idea:
Stop hoarding.If you aren’t actually using any of those items in your storage, then why even keep them?
You have a mountain of black lion harvesting equipment, but it is completely useless if all it does is sit in your bank all day long.
Use some of it, or delete it.
Simple as that.
(black lion kits as the exception)
The guy with the dyes is also comical.
That would have all been thrown into the mystic forge long ago, and I would have sold anything good that came out for $$$.
If you don’t have enough storage space, i guarantee you are just hoarding.
If you have purchased all available upgrade tabs, you cannot possibly fill all of said tabs in your bank with useful items.
Fill 50g worth of storage space with 2g worth of dyes …. LOGIC.
I spent real money on every item shown, you can call it hoarding, maybe it is. But unlike some people I will not just toss out money, it is simply stupid and a terrible idea. They are useful items and I have been using them on alts, but again I earned this cash, and I spent it. I refuse to toss it because someone, in their opinion, thinks because its not useful to them and its not their money that I should just discard. Ridiculous. And about the dyes, was closer to 80 gold worth, not 2g. Just sayen, I’dd do with my items as I please it was just an example. Also I don’t care about cash, I have commander title, have since month 3. I’ve put 800 gold into a personal legion JUST FOR FUN. I’ve bought 3000 moldy bags, just for fun to see what the drop rates were. I’ve bought 1000 rares to salvage with BLSK’s. I could care less about the money in game, it is worthless to me, I force myself to use it every 2 days, which is around 30-45g+. I keep items that mean something, or are prestigious, or just because they are convenient to have. Nothing just “sits” in storage, it all gets used daily by 11 alts in one way or another. Arenanet said “Play the game how you want”, I simply am. But then again, why should I have to justify to some random person how I play a video game?
You don’t have to justify anything.
I’m just saying that the reason why you want more bank tabs is flawed.
If you don’t want your Black Lion harvesting equipment hogging up storage, but don’t want to delete it, take the hour out of your busy busy day, throw them onto a character and actually use them.
It makes no difference whether or not you use them today, or use them in three months…. so why not do yourself the favor and instead of taking the time to type up a lengthy thread on the forums about how you have no space, actually use the equipment?
…also, on the subject of the dyes…
You might have 10 slots taken up with valuable dyes that make up 99% of the “80g” you claim the dye collection is worth…. but just because a handful of those dyes are actually worth something, it warrants an excuse to hoard even the common dyes worth less than 1s?
Don’t think so.
If you didn’t want criticism, why post the screens?
Oh wait, that’s obvious. Like every hoarder, you are actually proud of this mess, and you are showing it off with screens.
Don’t get all bent out of shape when people point out the obvious flaws in your logic.
If you have a garbage can that’s full…. you empty the trash….. not buy yourself a new garbage can.
There is no need or urgency to increase the storage capacity of the player’s bank accounts.
Especially if your storage is just full of nonsense.
You don’t have to justify anything.
I’m just saying that the reason why you want more bank tabs is flawed.
If you don’t want your Black Lion harvesting equipment hogging up storage, but don’t want to delete it, take the hour out of your busy busy day, throw them onto a character and actually use them.
It makes no difference whether or not you use them today, or use them in three months…. so why not do yourself the favor and instead of taking the time to type up a lengthy thread on the forums about how you have no space, actually use the equipment?
…also, on the subject of the dyes…
You might have 10 slots taken up with valuable dyes that make up 99% of the “80g” you claim the dye collection is worth…. but just because a handful of those dyes are actually worth something, it warrants an excuse to hoard even the common dyes worth less than 1s?Don’t think so.
If you didn’t want criticism, why post the screens?
Oh wait, that’s obvious. Like every hoarder, you are actually proud of this mess, and you are showing it off with screens.
Don’t get all bent out of shape when people point out the obvious flaws in your logic.
If you have a garbage can that’s full…. you empty the trash….. not buy yourself a new garbage can.
There is no need or urgency to increase the storage capacity of the player’s bank accounts.
Especially if your storage is just full of nonsense.
Lol again your missing the point. I’ve said SEVERAL times I use at least 3 tools on each character x11, I play maybe 10-12 hours a day so yes they do get used acrossed most my alts. And my storage is full of whatever I want it to be full of, nonsense is your view of it, and luckily I don’t play/pay to have you tell me how to play my game
I asked for more bank tabs because people who even are not like me who have tokens, armor sets, event items from way back, are also getting full. We want one place to put everything and access from any character, that is all, and you don’t seem to get it.
The dyes were just to show how easy it is in game to be bombarded with items that you use. Someone could want to save 10-15 dyes for a new character they will make and not want to fill their inventory with it. The picture was a silly exaggeration which clearly went over your head.
Unlike a garbage can, all this stuff still has value in my bank. Things I can use in the near to late future, or simply want to swap out at some point.
And don’t get all bent out of shape just because a hoarder has tons of stuff that some people don’t. Collecting is a healthy and fine habit so long as it is safe and doesn’t interfere with the livelihood of yourself or family. And clearly my pixels don’t hurt your game. My home is neat, uncluttered, and far from anything resembling a hoarder. I served my country and learned cleanliness, control, and how to take care of myself and others. So I will do as I wish in the game despite your opinions on the usefulness of my items, or the reasoning for my inventory.
Simply put, many people have many many items and collectibles and it is growing increasingly hard to store them all efficiently. More bank tabs would help, and not hurt anyone, in fact it would be more profitable for Anet. So continue to feel as though you need to argue simply to argue, your comments and attitude do not bother me one bit, and do not invite constructiveness to the discussion at hand.
For me to jokingly call myself a hoarder is one thing, but for you to actually say I have the mental condition that coincides with this condition just makes you look ignorant. Obviously I can act how I want in a fake game that allows me to do pretty much anything I like that I enjoy within the confines of its programming. My actions in game do not reflect my real world personality and in no way are detrimental to my life.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
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