Increase meta-event scaling

Increase meta-event scaling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Most of the meta events seem to be broken and boring if too many players show up, Frozen Maw, Jungle Wurm, Shadow Behemoth and Shatterer seem to by dropping like flies. Not sure how their scaling is currently set, but they need to have about 50k hp more for each person that shows up, and they also need to be more deadly. At the current rate everyone just stands in one place and autoattacks them, this includes guild bounties as well, sure some of them are deadly, but most I saw aren’t, they hardly have any attacks we need to evade, which means pretty much nobody needs to pay any attention and just keeps standing there auto attacking.

A good example of scaling would be Temple of Grenth, the risen priest that appears is quite deadly if more players attend the event, but is relatively easy if only 3-5 players are there. Events like Tequatl the Sunless have attacks that appear to be doing nothing, like the giant bone walls he spawns, what’s the point of that exactly? Yeah it’s cool and different, but people easily bypass them and then ignore them. Shatterer and Claw of Jormag have safe spots all over which really make the encounters less engaging, their attacks need to cover a wider area and players should be spreading out instead of grouping together for easy revives, the dragons need to have some attacks that can down all players at once if they hug one side too much. The best possible improvement however would be to make them less static and make them move around or rotate a bit, but I realize this won’t ever happen due to many other factors, I think it’s worth a mention though.

As for guild bounties, I think they should each have some unique tactic we need to utilize but less health, and give us more time to pull it off, at the moment it boils to basic rushing with an hour of preparation but only 5 minutes of actual event duration.

Increase meta-event scaling

in Suggestions

Posted by: HuntsForge.3260


From the last update notes:

“A new test version of our advanced event scaling algorithm has been applied to four high-level, regularly played events to help us monitor the feasibility of this system in the live environment. This new scaling algorithm dynamically increases the difficulty of events by using the current system of increasing the difficulty of existing creatures, while also adding a new system that substitutes creatures of lower difficulty with different creatures as the event scales up. If successful, this system will be slowly extended to other events across the game during 2013.”

Anyway I am looking forward to it being applied to low level events as they are quite boring as it stands. As long as it doesn’t affect the rewards for lower level players not doing as much damage.

Increase meta-event scaling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Thanks for that quote, haven’t noticed it and I’m glad they are aware of it, however this test shows it needs to be tweaked quite a bit. Also I apologize if this has been brought up a number of times already, but I really find it silly how everyone just keeps focusing on abusing these encounters currently, it really turned the whole game into something else.