Increasing Minipet functionality

Increasing Minipet functionality

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vorch.2985


I am going to assume that after the Wintersday event, most active players have at least ONE minipet. However, these pets don’t seem to be used very often. There ARE those who like to have them in their pocket, but others let them sit in their collectible’s tab.

Here are a few things I think would not be game breaking AND would improve minipet usage:

Picking up loot

Many people have forgotten to pickup loot after a battle. Having minipets automatically loot corpses within a certain area would make them very useful. A 1200-1500 range would be ideal, imo.

Or you could adjust the auto-loot range based on the rarity of the mini (600 range for blues all the way up to 1500 range for exotics).


While mini’s are commonly thought of as a luxury item or at least purely aesthetic. However, a Mini Eir on one person will always look the same as a Mini Eir on another.

To add customization to each individual mini, you could let the minis be dyeable, or have unique aura’s for minis earnable throughout the game.


Now THIS may be a bit controversial. This would suggest that minis could actually provide some sort of constant AoE effect for allies surrounding them. Statistical advantages stemming from a miniature would obviously very difficult to justify to the community.

However, I think that a constant 10-30% speed boost IN TOWNS and/or a 2-5% MF boost in the open world would be sufficient. Again, the extent of the speed boost or MF would be based on the mini’s rarity.

Minipet Battles

This is something that has already been suggested many times, but I feel it deserves mentioning. A mini-game based on pet battles would be VERY much appreciated, especially since it provides something to do for players who may be burnt out on other content. It is a mode of PvP that even PvE exclusive players would enjoy partaking in.

Exclusive Dynamic Event Chains

I know that traditional quests are not in GW2 outside of, perhaps, hearts.

However, I think it would be extremely unique to have events triggered by mini-pets. For instance, bringing a Miniature Flame Shaman to Fireheart Rise could trigger a DE chain causing the player to have to fight the flame legion. The DE could also end with a chest with a unique skin.

Exotic Miniatures could even be used to trigger more difficult DE chains with a chest at the end with a chance at precursor (I can dream).

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Increasing Minipet functionality

in Suggestions

Posted by: critickitten.1498


Minipets are a carryover from GW1 and they were entirely cosmetic there, too. And that was a good thing because it meant that folks like myself who don’t care about cosmetics are not negatively affected by not actively pursuing these rare items.

Giving them any sort of special quests or features in GW2 would be turning them into items that have intrinsic combat value. I don’t think it at all wise for the Gem Store to be selling them if they provide any sort of in-game benefit beyond looking cute, as that basically amounts to selling power/features instead of selling aesthetics.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Increasing Minipet functionality

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

Love the ideas!
Here’s one of mine;

Allow all acquired mini-pets to be accessable at any time without first having to go to your bank to switch them in and out.

Increasing Minipet functionality

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Minipets are a carryover from GW1 and they were entirely cosmetic there, too. And that was a good thing because it meant that folks like myself who don’t care about cosmetics are not negatively affected by not actively pursuing these rare items.

Giving them any sort of special quests or features in GW2 would be turning them into items that have intrinsic combat value. I don’t think it at all wise for the Gem Store to be selling them if they provide any sort of in-game benefit beyond looking cute, as that basically amounts to selling power/features instead of selling aesthetics.

I do understand where you are coming from: some of my ideas (mostly the in-town swiftness and MF) would be very controversial.

However, I think the looting and accesorizing ideas are fine Especially if miniatures are available like they were for christmas.

In addition, minipet battles seem to be coming in the form of polymock:

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”