Hours Played: 3000
Infinite Instant Trait Reset
Hours Played: 3000
absolutely not… it would be one of those things were its p2w.. right now it costs so that everybody couldnt use it all the time.. imagine if your suggestion was put in..
“looking for members for _ dungeon instant trait reset only NO EXCEPTIONS!”
would you want to see that? if they made a perm version they could ask for it as a sign of experience cus any rich people could buy it and also so they could change their builds mid dungeon…
i for one do not want to see this happen… EVER.. but fear it might happen one day.
I also think it would eventually become a requirement for high end dungeons so that groups can optimise their chances. Would rather not see it exist at all
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
As long as there are templates for traits, it would be awesome. I see no reason to punish people that play this game with skill and work hard to have the best gear. They should be allowed to enter dungeons and re-trait so they work better as a team. Or they can just add a trait merchant inside the dungeons and we can pay some silver and do it at the beginning. People can already meet and re-trait before entering dungeons… so really this just becomes a convenience which I’m always for.
You could put restrictions on it. Such as not inside dungeons, not while in combat etc.
But seriously it HAS to happen. Are people that say ‘no’ actually aware of the diversity in builds that can be accomplished? Do you seriously retrait every time you do something different content? At least one of those answers will be a NO.
Because at the very minimum the monotony of having to retrait every time you do different content would stop you doing it, making you run a sub standard build.
Either that or your one of those people that do the same content again and again and again. In which case you have no idea what it means to be the other player that should retrait -.-
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
“looking for members for _ dungeon instant trait reset only NO EXCEPTIONS!”
would you want to see that?
I would love to see that… anyone who is a big enough kitten to put that in their description is someone I don’t want to play with, saves me the trouble.
Or they could they could stop trying to milk every tiny addition to the game for cash through the gem store and do what GW1 did; give us build templates. Simply restrict it to swapping builds either out-of-combat or in a town (spawn area in WvWvW or PvP). There…done.
Players are happy. Happy players will translate into more gem store sales of other stuff outside of functionality that should have been built into the game on day 1. More gem store sales = happy ArenaNet. Win-win.