Influence While Guesting

Influence While Guesting

in Suggestions

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


So I’ve been thinking about the guesting feature you guys talked about a while ago and I have some concerns and a suggestion for getting around the problem I see (I’m assuming it’s still in the works, as I haven’t heard anything to the contrary).

Okay, so the idea for guesting is to be able to play with a friend who is on another server, with the limitation that I still get my homeworlds WvW boons and can’t play WvW for his side. Makes perfect sense, prevents groups from setting up a way to jump to whatever server has the best boons by spreading members around.

1.) So lets say my friend is on Henge and I’m on Janthir and we’re each in a guild on our respective servers as well as in each others guilds. So lets say I join him on Henge and we play with both of us representing his guild, where does the Influence go?

The Influence he gains obviously goes to his guild on his server, but what about the Influence I generate by playing with him, does it go to his guild on his server or his guild on my server and thus get totally wasted?

2.) Now lets say we both play on his server representing my guild, same questions for where the Influence goes.

3.) Okay so lets say we play together on Henge and we each represent our own guilds, what happens to Influence I generate then? Does it go to my guild on my home server or does it go to my guild on his server (again totally going to waste)?

Hey when you’re a small guild Influence is a precious resource and shouldn’t be wasted

Right, so here’s my idea. Have the Influence go to the represented guild on the home server of whoever is Leader of the represented guild.
So for scenario 1 all the Influence would go to his guild on Henge, for 2 it would all go to my guild on Janthir, and for 3 each of our Influence would go to our respective homeworld guilds.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Influence While Guesting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keysha.2815


I’d rather see influence gained as a guest be put into a token or something for you to redeem on your world, if wished, or on theirs. Make it so every x amount of influence you make, you get another token.

Influence While Guesting

in Suggestions

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


That could work, then you wouldn’t have to worry about it while playing and could deal with it when finished. But I’d want to be able to either contribute it to his guild on his server or save it for my guild on my server, see what I mean?

So if I guested on Henge I could then choose to use it there or take it back and use it on Janthir.

That leaves a question similar to my original ones though.
If I use it while guesting on Henge while representing his guild (the whole point having been to earn Influence for his guild in the first place) would it give the Influence to the Henge version of his guild or the Janthir version of his guild, since that’s where I’m from?

On the other hand I’ll be glad just to be able to play with my friends (the guesting system is why we didn’t go to great lengths to get all of us on one server), on the other hand we’re all working on guilds on our respective servers, and if this is done wrong whoever guests will not only be giving up earning Influence for their own guild but not contributing to their friends guild either.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon