Inspect Button
Also last time someone asked what armor i was wearing i told them.
I’m not talking about using outside sources to find what the armor is. That website would work, yes, but what I’m talking about is a simple piece of code that allows players to directly see everything a player has equipped, with just the press of a button.
Pretty much every MMO has the button I’m talking about and it’s the easiest thing the GW2 team can implement, as every piece of armor already has a preview code, it would just be a case of generating codes for the accessories and different stat combinations.
We can’t have inspecting because:
- elitism
- mf leechers would get kicked a lot
- healing shouts condition damage warriors want to party too
- as well as other people with
worthlesscreative gear/build combinations - more elitism
- because no
- skill > gear/build (I’m not being carried if I think I’m awesome)
- “The reason it shouldn’t be in the game is the same reason countries have gun laws.”
- it destroys “play however you like” philosophy
- and last but the most important: ELITISM!!!oneonelevensin(90)
where people ask what each other are using, I have found that a lot of the time players either ignore people that ask them what their gear is, or they say that they don’t want to show them what it is.
And so you are requesting for a button that will force them to show you what it is. Awesome……
And yes there is a 20,000 page thread already on this.
Bah, everyone’s argument against it doesn’t make any sense. How would having the wrong gear at lvl 80 make you any less capable of doing a dungeon that’s designed for a lower lvl, the stats you have on even the worst gear at 80 are still better than the stats on anything between lvl 35 and 70. And to say an inspect button is impossible because it would cause elitism is bull****, elitism is caused by people’s attitudes to gaming, not by the features in a game. There is already so much elitism it’s beyond belief. You can already tell what gear is exotic or not by the look of it. Every tier has unique looking armor sets. And you can generally guess what stats they are using if they use dungeon gear, as each dungeon only has three stat variations. If you played on the right server you would find people, that regardless of build or gear, just want to play the game and help others.
Let me start off by saying that I am for an inspect feature, but I’d like to point out a lot of flaws in your argument here…
Bah, everyone’s argument against it doesn’t make any sense. How would having the wrong gear at lvl 80 make you any less capable of doing a dungeon that’s designed for a lower lvl, the stats you have on even the worst gear at 80 are still better than the stats on anything between lvl 35 and 70.
Actually, seeing how downscaling works, having lower tier gear sometimes yields you higher stats when being downscaled. Of course for CoE, Arah and Fractals, this is a non-issue, but for other dungeons, sometimes you’re better off with low-tier gear.
You can already tell what gear is exotic or not by the look of it. Every tier has unique looking armor sets. And you can generally guess what stats they are using if they use dungeon gear, as each dungeon only has three stat variations. If you played on the right server you would find people, that regardless of build or gear, just want to play the game and help others.
Except that there is something called Transmutation Crystals, which means I can put the looks of anything on the stats of anything. My warrior has full Berserker TA armor and my Guardian has an exotic Berserker set that’s a mixture of all sorts of armor sets: chest and legs are Primeval, shoulders are the starter ones with the shiny symbol and my boots are level 27 karma boots from Gendarran Fields, and my gloves are from AC.
So, tell me, how would you tell I’m in a full Zerker set on my guardian by just looking at me?
If you want to build an argument, make sure it isn’t total trash.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
+1 for an inspect button — but for traits as well as gear.
If you’re worried that you won’t get on a team because people will think you suck — then don’t suck so bad
If I’m going to invest 2hrs of my evening into a challenging dungeon/instance/(fill in the blank), shouldn’t I be able to flush out my team with players that won’t waste my time? If I want to play “my way” and that’s bringing a specific team/build combination, then I should be able to do that with confidence. (Note that “confidence” means more than simply going on somebody’s word).
I support full transparency of spec and gear in any group.
If someone is mean, report it. Someone that does not want to play with you is not being mean.
I avoid any run mentioning spec/gear/speed/farm/experience.
Finally some support for the feature, I was beginning to think no one was in support. And Bright, I had a feeling someone would bring up transmutation crystals. The crystals can only be bought for gems, or occasionally gained through world completion. This means that people using them have invested time into getting them for a particular reason, the main one of these reasons being that the normal exotic gear that can be bought really looks bad (not to everyone mind). My point being that if you have the time and or gold to invest in these crystals, you more than likely have exotic anyway. Not once in my argument however did I mention stat variations in standard armor. It is impossible to tell what stat variation you are using, even without crystals. What i did mention is being able to guess with a 1 in 3 chance, the stats of a set of dungeon gear. But to be fair any stat variation, be it zerk, knight, cleric, etc, can play just as well as a top spec build, so long as their build and skills work well with them. In other games only certain combinations of builds and gear are effective, but in GW2 a warrior can be a healer, or a guardian can be dps. And the best thing is they will be just as effective at it as a top spec dps zerk warrior, as long as they make their build well. Thats why an inspect button would only cause elitism for idiots and people that dont deserve to play the game. Personally I run Zerk armor, with runes for toughness and power and a build that gives me might on criticals, but i also have a hint of support in there as well, as my banners heal, and when i get a critical with a rifle I have a 60% chance to cure conditions on allies. My accessories are based around toughness and my traits for vit and precision. So I am not an elitist player by any means, but I can’t stand people that try to hide their gear from me, thinking that I won’t accept them, or trying to hide the fact that they are spec’d entirely for MF. Having an inspect button to stop MF players getting into dungeon teams is a good thing, as MF is desinged for group/world events in the first place, not challenging dungeons, that require everyone to have a role in the fights, not people that are only good after the rest of the team have struggled through a fight.
If you need to flush out the last slot in your team with a DPS role, then an inspect button is critical so you don’t get a support or control role on your team.
Note that “play your way” doesn’t mean you can jumble up a team with whatever you want. It means that you can play one of the defined roles on any profession. If a team needs a DPS role, then that’s what they need (period).
An inspect button helps verify the needs of the team are met.
That being said, most things can be accomplished with a jumbled-up team of whatever. The defined roles in this game aren’t really critical, and rarely necessary in the current end-game (with the exception of high-level fractals).
What Guild Wars 2 needs is a button, in the menu when you right-click a player’s portrait, that lets you preview all of a player’s gear on yourself. This would allow people to see what set of armor someone is wearing, but also, what accessories and amulets/rings they are using. Although some people would argue that this takes away a layer of communication between players, where people ask what each other are using, I have found that a lot of the time players either ignore people that ask them what their gear is, or they say that they don’t want to show them what it is.
its non of your business what gear I am running.
If you ask, I’ll probably tell you, but thats my choice.
Hope we never get an inspect feature.
+1 for an inspect button — but for traits as well as gear.
If you’re worried that you won’t get on a team because people will think you suck — then don’t suck so bad
If I’m going to invest 2hrs of my evening into a challenging dungeon/instance/(fill in the blank), shouldn’t I be able to flush out my team with players that won’t waste my time? If I want to play “my way” and that’s bringing a specific team/build combination, then I should be able to do that with confidence. (Note that “confidence” means more than simply going on somebody’s word).
then before you join my group I want you to record a vid of you moving out of fire or the equivalent on every fight in the instance and write an essay on the tactics. As gear/spec matter nothing at all compared to player skill and an inspect button shows you nothing about that.
If you want to be elitist (and misguided at that) then just ask people for their gear/spec. If you wont take someone’s word, that says more about your insecurities than it does their gear/spec.
I transmuted my serker shield using a cheap aureate skin. It now retains the aureate’s name which starts with “Traveller …..”
I would vote against inspect button.
What’s in a name? . . .
I am getting really fed up of people saying “my gear is none of your business”. If you are in my team, your gear is my business, if you don’t want me to know what gear you have play on your own, where no-one needs to know. I don’t care who runs what gear. What I need from knowing peoples gear, is how I need to play. 5 people geared for toughness with no power is not gonna complete a dungeon in any less than 3 times the normal amount of time. The worst part is, if no-one will tell you what gear or traits they have, you are going in blind, with no idea of how your team-mates are gonna play. Anyone that doesn’t want you to know what gear they have is either being awkward, or doesn’t want their gear to stop them getting a team. Both of those are bad for team play.
I am getting really fed up of people saying “my gear is none of your business”. If you are in my team, your gear is my business, if you don’t want me to know what gear you have play on your own, where no-one needs to know. I don’t care who runs what gear. What I need from knowing peoples gear, is how I need to play. 5 people geared for toughness with no power is not gonna complete a dungeon in any less than 3 times the normal amount of time. The worst part is, if no-one will tell you what gear or traits they have, you are going in blind, with no idea of how your team-mates are gonna play. Anyone that doesn’t want you to know what gear they have is either being awkward, or doesn’t want their gear to stop them getting a team. Both of those are bad for team play.
+1 — exactly.
It’s not elitist to ask for someone’s gear and build. It’s part of flushing out the roles on an optimized team.
Elitism only comes into play when team gate players on gear quality, NOT gear type. This is pretty important and I think many people in the forums are confused on exactly what “elitism” is when it comes to the Inspection feature.
+1 for an inspect button — but for traits as well as gear.
If you’re worried that you won’t get on a team because people will think you suck — then don’t suck so bad
If I’m going to invest 2hrs of my evening into a challenging dungeon/instance/(fill in the blank), shouldn’t I be able to flush out my team with players that won’t waste my time? If I want to play “my way” and that’s bringing a specific team/build combination, then I should be able to do that with confidence. (Note that “confidence” means more than simply going on somebody’s word).
then before you join my group I want you to record a vid of you moving out of fire or the equivalent on every fight in the instance and write an essay on the tactics. As gear/spec matter nothing at all compared to player skill and an inspect button shows you nothing about that.
If you want to be elitist (and misguided at that) then just ask people for their gear/spec. If you wont take someone’s word, that says more about your insecurities than it does their gear/spec.
This isn’t a discussion about inspecting “player skill” — although if there was any easy and accurate metric for it, that would be pretty awesome don’t you think?
It’s a discussion about builds and finding the players that fit a specific role on your team. GW2 is very forgiving for team roles right now because all you need is DPS. However if that were to change, then teams may need a very specific build from each player on the team.
A build is defined as a players gear (all of it), trait selection, and slot skills. Slot skills are not a problem because you can change them on the fly. That leaves gear and traits.
If you don’t want to join a team that requires players to fulfill a very specific roles than find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere. However it can be very satisfying to get into a well organized team, play a specific role, and play it well.
I am getting really fed up of people saying “my gear is none of your business”. If you are in my team, your gear is my business, if you don’t want me to know what gear you have play on your own, where no-one needs to know. I don’t care who runs what gear. What I need from knowing peoples gear, is how I need to play. 5 people geared for toughness with no power is not gonna complete a dungeon in any less than 3 times the normal amount of time. The worst part is, if no-one will tell you what gear or traits they have, you are going in blind, with no idea of how your team-mates are gonna play. Anyone that doesn’t want you to know what gear they have is either being awkward, or doesn’t want their gear to stop them getting a team. Both of those are bad for team play.
Herein lies the real issue and the problem. It has nothing to do with wanting to know how you look in gear. With this feature we start getting into getting kicked for not having the “right” gear and/or trait for the “fastest runs GO GO GO!!!!!!11!!!”. Knowing how to play with the rest of your team is as simple as looking at the other players and seeing what skills and weapons they are using.
find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere
This is a perfect example of what GW2 doesn’t need. Satisfaction from well organized groups is easily found in guilds dedicated to that.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
@Dustfinger — and why doesn’t GW2 need vanilla PuGs? (nice taking only part of a single sentence from my entire post btw — it’s really out of context tbh).
@Dustfinger — and why doesn’t GW2 need vanilla PuGs? (nice taking only part of a single sentence from my entire post btw — it’s really out of context tbh).
The attitude towrds it isn’t needed. I singled it out because that is the main part of the post I had an issue with becasue it exemplifies the problem with this suggestion. so nothing was taken out of context because it’s the same attitude within or without the rest of the post. Though, I addressed the rest of your post with my second sentence.
@Dustfinger — and why doesn’t GW2 need vanilla PuGs? (nice taking only part of a single sentence from my entire post btw — it’s really out of context tbh).
The attitude towrds it isn’t needed. I singled it out because that is the main part of the post I had an issue with becasue it exemplifies the problem with this suggestion. so nothing was taken out of context because it’s the same attitude within or without the rest of the post. Though, I addressed the rest of your post with my second sentence.
The full sentence was:
If you don’t want to join a team that requires players to fulfill a very specific roles then find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere.
In addition your “second sentence” was a later add from an Edit operation.
Regardless, there will always be teams of varying skill and organization. Some teams are very well organized with very defined roles. Those teams require an inspect button if they are trying to fill a position with an unknown player (this is a legitimate scenario).
There’s nothing wrong with an organized team being selective. There’s also nothing wrong with a Player wanting to join a team without such well defined roles and organization.
I had a number of other points as well regarding the need in GW2 for such teams (currently there is little content required well defined roles, or any roles other than DPS). However that should change over time and if you want to have organized PuGs, then you’ll need a feature like “inspect”.
@Dustfinger — and why doesn’t GW2 need vanilla PuGs? (nice taking only part of a single sentence from my entire post btw — it’s really out of context tbh).
The attitude towrds it isn’t needed. I singled it out because that is the main part of the post I had an issue with becasue it exemplifies the problem with this suggestion. so nothing was taken out of context because it’s the same attitude within or without the rest of the post. Though, I addressed the rest of your post with my second sentence.
The full sentence was:
If you don’t want to join a team that requires players to fulfill a very specific roles then find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere.
In addition your “second sentence” was a later add from an Edit operation.
Regardless, there will always be teams of varying skill and organization. Some teams are very well organized with very defined roles. Those teams require an inspect button if they are trying to fill a position with an unknown player (this is a legitimate scenario).
There’s nothing wrong with an organized team being selective. There’s also nothing wrong with a Player wanting to join a team without such well defined roles and organization.
I had a number of other points as well regarding the need in GW2 for such teams (currently there is little content required well defined roles, or any roles other than DPS). However that should change over time and if you want to have organized PuGs, then you’ll need a feature like “inspect”.
Check the time stamp. The second sentence was there the entire time I responded to your post. Now you’re intentianlly lieing in order to try to discredit me.
I have no problem with teams of varying skills and organization. Different types of guilds account for that. What I have a problem with is those guilds arbitrarily imposing their personal views on how teams should run on other players who aren’t as dedicated as them. The entire history of mmo players who have the inspect option is self evident of how this allows them to do it. right now, they can find their own very specific teams with their own very specific standards in the form of guilds dedicated to it. So no additional change is needed.
@Dustfinger — and why doesn’t GW2 need vanilla PuGs? (nice taking only part of a single sentence from my entire post btw — it’s really out of context tbh).
The attitude towrds it isn’t needed. I singled it out because that is the main part of the post I had an issue with becasue it exemplifies the problem with this suggestion. so nothing was taken out of context because it’s the same attitude within or without the rest of the post. Though, I addressed the rest of your post with my second sentence.
The full sentence was:
If you don’t want to join a team that requires players to fulfill a very specific roles then find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere.
In addition your “second sentence” was a later add from an Edit operation.
Regardless, there will always be teams of varying skill and organization. Some teams are very well organized with very defined roles. Those teams require an inspect button if they are trying to fill a position with an unknown player (this is a legitimate scenario).
There’s nothing wrong with an organized team being selective. There’s also nothing wrong with a Player wanting to join a team without such well defined roles and organization.
I had a number of other points as well regarding the need in GW2 for such teams (currently there is little content required well defined roles, or any roles other than DPS). However that should change over time and if you want to have organized PuGs, then you’ll need a feature like “inspect”.
Check the time stamp. The second sentence was there the entire time I responded to your post. Now you’re intentianlly lieing in order to try to discredit me.
I have no problem with teams of varying skills and organization. Different types of guilds account for that. What I have a problem with is those guilds arbitrarily imposing their personal views on how teams should run on other players who aren’t as dedicated as them. The entire history of mmo players who have the inspect option is self evident of how this allows them to do it. right now, they can find their own very specific teams with their own very specific standards in the form of guilds dedicated to it. So no additional change is needed.
You were editing your post while I was typing mine in — I’m not a liar. Stick on point.
Guilds can’t impose their personal views on your play style. However a guild has a right to impose their requirements on a team they create.
If a team want’s a player with a 30/30/0/0/10 build in all Zerk’s gear, that’s their choice. Without an inspect feature they can’t assure a PuG player will meet that requirement. If you lie and slip into the team, they’ll find out, everyone will waste their time, and in the end all involved are dissatisfied.
Nobody is making you join an organized team. The Inspect feature is a tool, nothing more.
OK I am not taking part of the childish fight. So gonna just post my bit and ignore the rest.
I would like an inspect button. Maybe I am running a dungeon with another profesion same as mine and I see that he/she is doing very well and I would like to find out which stats he/she is stacking.
Now what if there was an option where I can ask that player if he can show me his hero panel? Instead of me just freelancing and inspect everyone. That would be nice and if he agrees he would just link me his hero panel instead of me peppering him with 100 of questions.
@Dustfinger — and why doesn’t GW2 need vanilla PuGs? (nice taking only part of a single sentence from my entire post btw — it’s really out of context tbh).
The attitude towrds it isn’t needed. I singled it out because that is the main part of the post I had an issue with becasue it exemplifies the problem with this suggestion. so nothing was taken out of context because it’s the same attitude within or without the rest of the post. Though, I addressed the rest of your post with my second sentence.
The full sentence was:
If you don’t want to join a team that requires players to fulfill a very specific roles then find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere.
In addition your “second sentence” was a later add from an Edit operation.
Regardless, there will always be teams of varying skill and organization. Some teams are very well organized with very defined roles. Those teams require an inspect button if they are trying to fill a position with an unknown player (this is a legitimate scenario).
There’s nothing wrong with an organized team being selective. There’s also nothing wrong with a Player wanting to join a team without such well defined roles and organization.
I had a number of other points as well regarding the need in GW2 for such teams (currently there is little content required well defined roles, or any roles other than DPS). However that should change over time and if you want to have organized PuGs, then you’ll need a feature like “inspect”.
Check the time stamp. The second sentence was there the entire time I responded to your post. Now you’re intentianlly lieing in order to try to discredit me.
I have no problem with teams of varying skills and organization. Different types of guilds account for that. What I have a problem with is those guilds arbitrarily imposing their personal views on how teams should run on other players who aren’t as dedicated as them. The entire history of mmo players who have the inspect option is self evident of how this allows them to do it. right now, they can find their own very specific teams with their own very specific standards in the form of guilds dedicated to it. So no additional change is needed.
You were editing your post while I was typing mine in — I’m not a liar. Stick on point.
Guilds can’t impose their personal views on your play style. However a guild has a right to impose their requirements on a team they create.
If a team want’s a player with a 30/30/0/0/10 build in all Zerk’s gear, that’s their choice. Without an inspect feature they can’t assure a PuG player will meet that requirement. If you lie and slip into the team, they’ll find out, everyone will waste their time, and in the end all involved are dissatisfied.
Nobody is making you join an organized team. The Inspect feature is a tool, nothing more.
Liar! The entire edit was to add your quote to my response to LongBlaze. You have lost all credibility now you want me to “stick on point” because you look foolish even though I have stuck on point by addressing the rest of your post. (Or was that another ninja edit?) Unless your saying that you saw into the fututer and new I was going to quote you. Then took 3 full minutes to write those two lines?
The tool isn’t needed as I’ve already demonstrated. It does more harm than good as history has demonstrated.
OK I am not taking part of the childish fight. So gonna just post my bit and ignore the rest.
I would like an inspect button. Maybe I am running a dungeon with another profesion same as mine and I see that he/she is doing very well and I would like to find out which stats he/she is stacking.
Now what if there was an option where I can ask that player if he can show me his hero panel? Instead of me just freelancing and inspect everyone. That would be nice and if he agrees he would just link me his hero panel instead of me peppering him with 100 of questions.
This is a great compromise.
OK I am not taking part of the childish fight. So gonna just post my bit and ignore the rest.
I would like an inspect button. Maybe I am running a dungeon with another profesion same as mine and I see that he/she is doing very well and I would like to find out which stats he/she is stacking.
Now what if there was an option where I can ask that player if he can show me his hero panel? Instead of me just freelancing and inspect everyone. That would be nice and if he agrees he would just link me his hero panel instead of me peppering him with 100 of questions.
This is a great compromise.
I too agree, I didn’t think about this, but this addresses the issue, without making it compulsory, people that want to play in organised teams can ask for the builds and people that are just playing for fun don’t have to. And it provides a way for new players to learn about different builds, without just searching on the internet and finding a million copies of the zerk dps build. This finally is want I intended when I made this post. Constructive views with suggestions of other ways of doing it. Not people fighting and calling each other idiots for having different views. We are supposed to be working together with ANet to find ways to improve the game, not ruling out every option with pointless arguments. Yes my initial idea (not such a unique one as it happens) may not be the best thing if you take it at face value and put a button in. But it can work in other ways such as Torca’s suggestion. Thankyou Torca for restoring my faith in the community.
(edited by BlazeLongblade.9201)
Oh and for the record, I have no interest in doing the fastest runs possible, it’s just I, like a lot of people don’t always have a lot of time spare to do dungeons, therefore when I play a dungeon, I like to be able to complete it near to the average time, as usually I don’t have much longer than that and I actually want to finish the dungeon for the tokens, so I can buy the gear. So many times have I jumped in a random party and not been able to finish a dungeon and leave because they have taken too long.
You have no business checking out what gear i wear if im not willing to tell you this myself.I dont like people copying styles from other people,nor do i like people copying builds from other people.
You have no business checking out what gear i wear if im not willing to tell you this myself.I dont like people copying styles from other people,nor do i like people copying builds from other people.
It’s actually a very benign method of learning from others, especially in PvP, but also for PvE. Grouping aside, that’s a beneficial result.
LotRO uses a feature called “anonymous”. When you turn that feature on, nobody can inspect your gear/build in PvP. That’s an alternative to the “ping only” proposal.
You have no business checking out what gear i wear if im not willing to tell you this myself.I dont like people copying styles from other people,nor do i like people copying builds from other people.
And as such if someone asks you if they can view ur hero panel you will say no and ignore that person while others dont mind showing other players and help them out.
You have no business checking out what gear i wear if im not willing to tell you this myself.I dont like people copying styles from other people,nor do i like people copying builds from other people.
Did you even read the whole thread, or just the first few, we just decided that a better option is to give players the option to let other players see their gear. Therefore you wouldn’t have to. And just because you don’t like people copying builds, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. This happens all the time anyway.
You have no business checking out what gear i wear if im not willing to tell you this myself.I dont like people copying styles from other people,nor do i like people copying builds from other people.
It’s actually a very benign method of learning from others, especially in PvP, but also for PvE. Grouping aside, that’s a beneficial result.
LotRO uses a feature called “anonymous”. When you turn that feature on, nobody can inspect your gear/build in PvP. That’s an alternative to the “ping only” proposal.
Another good idea, or you could use a yes or no feature, so that when you try and inspect someone, they have to click to accept or decline, similar to being invited to a party.
+1 for an inspect button — but for traits as well as gear.
If you’re worried that you won’t get on a team because people will think you suck — then don’t suck so bad
If I’m going to invest 2hrs of my evening into a challenging dungeon/instance/(fill in the blank), shouldn’t I be able to flush out my team with players that won’t waste my time? If I want to play “my way” and that’s bringing a specific team/build combination, then I should be able to do that with confidence. (Note that “confidence” means more than simply going on somebody’s word).
then before you join my group I want you to record a vid of you moving out of fire or the equivalent on every fight in the instance and write an essay on the tactics. As gear/spec matter nothing at all compared to player skill and an inspect button shows you nothing about that.
If you want to be elitist (and misguided at that) then just ask people for their gear/spec. If you wont take someone’s word, that says more about your insecurities than it does their gear/spec.
This isn’t a discussion about inspecting “player skill” — although if there was any easy and accurate metric for it, that would be pretty awesome don’t you think?
It’s a discussion about builds and finding the players that fit a specific role on your team. GW2 is very forgiving for team roles right now because all you need is DPS. However if that were to change, then teams may need a very specific build from each player on the team.
A build is defined as a players gear (all of it), trait selection, and slot skills. Slot skills are not a problem because you can change them on the fly. That leaves gear and traits.
If you don’t want to join a team that requires players to fulfill a very specific roles than find a vanilla PuG and have fun elsewhere. However it can be very satisfying to get into a well organized team, play a specific role, and play it well.
you want to know what a player is playing? ask them.
But I’m fed up with mediocre players thinking they know everything, judging players by their usually misguided views on what is a “correct” build/gear set, and then themselves failing hard at every tactic in an instance and blaming the other players.
Inspect encourages standard builds to conform. and thats not good, esp in a game like this where player skill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gear/build.
You have no business checking out what gear i wear if im not willing to tell you this myself.I dont like people copying styles from other people,nor do i like people copying builds from other people.
Did you even read the whole thread, or just the first few, we just decided that a better option is to give players the option to let other players see their gear. Therefore you wouldn’t have to. And just because you don’t like people copying builds, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. This happens all the time anyway.
if that options there then people will request its turned on. and so it will be default become the norm. this option should never be put in games.
It is an unnecessary feature for this game where gear doesnt dictate skill, so why have it at all?
And unfortunately it will promote elitism, even if there are plenty who wouldnt use it for that reason. The reasons for not having it outweigh the need for having it as far as i can see and i presume that is why it isnt game.
I would be intrigued to know if a dev has ever commented on why they decided not to implement this though.
No. If you want to be all elite, go make a guild dedicated to it. Giving people this tool will make elitism the norm, which breeds a toxic atmosphere unfriendly to new would be dungeoneers (and the harder it is to find a party that will let newbies in, the less people there will be doing dungeons). And don’t think that it won’t, pugs always tilt towards the meta. It’s bad enough we’ve already got class bias.
Part-time Kittenposter
At equal skill, the character with better gear, will perform better. It’s Science baby, reduce your variables. Gear does improves performance.
Someone trolling the group with magic find gear when you’ve requested another style of funny hat be worn is not fun. Respect the funny hat!
A lot more players want a funny hat requirement then can be fit into any one guild. They would still have to pug to play with one another.
I don’t even join funny hat groups and can see their reasons. If peoples are mean report them. Someone not wanting to play with you is not being mean.
At equal skill, the character with better gear, will perform better. It’s Science baby, reduce your variables. Gear does improves performance.
Someone trolling the group with magic find gear when you’ve requested another style of funny hat be worn is not fun. Respect the funny hat!
A lot more players want a funny hat requirement then can be fit into any one guild. They would still have to pug to play with one another.
I don’t even join funny hat groups and can see their reasons. If peoples are mean report them. Someone not wanting to play with you is not being mean.
The problem is if the funny hat becomes the standard, it’ll be hard for those without the funny hat to find a group, and even harder for those that can’t afford the funny hat to even attempt to aquire the funny hat. It all becomes exclusive, telling outsiders and newcomers that they aren’t welcome.
Part-time Kittenposter
At equal skill, the character with better gear, will perform better. It’s Science baby, reduce your variables. Gear does improves performance.
Someone trolling the group with magic find gear when you’ve requested another style of funny hat be worn is not fun. Respect the funny hat!
A lot more players want a funny hat requirement then can be fit into any one guild. They would still have to pug to play with one another.
I don’t even join funny hat groups and can see their reasons. If peoples are mean report them. Someone not wanting to play with you is not being mean.
The problem is if the funny hat becomes the standard, it’ll be hard for those without the funny hat to find a group, and even harder for those that can’t afford the funny hat to even attempt to aquire the funny hat. It all becomes exclusive, telling outsiders and newcomers that they aren’t welcome.
Everyone can afford the funny hats if they want to, it may take them some time spent playing the game though. Asking for you to wear a suit and tie to get a seat is just a sign. I avoid those signs, but support inspect and respect.
Wanting to play with other characters that have spent the time to get a specific set of gear is not being mean. I’m fine with folks restricting their groups to anything; legendary required, a name that a fart joke, answer a monty python quiz. “Whats your favorte color” or even wear a funny hat.
At equal skill, the character with better gear, will perform better. It’s Science baby, reduce your variables. Gear does improves performance.
Someone trolling the group with magic find gear when you’ve requested another style of funny hat be worn is not fun. Respect the funny hat!
A lot more players want a funny hat requirement then can be fit into any one guild. They would still have to pug to play with one another.
I don’t even join funny hat groups and can see their reasons. If peoples are mean report them. Someone not wanting to play with you is not being mean.
The problem is if the funny hat becomes the standard, it’ll be hard for those without the funny hat to find a group, and even harder for those that can’t afford the funny hat to even attempt to aquire the funny hat. It all becomes exclusive, telling outsiders and newcomers that they aren’t welcome.
Everyone can afford the funny hats if they want to, it may take them some time spent playing the game though. Asking for you to wear a suit and tie to get a seat is just a sign. I avoid those signs, but support inspect and respect.
Wanting to play with other characters that have spent the time to get a specific set of gear is not being mean. I’m fine with folks restricting their groups to anything; legendary required, a name that a fart joke, answer a monty python quiz. “Whats your favorte color” or even wear a funny hat.
It’s okay for small groups to be elitist because they’re small. But inspect features threaten to make elitism the norm. See WoW’s Gear Scores. “You must have this gear score to enter. What’s that? You need this raid to get that gear score? TOO BAD! UNINSTALL NOOB!”
Also, believe it or not, a large fraction of our player base has trouble maintaining more then 2 gold at a time. Especially those who’ve just gotten thier first 80. And you expect them to cough up 20+ gold not even including Runes, weapons and accessories, just to be allowed to dungeon?
Oh and to give an example of players being barred from high level content and unable to
get what they need to improve to reach the content’s entry level. Observe AR. Player’s with high fractal levels avoid low levels like the plague leaving lowbies stranded unable to find a fractal group just because they don’t meet the AR requirement. Especially those that aren’t used to lfg.
Part-time Kittenposter
The AR requirement in fractals is a good example of player selection. There’s no rule that says if you finished fractals 10 that a group must allow you into fractals 11. However a team will be disadvantaged (sometimes seriously) by bringing in a player with insufficient AR. This is possibly the best example of an inspection feature you could make.
I played WoW and it was elitist for PuG Raids. It was never elitist for dungeons, and the dungeon finder pretty much eliminated showing anyone a gear score. To get into a high level raid you needed to be in a Raid Guild. This is no different than in GW1 in some high level areas like FoW, UW, and the Gate of Anguish. PuGs typically failed unless they took the time to train up players (and those were usually guild-run pugs). This is not a bad system… you essentially join a guild and learn the ropes. PuGs are not ideal for learning the ropes.
There is no aspect of GW2 other than high level fractals right now that should scare anyone regarding elitism and an inspect feature. All the content is simple for any group. However I would like to know if a player is running MF gear at the expense of the rest of the team. You can view that as a form of leeching unless the team concurs you can wear your MF gear.
We can’t have inspecting because:
- elitism
- mf leechers would get kicked a lot
- healing shouts condition damage warriors want to party too
- as well as other people with
worthlesscreative gear/build combinations- more elitism
- because no
- skill > gear/build (I’m not being carried if I think I’m awesome)
- “The reason it shouldn’t be in the game is the same reason countries have gun laws.”
- it destroys “play however you like” philosophy
- and last but the most important: ELITISM!!!oneonelevensin(90)
A billion times this! Thank you.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Elitism is definitely key. But I understand the desire to be able to see exactly what someone is wearing aesthetically. Maybe a blank-statted preview of everything (that has visibility eg: armor, weapons, back and aqua breather)? I can see that working out a bit better.
- Explorer Bekk
yep, i’m gonna use the “i” word. idiot threads like this make me even more happy i don’t pug. here’s a scoop for ya — my guild runs dungeons with anyone, in the guild, who wishes to come, playing whatever they wish to play, and however they wish to play.
uhmazingly, we complete the dungeons! oh, and our best run so far has been the run with two necros, a mesmer, and two thieves.
skill counts for far more than people want to give it credit for; teamwork counts for even more.
yep, i’m gonna use the “i” word. idiot threads like this make me even more happy i don’t pug. here’s a scoop for ya — my guild runs dungeons with anyone, in the guild, who wishes to come, playing whatever they wish to play, and however they wish to play.
uhmazingly, we complete the dungeons! oh, and our best run so far has been the run with two necros, a mesmer, and two thieves.
skill counts for far more than people want to give it credit for; teamwork counts for even more.
This guy wins the thread.
It’s okay for small groups to be elitist because they’re small. But inspect features threaten to make elitism the norm. See WoW’s Gear Scores. “You must have this gear score to enter. What’s that? You need this raid to get that gear score? TOO BAD! UNINSTALL NOOB!”
Also, believe it or not, a large fraction of our player base has trouble maintaining more then 2 gold at a time. Especially those who’ve just gotten thier first 80. And you expect them to cough up 20+ gold not even including Runes, weapons and accessories, just to be allowed to dungeon?
Oh and to give an example of players being barred from high level content and unable to
get what they need to improve to reach the content’s entry level. Observe AR. Player’s with high fractal levels avoid low levels like the plague leaving lowbies stranded unable to find a fractal group just because they don’t meet the AR requirement. Especially those that aren’t used to lfg.
This is not WoW, examples based on WoW and Gearscore do not apply. For proof see example “Barrens chat”. GW2 has no comparable zone as all those players where suspended, and if they continued banned. If folks are communicating in the all caps example you gave above I would be reporting for personal attacks, anyone can do the same and help clean up the game.
Fractals are designed to start from low levels while fighting and gearing your way up, not start at upper levels and be carried by those already there. Options where put in to make this possible later, by player request.
I am seriously ok with any and all restrictions other players put on the groups they form, I have the same freedom. As a consequence to restricted groups being posted, unrestricted groups also fill fast. There are plenty of Isende.2607’s, some of whom even pug.
The player with 2gp can gear with a combination of rares and level 78/79 exotics and join unrestricted groups. Through unrestricted groups they can earn dungeon exotics. They can also harvest/salvage and join just about any Guild for friendly crafter help creating exotics.
We can’t have inspecting because:
- elitism
- mf leechers would get kicked a lot
- healing shouts condition damage warriors want to party too
- as well as other people with
worthlesscreative gear/build combinations- more elitism
- because no
- skill > gear/build (I’m not being carried if I think I’m awesome)
- “The reason it shouldn’t be in the game is the same reason countries have gun laws.”
- it destroys “play however you like” philosophy
- and last but the most important: ELITISM!!!oneonelevensin(90)
A billion times this! Thank you.
The obvious sarcasm.
Your head.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
We can’t have inspecting because:
- elitism
- mf leechers would get kicked a lot
- healing shouts condition damage warriors want to party too
- as well as other people with
worthlesscreative gear/build combinations- more elitism
- because no
- skill > gear/build (I’m not being carried if I think I’m awesome)
- “The reason it shouldn’t be in the game is the same reason countries have gun laws.”
- it destroys “play however you like” philosophy
- and last but the most important: ELITISM!!!oneonelevensin(90)
A billion times this! Thank you.
The obvious sarcasm.
Your head.
It may have been intended as sarcasm, but its actuall a good post if taken literally.