Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ClarkSkala.8052


Enough is enough, I just recently got into a group where 4 of the 5 people, me being the 5th of course, were running full mf. They were geared mf sigils, runes, had mf on their armor and accessories as well. Nothing grinds my gears more when you’re not contributing to the group at all. I messaged him, and he made it seem like the only thing important in FotM 10+, where it starts getting harder, is to stay alive. That’s the only thing you need in his mind, is survivability. As a glass guardian, I survive quite well… But the difference between me and him, is I’m actually making boss fights go more quickly. He’s just doing damage, and hoping for phat lewt. Excuse me for wanting 5 out of 5 people contributing to a group as well as they can. Please make an inspect gear option for this ANet, it would be great for stopping MF builds, and would be all around awesome for seeing which builds people are trying out/running, and for pure curiousity. Look into it, thanks for taking the time to read this!

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Yes another QQ thread about MF, so your solution is to add Inspect that only causes more elitism, whats that you don’t have what I think is optimal your out. every month or so one of these QQ MF needs to go threads start and last about a week, you need to get over your self Bad players are bad and good players are good. if you want no MF then don’t pug. Stop trying to QQ your way into removing gear that obviously the majority of players don’t care about as Arena Net has not removed it.

You should also rename your thread to Remove MF cause that is all your QQ thread is about. While your at it we should remove people from the group for using Legendary’s ( since they add Power, Vitality and toughness and no useful stats for dps ) and glass canons since they die faster than any other build. Crying about a set of gear because you don’t like it then purposing an elitist function is the worse thing possible and only makes you a cry baby, grow up.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ClarkSkala.8052


Haha, you’ve got to be crazy if you don’t want an inspect gear feature. And btw, I never said I want MF removed, I think it’s GREAT for solo/group-farming in Orr because everything dies instantly anyways, and occasionally CoF and AC, very quick and easy dungeons.

You got VERY offensive in your post here bro, and I’d like to ask… Why? It doesn’t matter if I “like” it or not, having people in your group with empty, useless, non-contributive stats on their gear should be an issue everyone should address. And about this being a weekly post about MF gear, repitition and persistence gets things done in this world, man.

As for your glass cannon issue, if you’re playing glass cannon, you need to know how to survive. Glass cannons bring PLENTY to the table, and for power/vit/toughness… That’s for tanks, is this your first day?

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


LOL and yet every legendary weapon has those stats, so you say a bow and a rifle is a tank weapon? Is this your first day?

It is not an issue for me cause so long as we finish the dungeon with no problems who cares, your elitist attitude how ever seems to care.

As far as glass canon builds having to know how to play the same applies for people in MF, if they know how to play they have no issue. Sounds like your just upset cause you don’t have the skill to run MF and still be productive regardless of your diluted views of how effective.

Maybe you need to read through your ToS and find out that repetitive threads will not get the action your looking for, a single thread with multiple posters all different sharing the same views and concerns will get results rather than 50 threads of the same issue and only having the same 10 people complaining about it. That does not make the majority, is this your first day ?

Maybe do a little research instead of QQing and asking for a Inspect function that has been a bane in other games. Although your entitled to your childish posting no matter how elitist they are.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Towards OP, then they should rework MF gear. Inspecting allows elitists to just kick anyone who isn’t at exotic gear which discourages a ton of players. I have played with people who have master quality gear and I have to say, performance outweighs stats. The game is supposed to be player friendly so allowing people to inspect their gear without their knowledge is just rude and uninviting. The only way this could work is with a default “annonymous” option where the player has to choose to show off their gear before they get inspected and kicked.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Towards OP, then they should rework MF gear. Inspecting allows elitists to just kick anyone who isn’t at exotic gear which discourages a ton of players. I have played with people who have master quality gear and I have to say, performance outweighs stats. The game is supposed to be player friendly so allowing people to inspect their gear without their knowledge is just rude and uninviting. The only way this could work is with a default “annonymous” option where the player has to choose to show off their gear before they get inspected and kicked.

Although Ninja the Choice will never work either, how would you remove someone that is just standing there, or being a pain to your group or purposely wiping the group? How do you deal with people that insist on being Elitist and so vote to remove them. Your saying they have to agree to be kicked. Black and White aspect is No inspect period, there are to many what if scenario’s to make it worth while and that would not affect other players. It is much easier to just keep it not in the game.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Towards OP, then they should rework MF gear. Inspecting allows elitists to just kick anyone who isn’t at exotic gear which discourages a ton of players. I have played with people who have master quality gear and I have to say, performance outweighs stats. The game is supposed to be player friendly so allowing people to inspect their gear without their knowledge is just rude and uninviting. The only way this could work is with a default “annonymous” option where the player has to choose to show off their gear before they get inspected and kicked.

Although Ninja the Choice will never work either, how would you remove someone that is just standing there, or being a pain to your group or purposely wiping the group? How do you deal with people that insist on being Elitist and so vote to remove them. Your saying they have to agree to be kicked. Black and White aspect is No inspect period, there are to many what if scenario’s to make it worth while and that would not affect other players. It is much easier to just keep it not in the game.

You can’t remove the human factor. You simply cannot, that is what makes the game. If someone wants to sit in a party and unwillingly share with the group that “hey, I have not don’e this event/dungeon, can you explain this to me?” then there is no way to prevent that sort of problem. But if someone who HAS done an event numerous times and has proven to be “knowledgeable” joins in, they should not be discouraged based on armor.

Now some people may simply be “_______” which in that case leave immdiately. But if someone inspects you and says "hey, can you remove your “annonymous” option so I can see your gear say no. You should not at any point during this PVE content feel “unskilled”. I made an earlier post about a report option for “uncooperative” or “unskilled” simply because League of Legends did it and I suggested it towards people who have troubles speaking up during dungeons. It may just be my server (Sea of Sorrows) but I have not come acrosss that many rude players. I have come across more accepting players who are willing to help and teach others how to work with “x” encounter. This community is fairly strong and I see more help than hurt so an inspect option should be default “annonymouse” but if player X wants to be extremee then let them be and wait however many hours before they get their “required” players.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154


I like how a narrative is created on the second post when he says inspect creates elitism. Anything can be counted as elitism, but it depends on the attitude of such players.

On a side note or to the base of the problem, how is magic find contributing in any way to the strength of a party or its success rate within a dungeon or encounter? The stat itself is pure elitism and contributes nothing to the rest of the party. ArenaNet hasn’t made a logical response as to the stat itself representing a selfish complex.

They wouldn’t have to add an inspect feature for the motive of wanting to know players stats. However, I do support an inspect feature to see what the name of the gear is and the possibility of seeing what it looks like on my character.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


Player Skill > Player Gear. Any decent player can blast through a dungeon with full MF, you just have to know the dungeon and you’re set. Why people are so fixated that this stat determines how good a player is is beyond me. God forbid people actually are allowed to make a choice and have fun playing the way they want with the gear they want to use. Put your elitism somewhere else and lock it up. If you’re sooo concerned, then just ask.

Royal Blood Oath:
We are sworn together by our blood…

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Any type of Inspect function will put into play your not good enough boot. If you really want to know what gear they are sporting ask them, why do you need an inspect function to do that?

This player base is very friendly and willing to help, but I have ran into people that are just rude are state you have to be X by X by Z to be in this group. I play on one of the largest servers and most well known servers for North America Blackgate,
LOL NinjaEd.3946 we are fighting you now in WvWvW
Bottom line is I have ran with more people that are in " Proper gear " as per the MF haters say, that cause more wipes and problems than I have ran into players in MF that cause the same problems. In fact from my experience most of my smoothest runs have come from 4 of 5 MF groups. Like I stated before Bad players are Bad regardless of what gear you put them in.

Also to state that MF is an elitist is laughable, I guess I should re-think the fact the game encourages people to play the way they want, that must be elitist too. Maybe you should look up the Definition of what it means to be Elitist and learn the difference between that and Selfish. Last time I checked I have yet to see any MF group boot someone cause they weren’t in MF or start a thread complain about how everyone should be in MF and all other gear needs to be MF

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


The problem Kaimick is that there’s an increasing number of people who have come over to GW2 from other MMOs and they simply refuse to shake off the old way of thinking, i.e. stats = success. GW2 as we know is a skill-based game, unlike other well-known panda-based products which are little more than a button-mash.

I’ve seen LFGs on my server in LA where people are specifically requesting Warriors, Elementalists and Guardians for their groups, as if the old Holy Trinity even exists in this game. In one case, I saw someone put out a “no MF/must be able to take orders” request and unsurprisingly, three hours later, that same person was still trying to put together a group for Fractals long after other people had run it multiple times.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



Why don’t you answer my question? How is magic find contributing in any way to the strength or success rate of a party within a dungeon or encounter? I suppose you’ll never answer my question and continue to write little anecdotes that mean nothing to the thread at all.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Well, uknorntherner, it just takes time then. People will slowly start to understand this new concept (not so new) and will be more accepting to “newbies”. I never, have ever, asked for people to link their gear simply because I adapted to Guild Wars. I understood “skill>gear” from a long time ago and for once a game offers that. You don’t need some “cheap” profession or some OP profession to complete X dungeon. We all got our roles we can spec in and it isn’t restrictive in any way. Can’t ask for any more….

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


The problem Kaimick is that there’s an increasing number of people who have come over to GW2 from other MMOs and they simply refuse to shake off the old way of thinking, i.e. stats = success. GW2 as we know is a skill-based game, unlike other well-known panda-based products which are little more than a button-mash.

I’ve seen LFGs on my server in LA where people are specifically requesting Warriors, Elementalists and Guardians for their groups, as if the old Holy Trinity even exists in this game. In one case, I saw someone put out a “no MF/must be able to take orders” request and unsurprisingly, three hours later, that same person was still trying to put together a group for Fractals long after other people had run it multiple times.

Oh I realize that, I like to call it the WoW mentality as for the past 10 years it has been the status to follow.

Although Guild Wars 2 is not like them and is not the Trinity system and is not driven by stats, and you can not sit down and mash keyboard buttons like an infant slamming his hands down on the tray for food and win.

I still have my wow account and I literally just ran one of the raids to see if it still held any interest to me, in 1 day I was geared for regular 10 man and when I did it, I literally sat there and watched a movie while clicking 3 buttons I had macroed 8 spells to.. Because my stats were good enough and because there wasn’t any skill involved I never had to worry about dying.

I am fully aware of peoples mentality, and I am full aware that people love to try and justify their mis-guided delusions of what a game needs to be and make everything Face roll.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


Again… i really hate elitism, and the inspection is just one of the worst form of it, even if i agree that the MF stat is a leeching stats and can be annoying have on party people that dont use the fully build potential just for personal drop.

anyway this thread is about the inspection things, and i have to say that im totally against!

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



Why don’t you answer my question? How is magic find contributing in any way to the strength or success rate of a party within a dungeon or encounter? I suppose you’ll never answer my question and continue to write little anecdotes that mean nothing to the thread at all.

The Magic find stat doesn’t contribute but the skill of the payer does. Maybe you are the person that needs to realize that your stats on your armor are not definitive of success or failure.

Tell Me how Legendary weapons contribute anything to people that just want to DPS?

Tell me how is it that people have had no issues with MF groups if magic find is so awful?

Maybe you can finally tell us if you learned what Elitism actually is?

This thread is about Inspect function not MF even though the OP bluntly is asking for the Inspect feature to be added in due part to his hatred for MF

(edited by Kaimick.5109)

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154


Well, thanks for answering my question and you successfully answered it by saying magic find doesn’t contribute anything.

You continue to go on and make a total different argument about skill versus magic find. I’m not talking about skill but rather magic find contributing nothing to the group or party. Please don’t make other arguments and write little questions that have nothing to do with anything I said.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Imperatora.7654


The problem with MF isn’t the lack of inspection, it’s that using MF is a pure Prisoner’s Dilemma with a Nash Equilibrium for it’s use, and the addition of an inspection will not change that.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Well, thanks for answering my question and you successfully answered it by saying magic find doesn’t contribute anything.

You continue to go on and make a total different argument about skill versus magic find. I’m not talking about skill but rather magic find contributing nothing to the group or party. Please don’t make other arguments and write little questions that have nothing to do with anything I said.

LOL your a little confused to how things seem to work, that is like saying If a Bullet hits you can it kill you?
Of course it can
Hahah my point is proven nothing else from you remove all bullets form the world.

Your response and argument has lost all levity and ground with your childish response to ignore the supporting affects.

But the childish mentality that you have shown us just allows me to say your not longer a viable person to input into this conversation. LOL looks like Elitism isn’t the only thing your not understanding.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


@zerorains: A couple of months ago I ran a dungeon with a random group, including one player who decided he wasn’t going to bother wearing any gear at all, “because he wanted a challenge”. The rest of us ran with it thinking he would go down at the first hurdle.

Not only did he never go down at all, but he also put the rest of us to shame by rezzing us when we entered the downed state. Why? Because he knew what he was doing.

Short version: MF arguments are irrelevant and skill is clearly all that matters. Stop looking for excuses because you suck at dungeon runs.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

While your at it we should remove people from the group for using Legendary’s ( since they add Power, Vitality and toughness and no useful stats for dps ) and glass canons since they die faster than any other build.

you are incorrect
‘tanky’ players often get focused by mobs taking ‘the heat’ off glass cannon players; as well as not dying as easily (meaning less chance of someone having to stop and res them)
-for example; my ranger is fine going melee (sword/warhorn) when theres a tankier player than me (mixture of knight+zerker gear – optimisined crit damage) but if the rest of the team (or those also in melee) are full glass cannon then im forced to retreat back to using longbow (lower DPS – pet -i use high damage pets- doesnt benefit from pet swap quickness and takes time to reach enemy, third hit in chain doesnt grant might to pet, no call of the wild, single target (aside from barrage) and too far away to easily place healing spring by the melee-ers – though the opposite is that longbow has a constant 10 vulnerability stack… which is kind of nice but other ranged weapons -such as my warrs longbow- dont have that advantage)

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


While your at it we should remove people from the group for using Legendary’s ( since they add Power, Vitality and toughness and no useful stats for dps ) and glass canons since they die faster than any other build.

you are incorrect
‘tanky’ players often get focused by mobs taking ‘the heat’ off glass cannon players; as well as not dying as easily (meaning less chance of someone having to stop and res them)
-for example; my ranger is fine going melee (sword/warhorn) when theres a tankier player than me (mixture of knight+zerker gear – optimisined crit damage) but if the rest of the team (or those also in melee) are full glass cannon then im forced to retreat back to using longbow (lower DPS – pet -i use high damage pets- doesnt benefit from pet swap quickness and takes time to reach enemy, third hit in chain doesnt grant might to pet, no call of the wild, single target (aside from barrage) and too far away to easily place healing spring by the melee-ers – though the opposite is that longbow has a constant 10 vulnerability stack… which is kind of nice but other ranged weapons -such as my warrs longbow- dont have that advantage)

What does this have anything to do with what I said. Pug groups don’t always have Tanky or Mitigation spec toons.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


@zerorains: A couple of months ago I ran a dungeon with a random group, including one player who decided he wasn’t going to bother wearing any gear at all, “because he wanted a challenge”. The rest of us ran with it thinking he would go down at the first hurdle.

Not only did he never go down at all, but he also put the rest of us to shame by rezzing us when we entered the downed state. Why? Because he knew what he was doing.

Short version: MF arguments are irrelevant and skill is clearly all that matters. Stop looking for excuses because you suck at dungeon runs.

This example, mean nothing… how much time you lose just for this challenge? if the naked player was at fully potential maybe the others die less, and maybe all of you finish the dungeon in less time.

I agree when you say that player skill is important, but all of you are totally wrong when you think that the MF user is skilled then the others. At parity of player skill, an MF user is a burden for the party.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



You wrote a bunch of incoherent information that has nothing to do with anything yet again. I’m not even gonna respond to each one individually because it has nothing to do with the thread.


You wrote a nice little story, but I personally don’t care for it. So, now you want to talk about skill versus magic find? I’d rather not even talk about it with you since you seem to be rude and ramble on about nothing.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


@zerorains: A couple of months ago I ran a dungeon with a random group, including one player who decided he wasn’t going to bother wearing any gear at all, “because he wanted a challenge”. The rest of us ran with it thinking he would go down at the first hurdle.

Not only did he never go down at all, but he also put the rest of us to shame by rezzing us when we entered the downed state. Why? Because he knew what he was doing.

Short version: MF arguments are irrelevant and skill is clearly all that matters. Stop looking for excuses because you suck at dungeon runs.

This example, mean nothing… how much time you lose just for this challenge? if the naked player was at fully potential maybe the others die less, and maybe all of you finish the dungeon in less time.

I agree when you say that player skill is important, but all of you are totally wrong when you think that the MF user is skilled then the others. At parity of player skill, an MF user is a burden for the party.

Why are you so fixated on how much time you spend? You should be more concerned how well the run goes ( IE: wipes, problems with cohesion, understanding )
I am sorry but if your so pressed for time you need that Perfect group of perfect players or you can’t finish you shouldn’t be running the dungeon anyhow.

I have personally ran a dungeon Same path twice once in all MF and once in All Exotics with no MF what so ever. Our run with the same people came out 2 minutes slower than the later. If your so stressed for 2 minutes then you need to not do the dungeon. That was with all party in MF that time is probably closer to a 1:30 if not lower for less members in MF.

Also why is it your concern what other people are doing? Do you have some mental clock that times your runs? Do you Time your runs? I know I don’t, the measure of success is not weather or not I just spent 2 minutes less in a dungeon or not.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



You wrote a bunch of incoherent information that has nothing to do with anything yet again. I’m not even gonna respond to each one individually because it has nothing to do with the thread.


You wrote a nice little story, but I personally don’t care for it. So, now you want to talk about skill versus magic find? I’d rather not even talk about it with you since you seem to be rude and ramble on about nothing.

Seems like a childish behavior to discredit someone cause they don’t agree with you. carry on with your childish attitude. It would seem unless someone is saying down with MF your not going to accept anything from them no matter how much evidence is stacked to prove you wrong.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


@zerorains: A couple of months ago I ran a dungeon with a random group, including one player who decided he wasn’t going to bother wearing any gear at all, “because he wanted a challenge”. The rest of us ran with it thinking he would go down at the first hurdle.

Not only did he never go down at all, but he also put the rest of us to shame by rezzing us when we entered the downed state. Why? Because he knew what he was doing.

Short version: MF arguments are irrelevant and skill is clearly all that matters. Stop looking for excuses because you suck at dungeon runs.

This example, mean nothing… how much time you lose just for this challenge? if the naked player was at fully potential maybe the others die less, and maybe all of you finish the dungeon in less time.

I agree when you say that player skill is important, but all of you are totally wrong when you think that the MF user is skilled then the others. At parity of player skill, an MF user is a burden for the party.

Why are you so fixated on how much time you spend? You should be more concerned how well the run goes ( IE: wipes, problems with cohesion, understanding )
I am sorry but if your so pressed for time you need that Perfect group of perfect players or you can’t finish you shouldn’t be running the dungeon anyhow.

I have personally ran a dungeon Same path twice once in all MF and once in All Exotics with no MF what so ever. Our run with the same people came out 2 minutes slower than the later. If your so stressed for 2 minutes then you need to not do the dungeon. That was with all party in MF that time is probably closer to a 1:30 if not lower for less members in MF.

Also why is it your concern what other people are doing? Do you have some mental clock that times your runs? Do you Time your runs? I know I don’t, the measure of success is not weather or not I just spent 2 minutes less in a dungeon or not.

And i reply you with this.
Why a player (or its better to say, the non MF users in the party) have to lose time just to make another one loot better?

And no i dont time my runs, its a matter of concept.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

(edited by Ganzo.5079)

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


@zerorains: A couple of months ago I ran a dungeon with a random group, including one player who decided he wasn’t going to bother wearing any gear at all, “because he wanted a challenge”. The rest of us ran with it thinking he would go down at the first hurdle.

Not only did he never go down at all, but he also put the rest of us to shame by rezzing us when we entered the downed state. Why? Because he knew what he was doing.

Short version: MF arguments are irrelevant and skill is clearly all that matters. Stop looking for excuses because you suck at dungeon runs.

This example, mean nothing… how much time you lose just for this challenge? if the naked player was at fully potential maybe the others die less, and maybe all of you finish the dungeon in less time.

I agree when you say that player skill is important, but all of you are totally wrong when you think that the MF user is skilled then the others. At parity of player skill, an MF user is a burden for the party.

Why are you so fixated on how much time you spend? You should be more concerned how well the run goes ( IE: wipes, problems with cohesion, understanding )
I am sorry but if your so pressed for time you need that Perfect group of perfect players or you can’t finish you shouldn’t be running the dungeon anyhow.

I have personally ran a dungeon Same path twice once in all MF and once in All Exotics with no MF what so ever. Our run with the same people came out 2 minutes slower than the later. If your so stressed for 2 minutes then you need to not do the dungeon. That was with all party in MF that time is probably closer to a 1:30 if not lower for less members in MF.

Also why is it your concern what other people are doing? Do you have some mental clock that times your runs? Do you Time your runs? I know I don’t, the measure of success is not weather or not I just spent 2 minutes less in a dungeon or not.

And i reply you with this.
Why a player have to lose time just to make another one loot better?

I see what you did there, you don’t have a solid answer to tell me. well I wont respond with a question cause I know the answer.

( also it is Why does a player )

Cause it is their choice to do so, unless the time is 10 or 20 minutes longer with the only cause being the Gear ( which it isn’t ) then their choice is not a detriment.

Now try, instead of avoiding, to answer my question.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



You wrote a bunch of incoherent information that has nothing to do with anything yet again. I’m not even gonna respond to each one individually because it has nothing to do with the thread.


You wrote a nice little story, but I personally don’t care for it. So, now you want to talk about skill versus magic find? I’d rather not even talk about it with you since you seem to be rude and ramble on about nothing.

Seems like a childish behavior to discredit someone cause they don’t agree with you. carry on with your childish attitude. It would seem unless someone is saying down with MF your not going to accept anything from them no matter how much evidence is stacked to prove you wrong.

I find it rather amusing that you keep using “childish” when you keep rambling on with incoherent responses that have nothing to do with the thread. You keep bashing players that dislike the magic find system and continue to talk about a different topic such as skill versus magic find.

It’s fine though because you’ve completely discredited yourself in this thread by agreeing with me earlier that magic find doesn’t contribute to the success of a dungeon or encounter. You can keep typing about your cute little stories, but I personally don’t care for them.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ledbetter.3609


Magic Find is a pointless, idiotic stat. Anyone who uses it in a group is being completely selfish and NOT contributing 100% to the overall success of the party.

SURE it can work in stupid little CoF Path 1 gold runs. People can do that in their sleep.

Talk to me when you’re in FotM level 40+ and you have one moron in Magic Find gear trying to snag an extra yellow for the Mystic Forge, that is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help 4 other players in the party.

The stat is stupid, and promotes selfish play.

ANet needs to add an inspect feature, if only to not waste my time with idiots like this.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



Kaimick will continue to talk about his personal life story next rather than keeping on point that magic find is a selfish stat.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



You wrote a bunch of incoherent information that has nothing to do with anything yet again. I’m not even gonna respond to each one individually because it has nothing to do with the thread.


You wrote a nice little story, but I personally don’t care for it. So, now you want to talk about skill versus magic find? I’d rather not even talk about it with you since you seem to be rude and ramble on about nothing.

Seems like a childish behavior to discredit someone cause they don’t agree with you. carry on with your childish attitude. It would seem unless someone is saying down with MF your not going to accept anything from them no matter how much evidence is stacked to prove you wrong.

I find it rather amusing that you keep using “childish” when you keep rambling on with incoherent responses that have nothing to do with the thread. You keep bashing players that dislike the magic find system and continue to talk about a different topic such as skill versus magic find.

It’s fine though because you’ve completely discredited yourself in this thread by agreeing with me earlier that magic find doesn’t contribute to the success of a dungeon or encounter. You can keep typing about your cute little stories, but I personally don’t care for them.

Are you stupid?

The Magic find stat doesn’t contribute but the skill of the payer does
That is what I said, nothing in there said I stated contributed to success, I simply stated that it does not contribute. So I may have not been clear

Magic find does not contribute to the effectiveness of a party but does to the individual, although it is not determine to the successes or failure of a group in a dungeon.

My fault I left it open ended and you just filled in the blank to where you felt it would benefit you.

I have yet to bash anyone on here for not liking Magic Find other than to say it was another QQ thread about MF and they is was a cry baby thing.

Also the OP had made regards to MF being the sole reason why an Inspect feature should be implemented, you addressed Magic find I responded, others have continued to address MF others are replying.

I have regarded you as not smart only because you seem to pick and choose what you want to see, and mis quote things to support your flimsy argument.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


I see what you did there, you don’t have a solid answer to tell me. well I wont respond with a question cause I know the answer.

( also it is Why does a player )

Cause it is their choice to do so, unless the time is 10 or 20 minutes longer with the only cause being the Gear ( which it isn’t ) then their choice is not a detriment.

Now try, instead of avoiding, to answer my question.

ok lest go for the long answer.

1)time is a good indicator of how the party is playing. No wipe, no errors = less time for dungeon completion.

2)I have no problem if a player that is try to do his best make me “lose time”, and its not time loss, because he is learning, and its do his best.
But an MF user is not doing his best at all. Because the stats he is dropping for MF, are or for more damage, or for more survivability.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



Sorry, but Kaimick will never understand your points. He’ll continue to tell you how to play the game and have you not stare at the clock but for us normal people that don’t like to waste time he gets very angry about it.

Truth is, magic find doesn’t contribute to the success of a party. It hinders the party in a negative selfish way.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I see what you did there, you don’t have a solid answer to tell me. well I wont respond with a question cause I know the answer.

( also it is Why does a player )

Cause it is their choice to do so, unless the time is 10 or 20 minutes longer with the only cause being the Gear ( which it isn’t ) then their choice is not a detriment.

Now try, instead of avoiding, to answer my question.

ok lest go for the long answer.

1)time is a good indicator of how the party is playing. No wipe, no errors = less time for dungeon completion.

2)I have no problem if a player that is try to do his best make me “lose time”, and its not time loss, because he is learning, and its do his best.
But an MF user is not doing his best at all. Because the stats he is dropping for MF, are or for more damage, or for more survivability.

It is amusing how many people fall back on that defense instead of just saying I don’t like it don’t bring it in my group. Your doing the same thing, by accepting bad players. but your game play your way

Magic Find is a pointless, idiotic stat. Anyone who uses it in a group is being completely selfish and NOT contributing 100% to the overall success of the party.

SURE it can work in stupid little CoF Path 1 gold runs. People can do that in their sleep.

Talk to me when you’re in FotM level 40+ and you have one moron in Magic Find gear trying to snag an extra yellow for the Mystic Forge, that is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help 4 other players in the party.

The stat is stupid, and promotes selfish play.

ANet needs to add an inspect feature, if only to not waste my time with idiots like this.

I have never once stated that someone should run FoTM Lv. 40 in MF as Agony is a important state to defend against.

Although there is Ascended Items with MF on them, must have been a fluke on part of Arena Net.

If you don’t like the state then run in a guild or friends stop puging, Asking for an inspect and using a piece of gear ( regardless of its use-fullness or not ) to cover as an excuse for your elitism is not a valid reason.


Kaimick will continue to talk about his personal life story next rather than keeping on point that magic find is a selfish stat.

Also to state that MF is an elitist is laughable, I guess I should re-think the fact the game encourages people to play the way they want, that must be elitist too. Maybe you should look up the Definition of what it means to be Elitist and learn the difference between that and Selfish. Last time I checked I have yet to see any MF group boot someone cause they weren’t in MF or start a thread complain about how everyone should be in MF and all other gear needs to be MF

Please point out in that statement where I said Magic Find is not selfish.

Thank you for proving what I previously said about your lack of ability to read and just mis-quote people.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


now it’s all Kaimick fault… you ZeroRaiNs are so open minded that when i read your post i feel agoraphobic.

i don’t like inspection. it stresses me whether i’m wearing or not mf.
i don’t like players that after inspectin me are telling me you should try this rune, you should try this build…
if i die in my build i don’t want people say i told you you should play like i do.
in gw1 where the stats were not an issue i had “friends” stressing the hell out of me forcing me to farm skills in order to have the right build to go underworld with them.
but at least it was my choice to kindly refuse the advice and don’t run underworld with them.
so no, i’m done with this kind of play style and fortunately there is not a tool here that put this choice in the hand of another player.

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Join the Rainbow Pride

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Posted by: Imperatora.7654


This example, mean nothing… how much time you lose just for this challenge? if the naked player was at fully potential maybe the others die less, and maybe all of you finish the dungeon in less time.

I agree when you say that player skill is important, but all of you are totally wrong when you think that the MF user is skilled then the others. At parity of player skill, an MF user is a burden for the party.

If you’re the “GO GO GO GO, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING?!” guy, I don’t want to team with you no matter what gear you have on.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ledbetter.3609



Call it elitism if you want, but I know when my time is being wasted by players in a broken system. I bet you voted for Obama.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



It looks as if you’re the elitist one with a horrible attitude and call people childish on this forum. We talk about how magic find is a selfish stat and you continue to ramble on about bullets up top that have nothing to do with anything. You write cute little anecdote that have nothing to do with the thread,

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



It looks as if you’re the elitist one with a horrible attitude and call people childish on this forum. We talk about how magic find is a selfish stat and you continue to ramble on about bullets up top that have nothing to do with anything. You write cute little anecdote that have nothing to do with the thread,

Do you even understand what your saying?

Again look up what Elitist means


Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


This example, mean nothing… how much time you lose just for this challenge? if the naked player was at fully potential maybe the others die less, and maybe all of you finish the dungeon in less time.

I agree when you say that player skill is important, but all of you are totally wrong when you think that the MF user is skilled then the others. At parity of player skill, an MF user is a burden for the party.

If you’re the “GO GO GO GO, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING?!” guy, I don’t want to team with you no matter what gear you have on.

read some post above, im not that kind of player, but leechers are not my favourite kind of player, and mechanic that justify leeching on a party game, are just nonsense.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Imperatora.7654



Thing is, with how MF is currently set up, an inspect feature would not solve the issues (prisoners dilemma + nash equation).

IMHO a higher priority should be placed on fixing those problems, then an inspect feature becomes unnecessary.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



I agree with you about that in regards to people telling you what you should wear. I’m just against the idea of magic find because it doesn’t contribute to anything involving group play. It is a pure selfish stat.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


Just look on the general forum.

simple solution, share the MF bonus through the whole party members = you drop an useful stat, but all the members can drop better, if the party Wipe no one have the right to complain.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



Call it elitism if you want, but I know when my time is being wasted by players in a broken system. I bet you voted for Obama.

I am not sure how me not wanting Inspect, and not having an issue with MF equates in to me liking Obama?

But no I can’t stand him or his panel, not that it is any of your business.

If it is so Broken why do you continue to play in it? I mean this is not life, I am forced to accept Obama in office regardless of my dis-like for his Political views and approaches. Unless I moved out of the country, which I don’t have the money for, but there is nothing forcing you to play Guild Wars 2.

Lets face it, Arena Net and the Majority of the player base have no issues with MF, I guess that is why Arena Net keeps adding MF gear to the game instead of removing it. I guess Arena Net has found that Inspect only causes harassment and problems, which is why they didn’t add it.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ClarkSkala.8052


I agree with both sides on this thread. Imo, the MF stat is fine in certain scenarios, but when a player is leeching and dragging his group down/slowing it down because he wants more gold, it’s very selfish. I would much rather have quick dungeons, than long and painful ones.

On the other hand, though, having an “Inspect Option” would promote elitist. I would hate this game to turn out how WoW was in WOTLK, “LF4M for ICC 25 man, gear checks on bank stairs” etc, etc. That would ruin the game.

We need to find a fix for both sides.

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


There is shared loot in this game. So if two people loot a enemy and one has MF. Does the other player benefit from the other players MF?

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154



I agree totally with what you said.

I believe the real discussion here or debate is the magic find stat itself hindering players in parties. The Kaimick individual had me talking about inspect but I only supported the idea of seeing the name of the gear and the possibility of seeing what I look like with the item. I think it’s good we don’t see other players stats for obvious reasons.

(edited by ZeroRaiNs.7154)

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganzo.5079



I agree totally with what you said.

I believe the real discussion here or debate is the magic find stat itself hindering players in parties. The Kaimick individual had me talking about inspect but I only supported the idea of seeing the name of the gear and the possibility of seeing what I look like with the item.

Inspection is not only elitist, but dont solve the problem.
You can just equip MF gear when you are already in the dungeon. so anyway, its a mechanic that have no right to exist on this game.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Inspect Gear Option = REQUIRED

in Suggestions

Posted by: ClarkSkala.8052



I came around to agree with your no inspect option in GW2. But you must realize that a part of the Player-base does have an issue with MF, a lot of the people I’ve been in groups with and people I’ve talked to in my guild, etc, not all, but A LOT have agreed with MF being a problem that needs to be fixed. As I said up top, we need a mutual fix.