Inspecting Players

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


The game was designed so that everyone would be useful in a party, so your elitist has no “right” to discriminate like that.

I would love to see some proof for this claim.

Anyway, cheerleader lfg Arah p4 or fotm 48+. WSP ME I’M PRETTY!!!

The fact that we don’t have a trinity isn’t a proof enough for you? The fact that every class is designed to be useful and fun at all times?

Actually there is an intended trinity, DPS-Support-CC, elements of which are present in every class (some better than others at certain ones). Sure every class CAN be useful but, again, “cheerleader lfg” and suddenly your broad claims of anybody can run however they want disappear. Just because a class CAN be useful doesn’t mean the person running it is doing so appropriately.

And by that you of course suggest that only zerker/mesmer groups are viable?


Don’t be ridiculous – mesmers should be wearing zerker gear too!
He didn’t say that at all… where are you getting that from? The point is that we want to make sure someone isn’t running a cheerleader build. To give a real example, I don’t mind if you’re running soldier’s, knight’s, or zerker’s on your guardian… just so long as it’s not carrion or explorer’s or something. If you have a legitimate argument for running those stats though, I’m willing to hear it. However, if someone wearing PVT gear says they’re in full zerker’s (or vice versa), I think they’re in the wrong for joining a group under false pretences.

You have no “right” to make sure that someone isn’t running a cheerleader build, and the game shouldn’t support your desire to do so, because it’s against the principles on which the game is built.

These people are not in the wrong for joining any group under any pretences, because making such restrictions is “in the wrong” in the first place.

Now you’ll go and make them anyway, but don’t expect to be assisted in it by the devs.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

Are you honestly claiming that it’s okay for people to lie about their gear and join serious dungeon groups as cheerleaders, with the full intention of relying on the other 4 people to carry them to victory? Is this something you do?

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Are you honestly claiming that it’s okay for people to lie about their gear and join serious dungeon groups as cheerleaders, with the full intention of relying on the other 4 people to carry them to victory? Is this something you do?

The game design supports playing with like-minded people. That means you can try to find people that play it your way. That’s your responsibility though. It’s not supposed to assist you in discriminating against other players.

Do you really need a more detailed explanation?

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


Are you honestly claiming that it’s okay for people to lie about their gear and join serious dungeon groups as cheerleaders, with the full intention of relying on the other 4 people to carry them to victory? Is this something you do?

people can still link their gear bro.
which is already what people are doing. “lf 1 more cof p1 link gear pls”


Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: LHound.8964


I don’t support inspecting at all in the traditional sense…

Although, I could agree on having it, if:

1) It could be ticked on and off (off by default)
2) It didn’t show any stat at all! Just name (original/transmutation) and preview option!


—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-
Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-

(edited by LHound.8964)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


people can still link their gear bro.
which is already what people are doing. “lf 1 more cof p1 link gear pls”

This is fine as it is. No need for inspect. It keeps the elitists isolated to their own corner of the galaxy while keeping their views from infecting the overall tone of the rest of the community.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


All these people saying no seem to be saying

I don’t want people telling me my build is bad and have to change my build to play with PUGS

It’s true, with an inspect feature people WILL tell you your build is kitten and kick you from the party, but there’s absolutely NOTHING stopping you from making your own party and welcoming anyone and letting the people that only want certain builds play with each other.

It’s like people getting mad that they can’t bring their rangers to 4 warrior one mesmer CoF runs. Make your OWN group with your own rules and watch that fill up in an instant.

Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of players, especially in PvE, do NOT craft their own builds. They know NOTHING about viability and adopt a mentality of “If it’s not the build I’m using (which they found on the internet) then it must suck!” It’s a false sense of elitism. You can’t judge other peoples builds if you don’t even know how to craft a build yourself and make it viable.

Are you aware that ranger can be the tankiest profession in the entire game if spec’d and geared in the right way?

I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


No need for an inspection option. Maybe in spvp, where it may matter more. But in pve and wvw that comes down to being a team player, not being forced down some build you don’t care for. If you want to run selfish, fine but you better not be downed all the time. If you want to run a team build, its not like that hurts.

If you want to know what someone is wearing, ask. If they share with you and you don’t believe them (because they either don’t link or they link a spare armor set) then you simply need to stop being so distrustful and find out how the 1st run goes.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

The game was designed so that everyone would be useful in a party, so your elitist has no “right” to discriminate like that.

I would love to see some proof for this claim.

Anyway, cheerleader lfg Arah p4 or fotm 48+. WSP ME I’M PRETTY!!!

The fact that we don’t have a trinity isn’t a proof enough for you? The fact that every class is designed to be useful and fun at all times?

Actually there is an intended trinity, DPS-Support-CC, elements of which are present in every class (some better than others at certain ones). Sure every class CAN be useful but, again, “cheerleader lfg” and suddenly your broad claims of anybody can run however they want disappear. Just because a class CAN be useful doesn’t mean the person running it is doing so appropriately.

And by that you of course suggest that only zerker/mesmer groups are viable?


Don’t be ridiculous – mesmers should be wearing zerker gear too!
He didn’t say that at all… where are you getting that from? The point is that we want to make sure someone isn’t running a cheerleader build. To give a real example, I don’t mind if you’re running soldier’s, knight’s, or zerker’s on your guardian… just so long as it’s not carrion or explorer’s or something. If you have a legitimate argument for running those stats though, I’m willing to hear it. However, if someone wearing PVT gear says they’re in full zerker’s (or vice versa), I think they’re in the wrong for joining a group under false pretences.

You have no “right” to make sure that someone isn’t running a cheerleader build, and the game shouldn’t support your desire to do so, because it’s against the principles on which the game is built.

These people are not in the wrong for joining any group under any pretences, because making such restrictions is “in the wrong” in the first place.

Now you’ll go and make them anyway, but don’t expect to be assisted in it by the devs.

You’re letting the guy in MF gear stomp all over the same rights of the serious dungeon runners. Why does he have the right to be carried and they don’t have the right to protect their time and effort against what is essentially fraud and scamming? You’re playing favourites with the bads either because you are one or you’re a troll.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

people can still link their gear bro.
which is already what people are doing. “lf 1 more cof p1 link gear pls”

This is fine as it is. No need for inspect. It keeps the elitists isolated to their own corner of the galaxy while keeping their views from infecting the overall tone of the rest of the community.

Ok, here’s my gear [&AgGLKQBInGAAAEhcf9lcGQAA]
Problem? Nope, no problem. Linking works fine.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Ok, here’s my gear [&AgGLKQBInGAAAEhcf9lcGQAA]
Problem? Nope, no problem. Linking works fine.

And tell me—is this something that actually happens? Is scamming ‘hardcore’ parties an epidemic that is ruining people’s ability to farm CoF P1 24/7?

Because I guarantee you, the moment you give someone the ability to judge others, they will do so. After all, it’s “how the game works.”

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


The game was designed so that everyone would be useful in a party, so your elitist has no “right” to discriminate like that.

I would love to see some proof for this claim.

Anyway, cheerleader lfg Arah p4 or fotm 48+. WSP ME I’M PRETTY!!!

The fact that we don’t have a trinity isn’t a proof enough for you? The fact that every class is designed to be useful and fun at all times?

Actually there is an intended trinity, DPS-Support-CC, elements of which are present in every class (some better than others at certain ones). Sure every class CAN be useful but, again, “cheerleader lfg” and suddenly your broad claims of anybody can run however they want disappear. Just because a class CAN be useful doesn’t mean the person running it is doing so appropriately.

And by that you of course suggest that only zerker/mesmer groups are viable?


Don’t be ridiculous – mesmers should be wearing zerker gear too!
He didn’t say that at all… where are you getting that from? The point is that we want to make sure someone isn’t running a cheerleader build. To give a real example, I don’t mind if you’re running soldier’s, knight’s, or zerker’s on your guardian… just so long as it’s not carrion or explorer’s or something. If you have a legitimate argument for running those stats though, I’m willing to hear it. However, if someone wearing PVT gear says they’re in full zerker’s (or vice versa), I think they’re in the wrong for joining a group under false pretences.

You have no “right” to make sure that someone isn’t running a cheerleader build, and the game shouldn’t support your desire to do so, because it’s against the principles on which the game is built.

These people are not in the wrong for joining any group under any pretences, because making such restrictions is “in the wrong” in the first place.

Now you’ll go and make them anyway, but don’t expect to be assisted in it by the devs.

You’re letting the guy in MF gear stomp all over the same rights of the serious dungeon runners. Why does he have the right to be carried and they don’t have the right to protect their time and effort against what is essentially fraud and scamming? You’re playing favourites with the bads either because you are one or you’re a troll.

Here’s a question: What if this “MF guy” was wearing full Celestial gear instead? Would he still be “carried”?

For your convenience, here’s the same Warrior in full Celestial, full Zerker and full MF gear:
Full Celestial
Full Zerker
Full MF

(edited by Olba.5376)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Ok, here’s my gear [&AgGLKQBInGAAAEhcf9lcGQAA]
Problem? Nope, no problem. Linking works fine.

So, link isn’t working and the party still takes them even though the requirement is for the leader to be able to inspect their gear. Meanwhile everyone elses link worked. So your answer isn’t to fix what is broken even though it caters to your desire but you MUST be able to crap the game up with elitism. Hmmm. Bad argument is bad.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

Ok, here’s my gear [&AgGLKQBInGAAAEhcf9lcGQAA]
Problem? Nope, no problem. Linking works fine.

So, link isn’t working and the party still takes them even though the requirement is for the leader to be able to inspect their gear. Meanwhile everyone elses link worked. So your answer isn’t to fix what is broken even though it caters to your desire but you MUST be able to crap the game up with elitism. Hmmm. Bad argument is bad.

The link works fine – did you copy it correctly? I believe his point was that anyone can just copy and paste links into chat, and it doesn’t prove that they’re actually using it. Inspect would solve that problem.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Ok, here’s my gear [&AgGLKQBInGAAAEhcf9lcGQAA]
Problem? Nope, no problem. Linking works fine.

So, link isn’t working and the party still takes them even though the requirement is for the leader to be able to inspect their gear. Meanwhile everyone elses link worked. So your answer isn’t to fix what is broken even though it caters to your desire but you MUST be able to crap the game up with elitism. Hmmm. Bad argument is bad.

The link works fine – did you copy it correctly? I believe his point was that anyone can just copy and paste links into chat, and it doesn’t prove that they’re actually using it. Inspect would solve that problem.

While creating a bigger problem. So i’ll ask what Weirwin asked, “And tell me—is this something that actually happens? Is scamming ‘hardcore’ parties an epidemic that is ruining people’s ability to farm CoF P1 24/7?”

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


You’re letting the guy in MF gear stomp all over the same rights of the serious dungeon runners. Why does he have the right to be carried and they don’t have the right to protect their time and effort against what is essentially fraud and scamming? You’re playing favourites with the bads either because you are one or you’re a troll.

The “serious” dungeon runners have no “right” to be protected from evil MF users. MF was put into the game and balanced on purpose. You are meant to play with MF users.

You can find like-minded players that you can trust on using whatever skills and gear you want. But the game will not, and should not, support your pathetic discrimination by allowing you to inspect and abuse PUGs.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: sinzer.4018


Yeah ‘cause how much power, prec etc i have really tells you about my performance. It really tells you about at what point i use particular abilities etc. What matters isn’t raw stats, your weapons, utilities or even your traits but how you combine all of this with your knowledge of the encounters and your play.

I admit i wouldnt be affected by this because my dungeon runs are predominantly with people i know, at most there’s one person pugged but as WhiteAndMilky mentioned already alot of people just copy builds they found online. They do not have an intuitive understanding of their profession and would refuse to group with those who don’t have the flavour of the month build but one that’s better suited.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dual.8953


I never played WoW. To be honest that sounds like it’d be great for elitists… why deny them this ability? Perhaps you can explain the downside for me.
Seriously though, people already ask you to ping your gear for PUG CoF runs. Or they can avoid PUGs altogether and just do guild runs… won’t that be great for the community?!

The Downside is when they added inspect to WoW, elitism became the standard and the groups that would take anyone became a rarity. It’s the same with a lot of games with Inspect. Give people the tools to be elitist and they’ll be elitist. Elitism is in GW2, but it’s not standard, and if we don’t want it to become the standard, we shouldn’t encourage it.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

All these people saying no seem to be saying

I don’t want people telling me my build is bad and have to change my build to play with PUGS

It’s true, with an inspect feature people WILL tell you your build is kitten and kick you from the party, but there’s absolutely NOTHING stopping you from making your own party and welcoming anyone and letting the people that only want certain builds play with each other.

It’s like people getting mad that they can’t bring their rangers to 4 warrior one mesmer CoF runs. Make your OWN group with your own rules and watch that fill up in an instant.

Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of players, especially in PvE, do NOT craft their own builds. They know NOTHING about viability and adopt a mentality of “If it’s not the build I’m using (which they found on the internet) then it must suck!” It’s a false sense of elitism. You can’t judge other peoples builds if you don’t even know how to craft a build yourself and make it viable.

Are you aware that ranger can be the tankiest profession in the entire game if spec’d and geared in the right way?

Ranger’s can be tanky You don’t say. Please dispense another pearl of wisdom from on high for me. It never would have occurred to me that the class with multiple evades, regeneration, regeneration enhancing traits, an HP restoring signet, and multiple traits that remove multiple conditions, and multiple sources of protection might possibly, somehow, be able to tank.

Truly you are a master of every facet of this game and should be hired by Anet as new lead designer.

You CAN judge other peoples builds if you have even the slightest ability to read whatever language your game is being displayed in. The popularized builds that are posted on websites are popular for a reason. They preform something especially well.

But as I feel that I’ve come off topic I’ll just write here that I refute your point on the basis that, depending on the situation there is always an “optimized build” and if people want to play with other people in optimized builds they should be able to without having to wonder if they’re lying about it.

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I never played WoW. To be honest that sounds like it’d be great for elitists… why deny them this ability? Perhaps you can explain the downside for me.
Seriously though, people already ask you to ping your gear for PUG CoF runs. Or they can avoid PUGs altogether and just do guild runs… won’t that be great for the community?!

The Downside is when they added inspect to WoW, elitism became the standard and the groups that would take anyone became a rarity. It’s the same with a lot of games with Inspect. Give people the tools to be elitist and they’ll be elitist. Elitism is in GW2, but it’s not standard, and if we don’t want it to become the standard, we shouldn’t encourage it.

I can attest to that. This is my main on WoW. As of now, I would be chastised because a.) I have mostly blues, b.) The only purple I have increases my health when it should be agility and c.) This build is meant for single target DPS which is perfect for pvp and bossing but does not rack up numbers like AoE spam.

The thing is that due to elitism, inspect and number counts nobody will want me in their group. It doesn’t matter if I am always in the top 5% of DPS at bosses (which counts more than trash mobs) or can kill anything or anyone I kitten well please by myself because my gear is trash and I am useless in a group according to them.


(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I never played WoW. To be honest that sounds like it’d be great for elitists… why deny them this ability? Perhaps you can explain the downside for me.
Seriously though, people already ask you to ping your gear for PUG CoF runs. Or they can avoid PUGs altogether and just do guild runs… won’t that be great for the community?!

The Downside is when they added inspect to WoW, elitism became the standard and the groups that would take anyone became a rarity. It’s the same with a lot of games with Inspect. Give people the tools to be elitist and they’ll be elitist. Elitism is in GW2, but it’s not standard, and if we don’t want it to become the standard, we shouldn’t encourage it.

From what I understand about WoW, (almost?) nobody has max gear, because those items are ridiculously hard to acquire. So there’s a huge spectrum of stat levels, and only a few players who’ve logged well over 10K hours can confidently say that nobody is going to look down on their equipment. In GW2 on the other hand, what most elitists are asking for is full berserker’s with ruby orbs. You can get that in a couple of weeks of buying the game.
So basically, the people I want to avoid are those who don’t even make an effort to acquire optimal gear. In WoW, on the other hand there’s constant gear progression, so everyone is in a sort of ranking system where they all have different stats… THAT is what breeds problematic judgmental elitism. Here it’s just serious players versus casuals.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuvat.6431


“Play the way you want”, eh?

Awesome. I want to play as a cheerleader. Human, female. No armor. Uses /dance and writes GOGO TEAM in allchat. Runs away as soon something comes to close.

Okay, lets be serious now. When you enter a dungeon, you enter a group. So stop running selfish and bad builds and start beeing more usefull. As soon as you do that, you shouldn’t be afraight of gear/buildchecks. It doesn’t need to be the meta or the most efficient, but when I see one more MF/PVT – ranger with a bear spamming LB1 I am going to cry.

This actually made me laugh. When she cheers and dances, it should blind her opponent. xD

@OP: I agree with everyone else here. That kind of revealing, see what builds they have, does make for quick judgement and discrimination. We know there are perfectly mature players out there, but where there is a yang, there is also a ying. In this case, immature kittenknobs who exclude people just because they have a certain build, and boo-freakin’ hoo, they hate that build and want to scream blasphemy. GW2 is great the way it is, we don’t need to add build discrimination. If they want to know what build a person has, they can ask by way of chat, mail or whispering.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I can understand for a little bit that people don’t want build inspection because it might let people pre-judge. However I’ve encountered multiple times that I wanted to inspect a certain player because of his cool looking armor/weapons and I wanted to know what they are called.

Besides GW2 will have the LFG feature soon so you won’t have to worry about people inspecting you in front of the dungeon entrance.

A Thief on Desolation

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Add Inspecting players/profiles so we can see their build and or items

Add a “Creeper” title for people like this anet

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dual.8953


I never played WoW. To be honest that sounds like it’d be great for elitists… why deny them this ability? Perhaps you can explain the downside for me.
Seriously though, people already ask you to ping your gear for PUG CoF runs. Or they can avoid PUGs altogether and just do guild runs… won’t that be great for the community?!

The Downside is when they added inspect to WoW, elitism became the standard and the groups that would take anyone became a rarity. It’s the same with a lot of games with Inspect. Give people the tools to be elitist and they’ll be elitist. Elitism is in GW2, but it’s not standard, and if we don’t want it to become the standard, we shouldn’t encourage it.

From what I understand about WoW, (almost?) nobody has max gear, because those items are ridiculously hard to acquire. So there’s a huge spectrum of stat levels, and only a few players who’ve logged well over 10K hours can confidently say that nobody is going to look down on their equipment. In GW2 on the other hand, what most elitists are asking for is full berserker’s with ruby orbs. You can get that in a couple of weeks of buying the game.
So basically, the people I want to avoid are those who don’t even make an effort to acquire optimal gear. In WoW, on the other hand there’s constant gear progression, so everyone is in a sort of ranking system where they all have different stats… THAT is what breeds problematic judgmental elitism. Here it’s just serious players versus casuals.

Some of us can cough up the gold for a Zerker set quickly yes, but a sizable portion of the population considers 2 gold an achievement. It’s nice you want to run what someone said is “optimized”, but “Zerker heavies or gtfo” should not be the norm. It breeds a very toxic community where stats are valued over skill, and the price of entry is high. A good example is my experince with Fractals, I want to get my Fractal level up and gather relics so I can get infusions for my ascendeds, the problem being, few people ever want to do low level fractals, which leaves me effectively stranded at low level. If that happens to all dungeons, then dungeons will become the same where only veteran players will do them and prospective new players will just shy away.
(In Wow I’ve heard many a time, when they introduce a new dungeon, you’d better grind the heck out if it to get the best new gear or you’ll be stuck in a limbo where groups won’t accept you into the dungeon run, because you don’t have the gear, but the gear they want you to have is only attainable in that dungeon)

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: sinzer.4018


I can understand for a little bit that people don’t want build inspection because it might let people pre-judge. However I’ve encountered multiple times that I wanted to inspect a certain player because of his cool looking armor/weapons and I wanted to know what they are called.

Ask then. If all your interested in is what the skin is and where it’s from i’m pretty sure no one will refuse to answer as you’re implying they look awesome. You don’t need an inspect feature for this you just need to speak.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


Anyway, cheerleader lfg Arah p4 or fotm 48+. WSP ME I’M PRETTY!!!

This is my new signature! Thank you

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


here’s the thing theres no real issue with MF players elitists just never admit their failures so they blame MF build players

if me and my guildies went all full MF build all 5 members and beat up to lvl 30 fractals without the use of any voice program and what not how would ONE player with mf screw up a whole dungeon run on his own? other than obvious lack of skill/knowledge of his class wich means the said player would yield the same result in any other gear.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wreckdum.8367


Add Inspecting players/profiles so we can see their build and or items

I have no problem with people inspecting me to get the SKIN names of my items, so they can hunt for the pieces they like for themselves. Let them see “Gladiator’s Helm” or “Feathered Boots” – the name of the skin. But not “Berserker’s” or “Cleric’s” or anything that will give them a reason to pass judgement on my playing style.

As far as BUILDS go, a total idiot with the build you think is “best” can be defeated by a good player with an oddball setup. The only way to truly judge someone is by their performance. Guild Wars 1 and 2 are about SKILL, not items. You are looking to pre-judge people, and prejudice hurts everyone. You may miss out on a good helping hand if you refuse to team up with someone based solely on their build.

This only being true in this game. Any other MMO I would disagree. Content is so easy in this game a 50 year old house wife could do it without even spending any trait points.

Now in a real MMO build discrimination would and should be enforced. There is a term called min/maxing for a reason. Most hardcore MMOs won’t allow someone just fooling around with traits to progress very far.

Rex Smashington – 80 Norn Warrior <Tyrians United Retard Division> Yak’s Bend
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wreckdum.8367


here’s the thing theres no real issue with MF players elitists just never admit their failures so they blame MF build players

if me and my guildies went all full MF build all 5 members and beat up to lvl 30 fractals without the use of any voice program and what not how would ONE player with mf screw up a whole dungeon run on his own? other than obvious lack of skill/knowledge of his class wich means the said player would yield the same result in any other gear.

I don’t think people blame MF gear for dungeon failures. They just agree that someone bringing MF to progression content is selfish and hurting the group. That’s not a debate… You’re bringing less stats in the hopes of an increased .01% chance of getting a yellow.

Rex Smashington – 80 Norn Warrior <Tyrians United Retard Division> Yak’s Bend
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


here’s the thing theres no real issue with MF players elitists just never admit their failures so they blame MF build players

if me and my guildies went all full MF build all 5 members and beat up to lvl 30 fractals without the use of any voice program and what not how would ONE player with mf screw up a whole dungeon run on his own? other than obvious lack of skill/knowledge of his class wich means the said player would yield the same result in any other gear.

I don’t think people blame MF gear for dungeon failures. They just agree that someone bringing MF to progression content is selfish and hurting the group. That’s not a debate… You’re bringing less stats in the hopes of an increased .01% chance of getting a yellow.

1 the stat diference wouldnt be all that big for a non zerker runner

2 the player’s playstyle is what should define is he’s selfish or not for example i run with a support/damage build sometimes i may not hit as a zerker but i can endure almost as much damage as a guardian while blasting AoE heals and regens and cleanses about every 5 seconds.

3 well some people have been playing for so long and barely even gotten one exotic item while some random new player grabs up to 3 in a single dungeon run at times .

people should stop being so judgemental about MF too i got kicked out of parties cuz the pirate runes bird spawned while my whole gear was pretty much dungeon gear to begin with berserker to be more precise. if your MF player is outdamaging your party suck it up is all i can say

(edited by Rezzet.3614)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You’re letting the guy in MF gear stomp all over the same rights of the serious dungeon runners. Why does he have the right to be carried and they don’t have the right to protect their time and effort against what is essentially fraud and scamming? You’re playing favourites with the bads either because you are one or you’re a troll.

The “serious” dungeon runners have no “right” to be protected from evil MF users. MF was put into the game and balanced on purpose. You are meant to play with MF users.

You can find like-minded players that you can trust on using whatever skills and gear you want. But the game will not, and should not, support your pathetic discrimination by allowing you to inspect and abuse PUGs.

Ok NOW you’re definitely trolling.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


However I’ve encountered multiple times that I wanted to inspect a certain player because of his cool looking armor/weapons and I wanted to know what they are called.

There’s already a feature for that. It’s called Asking. It works great too.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I never played WoW. To be honest that sounds like it’d be great for elitists… why deny them this ability? Perhaps you can explain the downside for me.
Seriously though, people already ask you to ping your gear for PUG CoF runs. Or they can avoid PUGs altogether and just do guild runs… won’t that be great for the community?!

The Downside is when they added inspect to WoW, elitism became the standard and the groups that would take anyone became a rarity. It’s the same with a lot of games with Inspect. Give people the tools to be elitist and they’ll be elitist. Elitism is in GW2, but it’s not standard, and if we don’t want it to become the standard, we shouldn’t encourage it.

From what I understand about WoW, (almost?) nobody has max gear, because those items are ridiculously hard to acquire. So there’s a huge spectrum of stat levels, and only a few players who’ve logged well over 10K hours can confidently say that nobody is going to look down on their equipment. In GW2 on the other hand, what most elitists are asking for is full berserker’s with ruby orbs. You can get that in a couple of weeks of buying the game.
So basically, the people I want to avoid are those who don’t even make an effort to acquire optimal gear. In WoW, on the other hand there’s constant gear progression, so everyone is in a sort of ranking system where they all have different stats… THAT is what breeds problematic judgmental elitism. Here it’s just serious players versus casuals.

Some of us can cough up the gold for a Zerker set quickly yes, but a sizable portion of the population considers 2 gold an achievement. It’s nice you want to run what someone said is “optimized”, but “Zerker heavies or gtfo” should not be the norm. It breeds a very toxic community where stats are valued over skill, and the price of entry is high. A good example is my experince with Fractals, I want to get my Fractal level up and gather relics so I can get infusions for my ascendeds, the problem being, few people ever want to do low level fractals, which leaves me effectively stranded at low level. If that happens to all dungeons, then dungeons will become the same where only veteran players will do them and prospective new players will just shy away.
(In Wow I’ve heard many a time, when they introduce a new dungeon, you’d better grind the heck out if it to get the best new gear or you’ll be stuck in a limbo where groups won’t accept you into the dungeon run, because you don’t have the gear, but the gear they want you to have is only attainable in that dungeon)

Whilst I didn’t pay for any of my 8 zerker sets (they’re all from CoF, CoE, and Arah), you’re actually making my point for me. Anyone who can’t afford a full set of armour is inexperienced in dungeons. If you’re wearing the requested gear setup, it shows that you at least made the effort to prepare, so I know you’re going to take the run a little bit seriously.
What this comes down to is casual players getting upset when min/maxers tell them their equipment is sub-optimal. Stop taking it personally! We know nothing about your skill level, so saying “a good player in MF is better than a bad player in zerk” is meaningless. For all we know, you’re a bad player in MF, in which case a bad player in zerk would be an improvement. A good player wearing the right gear is exponentially better than a good player wearing rubbish.
On the other hand, if you have a serious argument that your Rampager’s stats are more effective because of higher crit chance or something, do the maths and post it on the forums. We’re constantly trying to improve our builds, so anyone who’s serious about the game isn’t gonna shoot you down just for being different. Don’t be afraid.

I’m sorry to hear that you can’t get groups for Fractals. I’ve being leveling up alts fairly recently and haven’t had difficulty finding PUGs for 1-9 odds… are you looking on Alternatively, join level 10s and learn to dodge the agony! It’ll pay off at higher levels, which is presumably what you’re aiming for if you’re saving for AR infusions.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


What this comes down to is casual players getting upset when min/maxers tell them their equipment is sub-optimal.

it starts as min/maxers. Then becomes wannabe “pro’s” who really don’t know what their doing but they play into the hype of the min/maxers because they have no confidence in their own abilities and no understanding that you don’t need min/max to accomplish a similar job. Then you have a whole movement of people who don’t know what they’re doing, calling shots about how things should be done because they don’t know the difference between “optimal” and “viable”. bad suggestion is bad.

edit: actually, I see a-nets deliberate move away from the classic trinity as confirmation that this bad suggestion promoting elitism won’t even be considered. I doubt we have anything to worry about.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


Whilst I didn’t pay for any of my 8 zerker sets (they’re all from CoF, CoE, and Arah), you’re actually making my point for me. Anyone who can’t afford a full set of armour is inexperienced in dungeons. If you’re wearing the requested gear setup, it shows that you at least made the effort to prepare, so I know you’re going to take the run a little bit seriously.
What this comes down to is casual players getting upset when min/maxers tell them their equipment is sub-optimal. Stop taking it personally! We know nothing about your skill level, so saying “a good player in MF is better than a bad player in zerk” is meaningless. For all we know, you’re a bad player in MF, in which case a bad player in zerk would be an improvement. A good player wearing the right gear is exponentially better than a good player wearing rubbish.

Sure not having the armor shows they aren’t experienced in dungeons. But how are they supposed to get experienced and get that awesome armor to prove it if people like you won’t let them in the group to do the dungeon?

It’s a catch 22. You don’t want them doing the dungeon because they are inexperienced and don’t have the right armor, but they have to do the dungeon to gain experience and get the armor.

That creates a disservice to the community.

(edited by Euthymia.4807)

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


Add Inspecting players/profiles so we can see their build and or items

Add a “Creeper” title for people like this anet

dont let them explode on you


Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I clicked to quote you right as you removed the ridiculous claim that we’d be able to sell the dungeon armour… well done for actually checking your facts and realising it’s account bound?

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want them doing the dungeon. They’re welcome to do so, and plenty of groups will be glad to take them. The fact that you think that they won’t be able to complete CoF path 1, the easiest dungeon path in the game, suggests that you agree with me that they’re not valuable party members…
But anyway, yes I’m fine with them doing the dungeon. They can do what they like – they paid for the game! What I do not what is to be forced to do runs with them like your parents making you play with your little sibling or whatever. I want to ride my bike with my friends, but somehow this toddler with a tricycle shows up and I can’t ditch them??
Here’s another silly example: your friend is trying to get with some girl and he needs a wingman for her sister – he tells you the sister is awesome but then you go on a double date and have a horrible time koz it turns out she’s a complete cow.
You ask a salesman if this watch is waterproof – he lies and says it is, and then after you buy it it breaks when you really needed it underwater.
“Sure this food’s kosher!” No it isn’t.

There are other little kids they could play with. The sister would be a great catch for someone. Not everyone needs a waterproof watch. Most people aren’t Jewish. PLENTY OF PEOPLE WILL TAKE NEW PLAYERS IN THEIR GROUPS, ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T REALLY DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’RE JUST ARGUING FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SELF-RIGHTEOUS.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


I clicked to quote you right as you removed the ridiculous claim that we’d be able to sell the dungeon armour… well done for actually checking your facts and realising it’s account bound?

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want them doing the dungeon. They’re welcome to do so, and plenty of groups will be glad to take them. The fact that you think that they won’t be able to complete CoF path 1, the easiest dungeon path in the game, suggests that you agree with me that they’re not valuable party members…
But anyway, yes I’m fine with them doing the dungeon. They can do what they like – they paid for the game! What I do not what is to be forced to do runs with them like your parents making you play with your little sibling or whatever. I want to ride my bike with my friends, but somehow this toddler with a tricycle shows up and I can’t ditch them??
Here’s another silly example: your friend is trying to get with some girl and he needs a wingman for her sister – he tells you the sister is awesome but then you go on a double date and have a horrible time koz it turns out she’s a complete cow.
You ask a salesman if this watch is waterproof – he lies and says it is, and then after you buy it it breaks when you really needed it underwater.
“Sure this food’s kosher!” No it isn’t.

There are other little kids they could play with. The sister would be a great catch for someone. Not everyone needs a waterproof watch. Most people aren’t Jewish. PLENTY OF PEOPLE WILL TAKE NEW PLAYERS IN THEIR GROUPS, ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T REALLY DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’RE JUST ARGUING FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SELF-RIGHTEOUS.

you can sell dungeon armor.


Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I clicked to quote you right as you removed the ridiculous claim that we’d be able to sell the dungeon armour… well done for actually checking your facts and realising it’s account bound?

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want them doing the dungeon. They’re welcome to do so, and plenty of groups will be glad to take them. The fact that you think that they won’t be able to complete CoF path 1, the easiest dungeon path in the game, suggests that you agree with me that they’re not valuable party members…
But anyway, yes I’m fine with them doing the dungeon. They can do what they like – they paid for the game! What I do not what is to be forced to do runs with them like your parents making you play with your little sibling or whatever. I want to ride my bike with my friends, but somehow this toddler with a tricycle shows up and I can’t ditch them??
Here’s another silly example: your friend is trying to get with some girl and he needs a wingman for her sister – he tells you the sister is awesome but then you go on a double date and have a horrible time koz it turns out she’s a complete cow.
You ask a salesman if this watch is waterproof – he lies and says it is, and then after you buy it it breaks when you really needed it underwater.
“Sure this food’s kosher!” No it isn’t.

There are other little kids they could play with. The sister would be a great catch for someone. Not everyone needs a waterproof watch. Most people aren’t Jewish. PLENTY OF PEOPLE WILL TAKE NEW PLAYERS IN THEIR GROUPS, ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T REALLY DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’RE JUST ARGUING FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SELF-RIGHTEOUS.

you can sell dungeon armor.

No you can’t, it’s account bound.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


I clicked to quote you right as you removed the ridiculous claim that we’d be able to sell the dungeon armour… well done for actually checking your facts and realising it’s account bound?

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want them doing the dungeon. They’re welcome to do so, and plenty of groups will be glad to take them. The fact that you think that they won’t be able to complete CoF path 1, the easiest dungeon path in the game, suggests that you agree with me that they’re not valuable party members…
But anyway, yes I’m fine with them doing the dungeon. They can do what they like – they paid for the game! What I do not what is to be forced to do runs with them like your parents making you play with your little sibling or whatever. I want to ride my bike with my friends, but somehow this toddler with a tricycle shows up and I can’t ditch them??
Here’s another silly example: your friend is trying to get with some girl and he needs a wingman for her sister – he tells you the sister is awesome but then you go on a double date and have a horrible time koz it turns out she’s a complete cow.
You ask a salesman if this watch is waterproof – he lies and says it is, and then after you buy it it breaks when you really needed it underwater.
“Sure this food’s kosher!” No it isn’t.

There are other little kids they could play with. The sister would be a great catch for someone. Not everyone needs a waterproof watch. Most people aren’t Jewish. PLENTY OF PEOPLE WILL TAKE NEW PLAYERS IN THEIR GROUPS, ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T REALLY DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’RE JUST ARGUING FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SELF-RIGHTEOUS.

you can sell dungeon armor.

No you can’t, it’s account bound.

you can use the tokens to buy rare helmets, and salvage them to get ectos which you can sell .


Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I clicked to quote you right as you removed the ridiculous claim that we’d be able to sell the dungeon armour… well done for actually checking your facts and realising it’s account bound?

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want them doing the dungeon. They’re welcome to do so, and plenty of groups will be glad to take them. The fact that you think that they won’t be able to complete CoF path 1, the easiest dungeon path in the game, suggests that you agree with me that they’re not valuable party members…
But anyway, yes I’m fine with them doing the dungeon. They can do what they like – they paid for the game! What I do not what is to be forced to do runs with them like your parents making you play with your little sibling or whatever. I want to ride my bike with my friends, but somehow this toddler with a tricycle shows up and I can’t ditch them??
Here’s another silly example: your friend is trying to get with some girl and he needs a wingman for her sister – he tells you the sister is awesome but then you go on a double date and have a horrible time koz it turns out she’s a complete cow.
You ask a salesman if this watch is waterproof – he lies and says it is, and then after you buy it it breaks when you really needed it underwater.
“Sure this food’s kosher!” No it isn’t.

There are other little kids they could play with. The sister would be a great catch for someone. Not everyone needs a waterproof watch. Most people aren’t Jewish. PLENTY OF PEOPLE WILL TAKE NEW PLAYERS IN THEIR GROUPS, ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T REALLY DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’RE JUST ARGUING FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SELF-RIGHTEOUS.

you can sell dungeon armor.

No you can’t, it’s account bound.

you can use the tokens to buy rare helmets, and salvage them to get ectos which you can sell .

Okay so you missed what he said, which was that an inspect system would lead to only a handful of people doing CoF, CoE, and Arah, and they would then sell the berserker’s armour at ridiculously inflated prices to anyone who wanted to have “perfect” gear.

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


I clicked to quote you right as you removed the ridiculous claim that we’d be able to sell the dungeon armour… well done for actually checking your facts and realising it’s account bound?

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want them doing the dungeon. They’re welcome to do so, and plenty of groups will be glad to take them. The fact that you think that they won’t be able to complete CoF path 1, the easiest dungeon path in the game, suggests that you agree with me that they’re not valuable party members…
But anyway, yes I’m fine with them doing the dungeon. They can do what they like – they paid for the game! What I do not what is to be forced to do runs with them like your parents making you play with your little sibling or whatever. I want to ride my bike with my friends, but somehow this toddler with a tricycle shows up and I can’t ditch them??
Here’s another silly example: your friend is trying to get with some girl and he needs a wingman for her sister – he tells you the sister is awesome but then you go on a double date and have a horrible time koz it turns out she’s a complete cow.
You ask a salesman if this watch is waterproof – he lies and says it is, and then after you buy it it breaks when you really needed it underwater.
“Sure this food’s kosher!” No it isn’t.

There are other little kids they could play with. The sister would be a great catch for someone. Not everyone needs a waterproof watch. Most people aren’t Jewish. PLENTY OF PEOPLE WILL TAKE NEW PLAYERS IN THEIR GROUPS, ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T REALLY DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’RE JUST ARGUING FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SELF-RIGHTEOUS.

you can sell dungeon armor.

No you can’t, it’s account bound.

you can use the tokens to buy rare helmets, and salvage them to get ectos which you can sell .

Okay so you missed what he said, which was that an inspect system would lead to only a handful of people doing CoF, CoE, and Arah, and they would then sell the berserker’s armour at ridiculously inflated prices to anyone who wanted to have “perfect” gear.

yea i missed that part. i just saw him say that you couldnt sell dungeon armor and i assumed the guy he was talking to was also telling him that he could “sell” the dungeon armor (salavage and sell the ectos) and thats when i replied