Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

You heard me, everybody. I JUST WENT THERE!
It’s time for MMORPG’s to take a grasp at a certain community that practically has had no attention what-so-ever. The roleplaying community, we’ve been through tons of games. Guild Wars 2 offers a lot, but there are a number of things that could be changed.
In this thread, I’d like all you RP’ers to throw any suggestions you have into the thread to be discussed, if you’d like of course. Until then, I’ll list the things that come off the top of my head, however MOST of these are from members of the Tarnished Coast server, the unofficial official RP server.

1. Chairs/benches are things we should be able to sit on instead of using our normal awkward sitting positions.
2. Some sort of interface should be implemented, something that RP’ers can utilize as an organizer/profile for their character.
3. More animations/emotions to use!!
4. Dueling, group dueling was suggested as well, which sounds VERY interesting.
5. More town clothing.
6. More homes throughout the world that aren’t just some closed off blocks. Divnity’s Reach is FULL of homes, but we can only enter like 10% of them.
7. Player Housing/Guild Halls, (please excuse this if it was already addressed. I believe I read somewhere that this was intended for future patches.)

Remember, if you’re an RP’er with any suggestions, post ’em!

“Sometimes I like to lay under my bed and pretend I’m a carrot.”

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

Raining more often would be WONDERFUL!

“Sometimes I like to lay under my bed and pretend I’m a carrot.”

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


ArenaNet has done a lot for us RPer’s so far, but I would love to see those things mentioned also included, especially more animated emotes and the ability to actually sit properly on chairs and benches.

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
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Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: TwiceDead.1963


RP’ers have a tendency to get stuff done on their own because they have such a wild and vast imagination, which is exactly what has brought them this far. Arenanet already did them a huge favor adding furniture and more floors to buildings that are NEVER being used but are still usually filled up with some junk. Face it, RP’ers are a minority in the gaming community, and more often than not the minority tends to be ignored for last.

I do not disagree though, they have been around a lot and deserve a fraction of Arenanet’s attention.

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Anet has made a wonderful game for RPing.

That being said, there is room for improvement. Like Divinity’s Reach having a forecast BESIDES confetti rain, and Rata Sum having a residential area and bar.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: crystal.5930


Edit: My apologies, I posted to the wrong thread. Nice suggestions though, OP.

Chosovi Rose, Thomas Thorn, Crystalbrier, Bracken Farstone, Crassul, on Tarnished Coast
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)

(edited by crystal.5930)

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

On the other, the leveling progression is so fast that it can be difficult, as others have pointed out, to stay within the levels of the zones you’re currently exploring.

This shouldn’t be a problem, because the game specs you down to the level of the area. So you can take your level 80 alt into a starter area, and you’ll be running a starting level character.

Here’s what I’d like… a designated RP server(s) with a reasonable one-time fee that grants access and opens up a that-server-only character slot (with the option to buy more, just like we have now).

Because RP is a lot more fun when you know all the people around you are in character, too!

Mind you, this would need to have a clear way for reporting people who were not playing along, but it would be really nice.

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Once most game-breaking issues are deal with, this, along more content should be the priority.

No exceptions!

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

Thank you guys so much for your input. I do hope that ANet decides we’re more than a minority, but another community, just as PvP’ers and Dungeoneers, (yes, I made that up!) I would much rather see the bigger issues iron out and then improvement be handled, but in a more organized fashion. No patch should have one BIG PVE update, but each patch should have small updates for all players.

Kind regards,
Alexoir Alvisthron

“Sometimes I like to lay under my bed and pretend I’m a carrot.”

Interactive Roleplay Interface/Additions for Roleplayers

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdg.8462


By the bear!

Excellent idea OP. Power to the role players.