Introduce Runescape-esque quests.
First off all to prevent most troll’s Runescape doesnt have a great name among the gw2 community and it is unwise to reference to that.
On the other hand I think I know wghat you mean. You want more side story-quests-lines that go through the progress of having multiple goals that needs to be done in a sequence. There are some personal story lines that feels like that.
Norn level 10-20 story line: during the last moot you passed out and you have no memory bout what you have done. Now you have to help a char warband and backtrace your footsteps of that night.
level 60-70 line: someone dear has been killed and you are being blamed. cross Tyria to find evidence of you being inocent.
Actually I agree that more of these chains should exist.
(although i do hope the game is never turned anything like runescape. but that is for totally different reasons).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
While I’ll leave Runescape as a distant memory to back in the day when I was around 13 and first introduced to MMOs. (It was my first) I will say that the way the game handles quests has always been a good one. The game does not have near the amount of quests as most MMOs BUT (and this is a BIG but) every single quest is unique in it’s own right! There are no tedious farming quests, escort quests, etc. Every quest is original and different and some take a long time to justify the lower amount of quests. It’s a quality>quanity factor that I feel many more MMOs should look into. I’ve personally only played the free Runescape back in the day but I completed every quest and it took me a good long while despite only 30 or so quests (Not to mention the near 300 I never experienced from the paid content) and not one quest in my opinion resembled that of a standard MMO and every one of them was fun and unique!
So while, as I said, I would not go back to playing RS simply due to it’s younger community and focus towards younger players (Not to mention I’ve been spoiled by GW’s graphics) looking into some of these very unique quests, even if not many were added at a time, could be a great way to add some more leveling and end-game content to Guild Wars that pulls it from the traditional MMO crowd. Maybe it could be introduced a quest or two at a time with achievements for completing them and on a monthly/bi-montly scale similar to the Living Story. (Except these quests won’t go away.)