Introduce the GW1 Chest system
I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. Anet makes too much money off the suckers to change it now.
Umm… What?
The Chests are working fine. They’re meant to entice you into buying keys from the gem store. And it doesn’t matter if the majority doesn’t use them and throws them away.
The steady income from people who do buy them is enough to justify their existence from a marketing perspective.
This item is common is many MMOs.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
We all know that the Black Lion Chests are not working as they should be because of the price of the keys and of the slim chance of a dropped key.
I say, introduce the GW1 system of Chests/Keys/lockpicks.
Chests spawned randomly per map, usually 4/5 per map. Specific Chest keys or lockpicks were bought with in-game gold to unlock said chests. Could also add a title/achievement to this as well – Treasure Hunter as in GW1.
I agree, I was going to post this myself, after discussing it with some friends who all played GW1,
Anyone who did not play GW1 will not understand the concept behind it, as they don’t know any different, but I think they should introduce this, the locked chests could contain skill points ( instead of tomes like in GW1 ) all crafting from T4+, Masterwork ( Green ) or higher weapons, with the chance in the 80 only zones, chances at exotics etc,
Im actually surprised Anet over looked this when making GW2, or it wasn’t feasible for them to introduce it.