Inventory option: Compact & Sort
That would sort of defeat the purpose of all the special bags/boxes. Such as the craftsman’s bag.
There is no way the developers could possibly know the strange order I prefer to sort things in…nor should they try to do so. -1
There is no way the developers could possibly know the strange order I prefer to sort things in…nor should they try to do so. -1
Good thing you don’t work as a store manager or anything related to sorting things out. It will be a total mess for your employees.
That would sort of defeat the purpose of all the special bags/boxes. Such as the craftsman’s bag.
I see the point. So, i rephrase the idea: Sort all things in their specific bags: axes near axes, swords near swords, etc.
(edited by Ronah.2869)
If I managed a store, things would have to be arranged for the benefit of the customer. Your grasp at logic failed.
My logic failed so next time when I will enter your store as a customer I would like to see game DVDs, food and detergents on the same shelf. I am too lazy to go to search them in the whole store, so place them please all on the same front shelf.
And when the Consumer Commissions will come, you tell them that your customers want to have them all together like that. Let’s see then who will give a **** about customer benefit when confronted with the law