Invulnerability while loading...

Invulnerability while loading...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

While, ideally, I would like to exit my game in a safe location, that is not always possible. Server restarts, or network disconnects, can also result in my location being saved in a dangerous location. Whenever this happens, invariably I hear the audio for my Ranger’s pet dying while still viewing the loading screen, and when I can finally play I am in a bad situation and will struggle to stay alive.

If you (and your pet) were invulnerable while loading (assuming there is some way for you to track that) it would be great. Assuming that were not possible, if there were some other alternative to the player spawning and aggro-ing mobs when entering the game, it would be a huge boost to the game’s user-friendliness.

Invulnerability while loading...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

That would totally make sense. It has my vote.

Invulnerability while loading...

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I think you should be invulnerable until you move or attack like Aion.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell