Is any admin even listening to us?

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Honesly, I feel like this tab was merely created to keep the complainers busy. I have seldomly seen anyone from Anet reply, and I don’t feel taken seriously at all! Some suggestiong are incredibly good, and it feels like Anet just doesn’t give a kitten .

At least show us that we are being listened to, and just don’t ignore the community! I know there are a lot of messages posted each day on this website, but it is still ridiculously neglected. Change your attitude, Anet!

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Some of the suggestions were implemented into the game already, so there must be someone listening.
Kites, new dance moves, new musical instruments, Kasmeer’s armor, more hairstyles (soon), a place to store tokens, better visibility of red circles and LS dungeons returning as fractals are some of the suggestions that I saw here way before they were implemented/promised by devs/datamined.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Generally speaking, employees are expected to maintain a level of professionalism. As such, it’s generally best not to engage players in a contest of “I’m right, you’re wrong.” Further, they cannot imply that a feature or suggestion has a change at being included until it is actually approved and near completion. Generally speaking, the most you can expect from dev posts is confirmation or denial that something is a bug or working as intended, or expressions of opinions that are clearly personal in nature.

As such, I wouldn’t expect many responses in this forum. It’s clear they’re listening to it, and that’s enough.

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


It still would be nice to get more interaction. We hear them say “we’re listening” but we don’t see them enough. That’s the problem. Imagine a parent always hiding from a child while “raising” them. That’s what it feels like.

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


There are indeed a lot of suggestions of all types that have been posted here only to be in the game in one form or another later.

Gabby did not mention it, but Cleansing Ire is a prime example of a trait put into the game after it was suggested on these forums.

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: hakunamatata.9540


+1000 .i comlpletly agree with this topic.thank you phlip.they had to think with us for developing this game better.when they abandoned us ,they actually abondoned themselfs.if you are listening(reading) these forums,ADD your Developer ,Admin or Gm comment about topics maybe can improve This game little much.Some ?deas are very usefull for speedy improvement for this game.sorry about my language mistakes if they were

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: vesperia.6097


A BIG juicy +1kk to this thread.

Might makes me right!

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Idad.3695


Its sad if they are listening. But what benefit does the player get? Yes, Arena Net may publish a suggestion, but in the end they are the ONLY one who gets the gold medal after the race. Look at kites for example, someone that was not in Arena Net got bored and thought they would share it. Its the cruel cycle of MMO’s. Players never win, they never get rewarded and never will.


Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


Honesly, I feel like this tab was merely created to keep the complainers busy. I have seldomly seen anyone from Anet reply, and I don’t feel taken seriously at all! Some suggestiong are incredibly good, and it feels like Anet just doesn’t give a kitten .

At least show us that we are being listened to, and just don’t ignore the community! I know there are a lot of messages posted each day on this website, but it is still ridiculously neglected. Change your attitude, Anet!

Can you blame them? We barely even listen to each other. Scan back a few pages and look at all the suggestions that get buried with just a couple dozen view and one or two replies. If most of the suggestions are so uninteresting we don’t even bother replying to one another, why should the developers be any different?

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


What do you mean, Idad? The person that suggested kites got exactly what he/she wanted: Kites in the game.
If you think that the suggestions are intellectual property of the player that made them, please read the Section 6 – Intellectual Property, b:
We all accepted these terms.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: hakunamatata.9540


dont blame them.they created this game and they have the power of change.they have palate also if they follow these forums they can consider about good ones.some peoples are giving very good action points.means starting points. they dont have to be different.they just cant actually