Is there an interest in having a class-change option?
So… are you thinking, level a character to 80 and then switch what class they are? Cuz that’s just not going to happen.
So… are you thinking, level a character to 80 and then switch what class they are? Cuz that’s just not going to happen.
Why is that?
I’d have interest in it, but I don’t think it’ll ever happen, unfortunately. Seems there’s some sort of player stigma associated with it (and things like race change), one that I don’t understand.
I’m not privy to ANet’s reasoning behind their stance on the matter, but I do know they’re not interested in race changes, so it stands to reason they’ll never consider class changes. A real shame, when you get down to it.
So… are you thinking, level a character to 80 and then switch what class they are? Cuz that’s just not going to happen.
Why is that?
Because if you want a level 80 character of a certain class, you need to level it from 1. Each class is a very different experience and ANet isn’t just going to let you trade in one for another. Plus it forces you to buy more character slots if you want to experience all 8 classes.
Plus it forces you to buy more character slots if you want to experience all 8 classes.
This isn’t an argument against the proposed suggestion, as ANet could always charge more for a class change — 1000, 1500, even 2000 gems. The willing would pay it gladly.
Imagine a handful of class changes bought by a single player, rather than one or two character slots (if they even buy one in the first place) that they eventually give up because they don’t enjoy leveling, but do want to experience multiple classes. It’s pretty obvious which stands to net them more money and player happiness.
Is there an interest in having a class-change option?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713
What doesn’t matter to Anet wether they sell character slots or profession changes.
I, for one, would pay for one. Leveled a Mesmer to 80, which then got nerfed into the ground (PvE point of view). Would be nice if I could switch to a more viable profession without having to level up all the way to 80 again.
Ya, I think it would be nice to be able to change up our classes if we want to try something new, rather than have to level another to 80. Although I can understand why they would not want to do that, because of the whole “You won’t know the class properly” opinion. Which, is true, but I don’t think that is reason enough to limit how other people want to play.
There’re probably interested players out there, but it’s unlikely to happen. The thing is leveling areas are already desert now. Dynamic Events are designed to be played with other players, but yet they are alone most of the time and have trouble leveling smoothly. Anet are aware of the problem. Allowing player to change class instead of rolling alts will accentuate the problem.
There’re probably interested players out there, but it’s unlikely to happen. The thing is leveling areas are already desert now. Dynamic Events are designed to be played with other players, but yet they are alone most of the time and have trouble leveling smoothly. Anet are aware of the problem. Allowing player to change class instead of rolling alts will accentuate the problem.
Ah, you make a good point. I had not thought about that before. :S
There’re probably interested players out there, but it’s unlikely to happen. The thing is leveling areas are already desert now. Dynamic Events are designed to be played with other players, but yet they are alone most of the time and have trouble leveling smoothly. Anet are aware of the problem. Allowing player to change class instead of rolling alts will accentuate the problem.
I’m going to post just to Thank you for bringing the first viable, and strong, argument to the table.
No, being able to change professions is kittarded. If you didn’t want a lvl 80 mesmer, you shouldn’t have made a level 80 mesmer. You get nerfed? Big kittily deal. Everyone gets nerfed, and everyone gets buffed eventually. You disappointed you’re not the FotM now? DOESN’T MATTER – Re-roll and have fun experiencing the game again like you’re supposed to.
“Wah wah, I want to buy my character a new profession every week so I can try out all chars at max level! wahhhhhhh”
I wouldn’t want to be stuck in, say, Arah with a guy that has no experience whatsoever playing his current class cause he took the easy route up to 80, then swapped to the class he’s currently playing. I realize the chances of that happening would be slim if such an option would be introduced. But the fact that it’d be possible at all is enough to bother me.
No interest what so ever . I’ve always been one of those people who preached play your class to learn it . I was even against runs in GW1 . You cant learn a class if you’re poofed to 80 . You wont know the mechanics or anything making you less efficient than Lina trying to resurrect in the heat of battle
They said they were not even considering race change so Ill go out on a limb here and say don’t hold your breath for class morph.
No, being able to change professions is kittarded. If you didn’t want a lvl 80 mesmer, you shouldn’t have made a level 80 mesmer. You get nerfed? Big kittily deal. Everyone gets nerfed, and everyone gets buffed eventually. You disappointed you’re not the FotM now? DOESN’T MATTER – Re-roll and have fun experiencing the game again like you’re supposed to.
“Wah wah, I want to buy my character a new profession every week so I can try out all chars at max level! wahhhhhhh”
First of all, please be more polite. Secondly, everyone already CAN try out every class at max level – it’s called sPvP. So obviously that’s not an issue. Everybody can already try out the class, and all their spells and traits, etc. to see if they like it or not, and be able to learn how the class works. The only reason anyone wants a class change option would be to play as that class at max level in PvE. And I can understand why plenty of people do not want one. But let’s try to have a civilized discussion about it shall we?
A change of class at lvl 80 can be valid only if there won’t be any skills or trait points unlocked. This makes your character learn everything it needs to know about that new profession. One disadvantage for you can be the fact that the new profession might not be able to use all or part of your lvl 80 gear (weapons or armors) due to class limitations
This might offer a bit of re playability because you have certain gear advantage similar to high level players in starter zones so you won’t feel like leveling a total new weak character.
There’re probably interested players out there, but it’s unlikely to happen. The thing is leveling areas are already desert now. Dynamic Events are designed to be played with other players, but yet they are alone most of the time and have trouble leveling smoothly. Anet are aware of the problem. Allowing player to change class instead of rolling alts will accentuate the problem.
I’m going to post just to Thank you for bringing the first viable, and strong, argument to the table.
I’m going to quote you both and echo your sentiments. Also, changing classes/races is basically paying to skip content, which I think is a bad idea. If you want to try out other classes at max level, you can always go into the Mists.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams