Is this even possible
Guild Wars 1 had four “instrument” emotes, mimicking the motions of guitar, drums, violin, and flute. As someone who would like to see GW2’s emote selection expand at least to GW1’s breadth, I would support this. (Although, I’m not sure about it actually playing music. GW1’s didn’t, and there may be some who would use the emote disruptively if it did.)
I would like to see the instruments return as well .
Very much agree on expanding the emotes to GW1 level and miss the /flute /violin and /guitar. Good topic!
/bump great idea, minus music, loved gw1 emotes and loved how proffessions ALL danced DIFFERENT.
/emotes are always a good idea. they’re entertaining, and usually don’t require too much effort to program.
To get an emote in game that play’s I wanna Rock and has your toon play an air guitar? Had this idea earlier but man it would be awesome.
Actually in LOTRO you would be able to do such a thing,
thus I doubt it is impossible to make. LOTRO even got
different instruments which can be played real-time, or
you assign a saved note sheet thingy, forgot how they are made.
Oh, could we also get emotes that interact with your target? eg. While targetting Bob, I type /threaten and the emote line reads, “Kasaeva threatens Bob.” Instead of “Kasaeva is threatening.” But still retain the original line when not targetting anyone.
Also, a few more emote ideas…
/pat (or console or comfort…something to use on those poor souls who can do nothing but cry after falling off the Mad King’s Clocktower 500+ times)
/tickle (always fun)
/smack (for those incorrigible pranksters)
Edit: formatting issue
Sea of Sorrows