Here comes some suggestions, I beat some are easy to program and would be good to have in the game, but i can understand why others won’t be that easy.
1: Show your own nickname option. With that option we could take screenshots for our forums or any other place and actually show the name of the character on it. It would be also good for Youtube Videos. That option is useful on so many ways when you want to know others watching who you really are. And if you don’t want them to know, you can just click on the option to not show your nickname.
2: Easy to know where is your selection. For melee classes, this won’t be an issue, but for some Ranged ones, we always have troubles when we want to select an specific enemy with all those special effects and fire/ice/earth/whatever animations. Sometimes you just have something selected and you think it’s the target in front of you but it happens that it’s another one at 3 meters away from your left flank… so you waste your 20 seconds cooldown skill on the wrong enemy… (etc etc yadda yadda).
I suggest to Add an special mark above the head of the selected target, like a big Arrow to easily notice who is your target, that way you can easily tab out 20 enemies and always will know wich one is selected.
3: Time events off. Some servers are doing great to hunt down big enemies like Tequatl, but other servers with less players are having big issues because of the time. I suggest to adapt the time to the people in the area or just disable it at all. Otherwise, for some servers it’s 100% imposibble to beat down some content. Tequatl is hard enough for 20 players even if there was no timer.
4: Encourage different strategies and discourage stacking. If there’s something that i don’t like in this MMO for dungeons is this statement “if you stack on a guardian, it’s 5x easier and faster”. I suggest to add special skills on the enemies to avoid that. As example, add a buff for enemies to make them hit 5x harder if they are close to each other, so we need to CC them out, root, fear or separate the group into 2 different smaller groups to achieve that. Crowd Control is a feature that needs some love, Anet!
5: Track friends in the crowd. Same as we can see our guild mates in a crowd because they have a yellow/gold name, and we can see our party members as well because they have an specific colour… I’d like to see added another new colour for friends names, that way we can see if there’s a friend around.
6: Different Lieutenants colours. Sometimes we got 2-3 lieutenants in a map and it’s quite confusing to know wich one is doing what. It would be easier if any of them could switch their map icon to be Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Gray… etc. That way we could say “Red is main zerg, Blue is doing pre-events, Orange is AFK”.
:D What do you think?