It's time for New World versus World maps

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


I think Eternal battlegrounds is a pretty solid and satsifying choice of option. My problem is that I have no need or urge to go to borderlands anymore.

My problem with the design of borderlands is that there are too much running and all of the borderlands are the same.

There should be new maps coming out to attract new and old players to login. Something that’s dynamic and a treat for your wvwvw/pvp fan base.

1. Minimal Tower/Keep capturing. Capturing doesn’t have to be “the name of the game.”

2. Lets have ships involved! Whether in the the sea or in the sky.. Having POI’s to fight between and One focal point Castle in the sky (or island) Can really make the game that much more addiciting

3. Lets take Terrain battling to the next level and involve the weather! Lets face it, the only terrain advantages are uphill/downhill battles and catching ur enemies in narrow paths.

—I want to fight battles in forests, in a open field zone with tall grass, beatifully landscaped maps with REAL terrain advantages and able to use the water to one’s advantage.

I want to recreate what i see in animes, movies, tv shows and what i’ve read in books. I want World vs World to have a realism design but with the fantasy of gaming to keep us compelled and fall in love with it (like, literally).

I want those big Chest rewards you get in PVE but in WvWvW. And no, I refuse to kill the grub and that one Tree Guardian for them.

I want to raid civillian NPCs and their towns/cities. It will be the Enemy Defender’s job to save them and cities. Be the bad guy or the town hero.

TLDR: I’m tired of defending and capturing pointless towers/keeps. The karma/exp is alright but it gets repetitive. New maps, Team deathmatch, Pirate battles, castles in the skies.. something please

(edited by bladie.5084)

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Meh, I’d be satisfied with 3 different borderlands at this point. Unless they can find a way to make money off of WvW like they do with all their PvE events, I don’t think we’ll see many changes in WvW. Obviously their focus is going to be their revenue stream.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: stof.9341


New maps are a nice idea, until you notice that there’s no server out there short of 2-3 that can field a decent enough force on all 4 current maps already. Adding more maps won’t help that, at all.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


Meh, I’d be satisfied with 3 different borderlands at this point. Unless they can find a way to make money off of WvW like they do with all their PvE events, I don’t think we’ll see many changes in WvW. Obviously their focus is going to be their revenue stream.

Surely they have to realize that their fanbase is decreasing. Such a game with great potential too. And the worst part is that there are new MMOs coming out (cannot guarantee to be great) but have ideals that others are looking for that guildwars2 isn’t delivering.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: sostronk.8167


EB is designed for bads. Id rather that got replaced first.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


A new map sounds nice yes, but isn’t it possible they can copy paste a PVE map, tweek it a bit, balance it a bit.. place ‘Different types’ of towers and castles in it.

Plug it in, and start it up.. and let the players beta test it.. send feedback.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’m curious about this as well. I know it would be a little complicated since wvwvw lets you interact with other servers but… When New contents come out like Lost shores I can’t help but think, “what about wvwvw?”

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steelo.4597


there should be another EB map – just with a very low player cap. say 15 per faction. that could be fun?

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Okaishi.8320


I think WvW could definitely need a new map or two. I’ve been thinking about what an interesting design would be for a different sort of map, and came up with the following using my newb paint skills:

My thought with it is that currently keeps and towers are always assigned to a server before the matchup even starts, and as such they always naturally ‘belong’ to that server, whether they currently own them or not. Spawnpoints are always located in far corners of the map, as such enemy movement is predictable. What if you change this completely? Now servers can have several options from where to attack, keeps do not ‘belong’ to anyone and servers have to fight hard for capturing but especially holding on to a keep (assuming matchups aren’t too imbalanced). I haven’t included camps but the idea is that both keeps have several specifically designated for supplying them, and every tower has one as well.

Maybe this is just my imagination running wild and it might not be suited for posting on the forums, but I have the urge to communicate my ideas every now and then :P

Member of TUP on Gandara

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jscull.2514


What is jut mind boggling is there have been games out for 10 years that have larger maps with more people and no culling issues lol. Give me a break “we can’t make the maps bigger”…. You are losing customer base daily…. When that kitten drops through the floor… Anet will change a whole lot. No cloaks in this game?? Gay as hell. Give us what games 10 years ago gave us at LEAST.


It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


These new maps should replace 1/2 borderlands maps instead of duplicate maps, but what they should do for the moment is revamp the maps especially EB which is just one big zerg fest with too many objectives that barely change apart from Stonemist.
I’m sure I’m not alone in enjoying the points game as the large scale pvp is far too flawed especially when it comes to everyone blobbing up which often ends up with lag, I see far more guilds running on Borderlands than EB and I can understand why now.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huygens.4075


Give us what games 10 years ago gave us at LEAST.

Terrible graphics and dial up modems!

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.3290


I really think a new WvW map is called for (at least 1), put it on a rotation or something.

The current setup is great, but people know every nook and cranny. There are hundreds of youtube videos showing you every place you can place a treb that can’t be hit, every place that certain siege should go for max effectiveness…and so on.

It’s gone from open-world warfare to a chess game.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valin.4527


Totally agree, we need new maps…

-A man of many Valins [KONG]

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


In my dreams each server would have its own unique borderland… Thats would be so schweet.

Of course it wont ever happen because that would require them to design what, 50 maps? But still.

More maps would be amazing.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

I think something ANet needs to look at on the BL maps is the wide open spaces in the middle, the lake, is huge and annoying and serves no purpose. Lower the water levels, add some structures (good siege spots) and a couple of hills and you’ve got great areas for defense, attacking and small group roaming.

If you think of FPS like BF and CoD, they have huge maps but within those maps they have very close quarter combat, gives you the sense of excitement and fast-paced action but on a large map. “Just a small part of the action” mindset comes into play.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


New maps are a nice idea, until you notice that there’s no server out there short of 2-3 that can field a decent enough force on all 4 current maps already. Adding more maps won’t help that, at all.

Well if Anet does make new make maps they could add them in map rotation changing them weekly or monthly.

Game Security Lead “Closing this thread,
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: SlothBear.9846


New maps are a nice idea, until you notice that there’s no server out there short of 2-3 that can field a decent enough force on all 4 current maps already. Adding more maps won’t help that, at all.

Well if Anet does make new make maps they could add them in map rotation changing them weekly or monthly.

That would be nice, so you have random servers on random maps and there is actually some difference.

I’m very bored of the borderlands. New maps please.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: sardonic wrath.5690

sardonic wrath.5690

I’m just glad the idea of new maps is more prevalent. Playing since 3-day early start, just roaming the maps is such a ‘Ho-hum’ experience for me now, when before I would examine each and every inch to find that one op siege spot or hiding spot for an ambush. Well.. More than 9 months later, I’ve finally ran out of ways to in innovate, learn, and adapt.. I’ve learned all the spots, seen the tricks (and sigh as they lessen in number), etc etc, or at least I have become so bored that I don’t even care about finding new ones.. Giving an enemy Zerg our Grub Overlord aggro amidst a Bravost siege officially became “done” it’s 5th time for me..

Honestly, very early from launch I’ve been hoping for new maps.. At LEAST make all the borderlands different, and rotate which color they are each week. I’d love to see area-themed maps and imho the BLs are more Shiverpeaks-themed; I’d love to see an Ascalon-themed map, a Maguuma jungle-themed map, complete with Inquest-themed keeps.. There are quite a few more possibilities, and I’d imagine it’d be hard to screw up given gw2’s beautiful natural art style.

Tldr; help me ive been playing the same 2 maps for >9 months.

[EP] Everything Purple
Tarnished Coast
Your favorite Charr Guardian

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bogey.5423


Yes please, new maps with different architecture that are already in game. Every borderland should be different too, even though it would create some complains (e.g. “easy-mode play when you have best spawn”). Running through same borderland is boring. Just today was in some borderland and tried to waypoint back to our spawn, but it was contested.


It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Castiel Aurios.7830

Castiel Aurios.7830

New maps are a nice idea, until you notice that there’s no server out there short of 2-3 that can field a decent enough force on all 4 current maps already. Adding more maps won’t help that, at all.

No need to run more than 4 maps.. Just develop some new ones. No reason to have 3 identical maps in WvW.. They could develop one new map at a time and start rotating them into the WvW lineup at reset each week to make things more interesting.. No reason the EBG map couldn’t have a similar map rotation also.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mattargul.9235


At this point, everyone would be happy enough with any new maps. Even flawed ones (favorable, or unfavorable to one side, walls you can walk through, etc) would be acceptable if the flaws would get ironed out in the next matchup or the one after.

Maybe do a competition where people would draw up maps and your WvW team would evaluated them. Give themes to maps, like an all wooded map, map without keeps, pop cap of 30, etc. Then mock-up the most promising ones and drop them into WvW rotations.

If you are concerned you’ll get 5,000 maps, 90% done in crayon and nailpolish on napkins and waxpaper, just invite several of the largest WvW guilds from each server. Yea, that’d be a bit elitist, but the big WvW guilds are probably most aware of what works/is fun/sucks in WvW maps. You could also use these guilds as go-betweens and have them take submissions from other people on the server.

Dances with Leaves – Guardian – Sanctum of Rall (SoR)

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: SlothBear.9846


I’m not sure why the maps even need to be balanced. Just give the easiest to defend map to the lowest ranked server in the matchup, and the hardest to defend to the highest ranked server. Should make things more interesting at least if you have to delve through a bunch of easily defended narrow cave tunnels to dig out the low ranked server but the higher ranked one is like, one tower made of marshmallows. Or something in between I dunno.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice of Dragons.1637

Ice of Dragons.1637

would like to se some sky/sea battles

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paz Shadow.9715

Paz Shadow.9715

each server should have their own unique bl, would play in nicely with the different variation of match ups now

Green Eye of Grenth | PR Officer | JQ

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


There shoul also be maps designed for players who doesn’t like that zerg mentality, or maps to even out and stop the abuse of OP builds. Like.. a map with rocky edges and cliffs and mountains. Imagine how hard it would be for a thief to maintain their stealth. You’d have to excel in stealthing to be rewarded. Just a thought.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Yes please, new maps with different architecture that are already in game. Every borderland should be different too, even though it would create some complains (e.g. “easy-mode play when you have best spawn”).

Wouldn’t it make sense for the home server to have an advantage for their own maps though? Not the whole map, just maybe garri or the top half of towers/camps…

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: gennyt.3428


New maps, yes. more maps, no. Randomize maps on a monthly basis.

Whispers with meat.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bogey.5423


Wouldn’t it make sense for the home server to have an advantage for their own maps though? Not the whole map, just maybe garri or the top half of towers/camps…

It does make sense. I was being facetious about it that some might complain that they got the hardest home borderland if borderlands were in fact different. Now with random map rotation though it really should not be an issue. Not that I think someone would make maps that would blatantly favor one invading server.


It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noroz.9527


I’d like to have the maps being like this:

Green BL – Forest map
Blue BL – Water map
Red BL – Fire map

When I say water map, I don’t mean 100% water, I mean water inbetween everything so open field combat has a big chance of being in water, etc.

Commander Noroz Vi Britannia
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’d like to have the maps being like this:

Green BL – Forest map
Blue BL – Water map
Red BL – Fire map

When I say water map, I don’t mean 100% water, I mean water inbetween everything so open field combat has a big chance of being in water, etc.

holy crap! I really like that idea tbh +1
Then we can change EB to one big open battlefield. Team deathmatch ftw!

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


who builds a tower 200m away from only entrance to north part of map???

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice of Dragons.1637

Ice of Dragons.1637

I’d like to have the maps being like this:

Green BL – Forest map
Blue BL – Water map
Red BL – Fire map

When I say water map, I don’t mean 100% water, I mean water inbetween everything so open field combat has a big chance of being in water, etc.

+1 but i would change the water to water/ice it has a bit more potential for the land battles

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


The most annoying in the borderlands is that when you are “defender”, you have to run all the way down from the top keep to get to the action.

I’d also love to have all three borderlands being different.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I would love to see them in the open world in a more fractions-like way and having the ability to not only capture keeps and camps but also area’s and then have no weekly reset but you keep it until the enemy captures it again.