Item Suggestions

Item Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Granitehands.4698


Hello! Shieldsaint of Desolation. I’ve been around since GW1 as well as the beta weekends. After reflecting on the past year and odd months, This is what I would like to see:

First, some sort of land-use polearm-type weapon. I’m not too picky. Glaives, halberds, naginata, etc etc. There are a few loading screen art that depict spears, and they tease me.

Second, more cultural armors. Generally, I enjoy the armors. Playing through recently with a Norn Ele has shown me that few of the armors fit his culture. It seems many of the light armor are more tailored made to Humans. Specifically, the shaman armor that the npcs wear would be an excellent addition (for example, see Shaman’s Rookery npcs).

And, as always, I wouldn’t mind Canthan themed weapons.


Main: Shieldsaint
Server: Desolation
Guild: Sword Art Online [SAO]