Juggernaut Graphics

Juggernaut Graphics

in Suggestions

Posted by: AjoraOaks.3659


I noticed earlier that sometimes my juggernaut would have the quicksilver splash effect effect bug after I attacked and the drip/splashy quicksilver effect would continue to pour out as a sort of weapon trail as I ran. As I watched I noticed how much cooler it looked this way and I began to wonder why can’t this be the way it really looked normally.
Juggernaut is a really cool legendary but sometimes I don’t even feel the weapon itself looks very special at all compared to the twilight/sunrise/bifrost at least.

Anyways, just a suggestion, but I think a quicksilver weapon trail for running would add more appeal to the weapon.

Juggernaut Graphics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Juggernaut is awesome but there’s a few minor graphical issues that I wouldn’t mind being sorted out. There’s yours. The only other one worth mentioning here alongside yours is that back pieces don’t get the chrome effect, which makes me want to take mine off. See http://i.imgur.com/rbLVmBX.jpg

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Juggernaut Graphics

in Suggestions

Posted by: AjoraOaks.3659


good point, I would figure back pieces would go chromatic as well. Managed to make the bug happen again pretty easily, here’s a screenshot of what it looks like while running around. http://i.imgur.com/iyerJi9.jpg I think it looks pretty good, even the moa likes it.