"Jump-start" characters.
I feel it’s fine the way it is. You need to learn how to play the class, and not to mention you’re missing your personal story. I hate to say it, but I don’t think this idea would ever, ever, eeeeee-ever make it into an MMO setting.
I hate to say it, but I don’t think this idea would ever, ever, eeeeee-ever make it into an MMO setting.
Its already in WoW.
Deathknights start at level 70 or 75 after you reach that level for the first time. Any deathknights you create after that point can start at level 75. i cant remember exactly the level, its been too long thank god.
(edited by Dr Anthrax.4723)
Against. First, you do realise the story changes? Never mind race, if you choose different answers in your character creation, you will get different quests. I thought that stuff was just cosmetic, until I started running a second human through. The first one was a noble who whose sister was… the second was a commoner for whom the circus…. Second, as Vox says. Power-levelled players are invariably crap because they don’t know what they’re doing.
Essentially, the content is not the same every time unless you keep picking the same race & the same options every time. It’s rather subtle, and rather good!
I feel it’s fine the way it is. You need to learn how to play the class, and not to mention you’re missing your personal story. I hate to say it, but I don’t think this idea would ever, ever, eeeeee-ever make it into an MMO setting.
Its already in WoW.
Deathknights start at level 70 or 75, i cant remember, its been too long thank god.
Death Knights are also a “prestige” class designed with an entirely different start in mind from the beginning of their development. They are an exception, and they don’t properly defend your suggestion.
Edit: And they start at level 55, and by the time they finish their starting instance, they are 58 or 60. I can’t recall exact numbers.
(edited by Cinder.4865)
I feel it’s fine the way it is. You need to learn how to play the class, and not to mention you’re missing your personal story. I hate to say it, but I don’t think this idea would ever, ever, eeeeee-ever make it into an MMO setting.
Its already in WoW.
Deathknights start at level 70 or 75, i cant remember, its been too long thank god.
Death Knights are also a “prestige” class designed with an entirely different start in mind from the beginning of their development. They are an exception, and they don’t properly defend your suggestion.
Edit: And they start at level 55, and by the time they finish their starting instance, they are 58 or 60. I can’t recall exact numbers.
inception quote started.
ok, os maybe a jumpstart PvE character isn’t the best. I honestly had forgot how death knights worked 100%.
But perhaps a PvP only character, or a WvW/PvP only character like GW1? That seemed to work fine.
PvP starts you at rank 1 regardless and all stats for everybody are always the same no matter what that rank is. So you can make a PvP only character if you want, but they aren’t going to give you an unearned rank for that character.
Don’t you get jacked up to level 80 for PvP anyway?