Jumping physics
It’s not a game anymore when it gets too real. Imo, I think it’s boring a limiting if you can’t adjust jumps in mid-air. And realism != best game always. I understand your point, but there are far more ridiculous things to address if you want to start a jumping. I don’t see how it would make the game feel better at all.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
I guess changing direction while jumping is only fair considering the incredible number of invisible walls you have to go around.
Stupid, stupid invisible walls.
Oh and don’t forget that ridiculous camera bounce!
I think there are quite a few jumping puzzles that would have to be redesigned if this were done, but I agree that it seems wrong to be able to wiggle around in mid-air.
I think its fine, I believe the obsidian sanctum jumping puzzle in eternal battlegrounds even requires some of the jumps to be redirected in midair. And no, this game doesn’t have a lot of realism, I’ve found myself staring at golems(and even let myself get killed) just to watch them flying through water more than once. If you add this, then you would need to add ledge grabbing(which would be freaking sweet, zelda anyone?). Try rolling an engineer and grab a rifle. Rifle jump really kills the difficulty of any jumping puzzle and even allows shortcuts in a lot of them. Personally, they need to make more puzzles like the clock tower where it disallows skills, or the dark room, which resricts skills since you’re pretty much required to have a torch.
think of all the jumping puzzles based on that thing that you want to “fix”.